#hp imagines

mxltifandoms-imagines: “Didn’t you seelp well, guys? You look very tired!”you said watching the twmxltifandoms-imagines: “Didn’t you seelp well, guys? You look very tired!”you said watching the twmxltifandoms-imagines: “Didn’t you seelp well, guys? You look very tired!”you said watching the tw


“Didn’t you seelp well, guys? You look very tired!” you said watching the twins closing their eyes while they walked.  “ if I’m honest, I couldn’t sleep very much due to the nerves but I’m not tired, I’m excited!”  you exclaimed as George nodded and Fred didn’t listen to you.  “I mean, it’s the Quidditch World Cup! We will see the best plaeyers in the world…we’ll see Viktor Krum! You have to be excited!”

“Who has named Viktor Krum?!” an excited Ron asked euphoric.

Post link


1. i know i’ve hurt you
2. i saw you with him
3. everything has been reminding me of you
4. i don’t want to let you go 
5. i’m no good for you
6. don’t lie to me
7. you really made me believe you were mine
8. stop pushing me away
9. you haven’t even looked at me for days
10. who have you been with?
11. no one could ever take my place
12. i hate you, don’t you dare leave me
13. i just want you to be happy
14. is this it? just like that?
15. you’re lying and you know i know
16. is this the last time i’ll see your face?
17. was there ever something i could’ve done?
18. i want you back
19. i’ve been waiting for you my whole life
20. you said you’d never let me go
21. i gave you every piece of me
22. i’m not afraid of you anymore
23. i’ve learnt to live without you
 24. can’t you see what you’ve done
25. please just leave me alone
26. what’s the point?
27. why do you keep bringing this up?
28. do you ever think of me while fucking her?

29. are you jealous?
30. please hold my hand 
31. have you ever kissed anyone before? 
32. are you even real?
33. you’re my person
34. stop interrupting me!
35. i have an idea
36. do you want to spend the night?
37. stay here tonight
38. you look absolutely amazing
39. i can’t sleep
40. can i kiss you now? 
41. am i doing this right?
42. come cuddle
 43. is that blood?
44. are we on a date right now?
45. we’re not just friends and you know it
46. i can’t breath
47. well this is awkward
48. what did you do this time?
49. that’s too sappy, you’re making me want to vomit
50. are you in detention? again? 

i’ll be updating my prompt list tomorrow ! please feel free to send me some requests in the meantime, i always love doing these . <3

be my mistake, draco x reader

pairing: draco malfoy x reader
word count:2,2k
request: Could you write a imagine with Draco based on the song be my mistake - the 1975? I love your writing btw!
summary: to draco, you were nothing but a mistake.
a/n: i ABSOLUTELY love this request and song . as i’m in a very very similar situation, this was fairly easy to write. i did get a little emotional writing this ,,, so i hope u guys enjoy :’) <3
warnings: cheating, slight smut, mention of smut

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

You could stare into his eyes forever. Something about him got you mesmerized, the way his ice blue eyes would sparkle whenever he did something he enjoyed, and the way his lanky finger would play with his silver rings that fit his fingers so perfectly; he never failed to make you weak at the knees. Your fingers intertwined perfectly with his and it was almost like your hands were made to run through his blond hair. You and Draco Malfoy had known each other for years now, and you two had been fooling around for as long as you could remember. It all started off innocently, just seeing each other to enjoy each other’s company. But Draco, later on, became your first everything. Your first kiss, the one who took your virginity, and most importantly; your first love.

You and Draco never really established what your relationship was. As you two grew older, you would start seeing each other purely because of the sex and nothing else. Except, to you, it meant everything. You had fallen head over heels with the taller boy, thinking about him every night and day; wanting to spend every single second with him. But you could tell Draco didn’t feel the same way towards you. The only time you saw him, besides class, was late at night when he would ask you to meet him outside of your common room. You knew it was nothing but him wanting to have sex, but it didn’t matter to you. As long as you got to spend time with him, you were happy.

Even though you knew he wasn’t in love with you like you were with him, your heart broke when he got a girlfriend. He met her at the end of the sixth year, and you were now approaching the end of your seventh year. You expected your relationship with Draco to end when he met her, but to your surprise, it didn’t. Even after the two of them got together, he would still come knocking at your dorm room, falling asleep next to you almost every night. He said it was because she just didn’t pleasure him the way you did, and even though you knew it was wrong, you couldn’t help it. 

‘’I’m just going to use the restroom,’’ You shouted to your friend, placing the glass you were holding in your hand on the table in front of you. As you were soon graduating from Hogwarts, a couple of Slytherins had decided to throw a party to celebrate. Of course, you had decided to go, bringing your friend with you, in hopes that you would see him. To your disappointment, you hadn’t seen him for the whole night. You had been there for a couple of hours now and you were slowly getting bored of the party; your only intention being to see him. You quickly stood up, feeling a little dizzy from all the drinks, making your way through the crowd.

