#in all seriousness


Things I think of regularly

- Damian is half Middle Eastern/Arab?? I feel like a vast majority of the fandom (specifically the ◻️ population ) chooses to forget this and write it out of headcanons and fanfics not to mention the white washing…

- Middle Eastern culture specifically the food is something I know Damian holds on to dearly (which is canon) and I think he introduces his brothers and sisters/ others to it.

- Same goes w Dick, who basically had his whole ethnic cultural background erased he’s ethnically half Romani and I think that should be talked about more. And if u know anything about history you know why it’s problematic to erase this part of his character

- Cass and Duke as well for extremely obvious reason

- I just think it’s incredibly important to recognize the cultural differences of the POC and marginalized groups in the DC universe because let’s be honest if it weren’t for them would people still be that interested in a white man part of the 1% running around “fighting crime”

- Damian, Duke, and Cass calling Bruce a colonizer is honestly the funniest thing to me

I’ve said a lot of this stuff before but I think some people ( *cough* ◻️ Americans) still need to be reminded of it frequently.

EDIT: these are not things I’m going to debate ESPECIALLY with nonPOC. You have some nasty racist shit to say? You’re getting blocked.

EDIT TO EDIT 2(wow): @hillshollow explained that the dc creators did make Bruce ethnically Jewish (don’t get on me I know that he is not practicing but that doesn’t erase his ethnic identity)!! So everything I said down below involving antisemitism applies to him and his mother.

Some other DC characters that are firmly canonly Jewish: Both Hal Jordan and Harley Quinn are Jewish and there is intentional erasure of their cultural/religious identities as well throughout the DC fandom and comics which if u didn’t know is absolutely anti-semitism.

When you’ve been single for way too long and gotta start lying to yourself about why that is:

teachglobalsoundart:Part of my series of final projects at Ringling College of Art + Design. Andre


Part of my series of final projects at Ringling College of Art + Design.

Andrea Roca, 3rd year Illustration major, decided to create an update on the myth of Cupid and Psyche for Classical Mythology in Literature, Art and Music. For her character designs, she stated that she tried to play off of Cupid’s pride and Psyche’s shyness. The final illustration zeroes in on the blindfolded moments of tenderness between the two lovers. 

The concept was what made it so strong. Great work!

Post link


IS THIS THE COMEBACK OF AXE ACE yes I’m choosing to ignore the tombstone for a moment

The tombstone has a heart so death of love? Defeating frozen heart killer? Because…because…I KNOW ACE ISNT ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE.
