#incorrect tma quotes


Tim, holding a python: guys I impulsively bought a snake for the archives what should we name him

Jon: I’m sorry you WHAT—

Sasha: Johnny Magnet

A day in the archives

Tim: [tapping his pen rhythmically]

Sasha: [tapping pen back]

Jon: stop it

Tim: sorry?

Jon: you’re talking about me in Morse code! Stop it!

Sasha: Yes, John, that’s what we’re doing. In our very limited free time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form off communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. 

Sasha, later to Martin: yeah that’s exactly what we did

[The S1 TMA gang in the break room]

Tim: is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?

Sasha: yeah I think so

Jon: could be

Martin:doesANYONE in this goddamn archive ever think before they S P E A K?!

Martin: you bought a taco???

Tim: yeah why not

Martin: from the truck that hit Jon???!!!

Tim: I don’t see how starving me is going to help him
