#inquisitorial squad


‘oooo!! then can i request a draco imagine reader is a muggleborn ravenclaw and since her nature is more on the shy side, she usually gets picked on, even though she stands for herself, the bullies are usually bigger than her (have u seen goyle??? omg) so any resistence is useless, and when draco knows about this he defends her?? because he likes her or something Sjsjj idk if this is too long or something :’) thank you!‘

A/N:This request was initially sent as an ask from an anonymous user that I had accidentally posted before it was finished so despite that whole situation, I hope you enjoy this imagine! Sorry for the minorinconvenience. If you have any feedback (good or bad) feel free to message me! I made the reader a little more independent than the request but I hope it fits well enough!

Pairing:Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw/Muggleborn!Reader

Characters:Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle,  Pansy Parkinson

Warnings:Possibly a curse word or two

Word Count: 956

It wasn’t unusual for you to be sitting by the lake on a Saturday rather than running around the castle with your friends. It’s not like you didn’t have any, of course. You had quite a bit of friends, actually. You just preferred not having to deal with their rowdiness, you would rather sit in silence and do something productive. For example, you were currently reading a new muggle book your parents had just sent you. That was until it had been grabbed out of your hand.

You didn’t have to look up to know who it was taken by. For your entire time at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy’s little Slytherin posy had been messing with you every chance they got. Luckily for you, you never actually had any encounters with the Malfoy man himself. You had always wondered why that was, but had just assumed that he would rather spend his time picking on Harry Potter than waste it with you. You had quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you heard the boy hovering over you slam your book shut.

 “I reckon books are just a damned waste of time, don’tcha think, Crabbe?” Goyle questioned, intently studying the cover with a nearly pained looking expression on his face. Crabbe began to answer before Goyle cut him off. “They’re almost as useless as Y/L/N, here,” he stated before chuckling at his own witty remark and tossing the book to the side, “so mudblood, you gonna do something or do you plan on just sitting there looking like an idiot?’ He crouched down next to you and raised an eyebrow. You fought the urge to punch him in his big square face. You refused to get into any trouble, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to gather up enough courage to do so anyways. You had simply huffed and muttered a quiet, “Bug off, Goyle.” He scoffed at your displeasing response and grabbed you by your shirt collar, dragging you upwards as he stood. “That’s really all you’re gonna say?” He smirked, “Real original. I’m so scared.” He replied sarcastically as he roughly let go of your shirt.

 “Malfoy’s father’s right. You mudbloods are truly just little prats who can’t even speak for themselves,” this time Pansy was the one to speak, “I’m sure your muggle parents are just as damned annoying and worthless as you.” You could feel your ears beginning to burn red with anger. Anyone speaking illy of your parents is where you drew the line. “Don’t be so daft Parkinson, you know you’re the only one here with fool parents. The fact that they decided havingyouwas a good idea is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard! No wonder that Malfoy jerk doesn’t even like you, you’re too annoying for even that buffoon to think about dating you. Now that I think about it, you and idiot Crabbe over there would be a great couple!” You quickly spat at her, you were surprised at how blunt you were towards her but decided not to show it.

She was obviously furious at your outburst and began to shout back at you some choice words before she was cut off by a certain blonde Slytherin. “Oi Pansy, would you shut up for once! She’s right, ya know. You’re quite the prat. Now I’d prefer if you’d stay the hell away from her. She’s obviously about to beat your arse and I reckon she’d win in a duel against you in a heartbeat.” He snarled and pushed past her straight towards you. “You three, leave, now.” He demanded towards the other Slytherins before they all quickly walked away, not wanting to be on his bad side. “Sorry about them,” he turned back to you and slightly smiled before quickly switching back to his signature smirk, “are you alright?” He queried. You furrowed your eyebrows, surely he’s not actually showing an interest in your well being. You just simply nodded and began to walk away from him, but you didn’t get very far before he grabbed your arm. You quickly turned back around and raised one eyebrow looking from his hand on your arm back to his face.

As soon as you looked at him he had completely lost all chill and began stuttering profusely before suddenly shutting up and letting go of your arm. He pulled his other arm from behind his back and in it was your book. You had completely forgotten about it until now and you were very confused as to why he was giving it to you. “Uhm, thanks, Malf- er, Draco..” You muttered quietly as you took your book out of his hand. He nodded and just before you turned away once more he spoke, “I’ve been telling them to leave you alone, ya know,” he sputtered quickly as you slowly looked up at him, “it was a pretty dick move of them to treat you like that. I’m sorry.” You smiled at him, and he hesitantly smiled back.

You didn’t mean to do it, but the sudden rush of happiness and courage that his confession brought you sort of forced you to. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him as tight as possible. He froze before wrapping his arms around your torso. “It’s quite alright, thank you.” You responded softly. Just as you spoke you began to hear the other students crowding inside, meaning it was time for dinner. You let go of him, and as he did the same, you swiftly pressed a kiss to his cheek before skipping off towards the castle.

Let’s just say that Draco spent most of his time in the Great Hall staring at a certain Ravenclaw.


Request rules arehere!