You let out a sigh as you entered the empty room, the music slowly fading away as you got further and further away. You looked at yourself in one of the mirrors, touching up your hair using your hands. As you looked down at your bag you were now holding in your hands, searching for a brush, you heard someone enter the room. Suddenly, you felt a pair of lanky arms wrap around your waist; making you jump. ‘’Hello there,’’ Someone whispered into your ear, nuzzling their face into your shoulder. You quickly looked up at the mirror in front of you again, your whole body relaxing when you realized who it was. ‘’Hello there Draco,’’ You chuckled, your stomach immediately being filled with butterflies as you spotted his blond hair. ‘’You look absolutely stunning tonight Y/N,’’ He mumbled as he pressed a sloppy kiss against your neck, making you slightly tilt your head as you watched him in the mirror. His hands slowly made his way from your waist to your hips, stroking your body using his hands. ‘’I love this dress on you.’’ He mumbled again, pressing another sloppy kiss at the crook of your neck.

Truth was, you had only chosen that specific dress to get a reaction out of him. You smiled as a small blush spread across your cheeks, knowing your plan had worked. You could tell he was drunk, his words being slightly slurred and his hands getting closer to your breasts. His big hands slowly grabbed them, massaging them lightly as he continued to kiss down your neck. You let out a gasp as you turned around, playfully pushing him off you. ‘’Draco!’’ You let out, him stumbling back as he tried to regain his balance. ‘’I’m sorry, you just look too good,’’ He let out, throwing his hand into the air in defense. You let out a laugh as he got closer to you again, a small smile plastered on his lips. He slowly put his hands on your waist again, pulling you closer. You looked up at him as you placed your hands on his chest. ‘’What if someone sees us?’’ You whispered, his eyes scanning your body.

‘’Don’t worry,’’ He mumbled as he leaned down to press a kiss on your neck, your hands leaving his chest as you wrapped them around his neck. ‘’She’s already left.’’ The words made your heart drop, you had completely forgotten about her for a split moment. His touch made you forget the world around you, slipping into your own world. He looked up at you, his eyes glossy as he looked down at your lips. You looked up at him, pulling down using your hands. He pressed his lips against yours, you could taste the alcohol on them but you didn’t mind. You felt one of his hands traveling down your back, grabbing your ass. You let out a small moan as he smirked into the kiss. ‘’How about we leave?’’ He whispered, making you nod as he smacked your ass, making you gasp once again.

Since everyone was too busy partying, no one noticed you and Draco sneaking into his dorm. As soon as he closed the door, his lips were attached to yours once again. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, placing one hand on your waist and using the other one to lock the door behind you. He pressed you against the door, you could feel the bulge in his pants growing as he pressed himself against you. You loved the effect you had on him, knowing no one else could do this to him; not even his own girlfriend. ‘’You really thought you could get away with wearing that, huh?’’ Draco mumbled into the kiss, making you slightly moan as one of your hands found their way to his hair, slightly pulling at it. He pulled away, inhaling as the kiss left both of you gasping for air. You looked at him for a second before smashing your lips against his once again. This time, it was rougher.

His hands pulled at the material of your dress, desperately trying to pull you closer to him. ‘’This dress needs to come off, now,’’ He grunted as he broke the kiss. His hands slowly made their way towards the back of your dress, playing with the zipper. But before he got the chance to pull the zipper down, you grabbed his hands. ‘’Draco, you’re drunk,’’ You mumbled, making him take his eyes off your body as his eyes met yours instead. ‘’C’mon Y/N, I need you so bad,’’ He groaned as his lips found their way back to your neck. You chuckled as you grabbed his cheeks, pulling him back up so he was once again facing you. ‘’As much as I want that, it’s not right,’’ You said with a small smile on your lips.

He looked down at you, furrowing his eyebrows. ‘’Why not? You know how good I could please you,’’ He continued, snatching his head away from your grip; his lips once again meeting your neck. This time, he was slightly sucking on the sensitive skin. As much as you wanted him to continue, you just couldn’t let it happen. ‘’Draco,’’ You let out in a stern voice, once again pulling him away from you. He looked down at you in confusion, licking his lips. ‘’It’s not fair. Not to her,’’ You mumbled. As soon as the words left your lips, Draco let out a groan in annoyance, taking his hands off your waist as he shook his head. ‘’How many times do I have to tell you? She won’t know!’’ He let out, making you regret your words. ‘’But it’s still not right,’’ You whispered, looking away from the taller boy; too scared to maintain eye contact. You could hear him sigh as he walked past you, making you turn around.

There was a long silence. You watched him place his hands over his eyes as he sat down on his bed, rubbing them. ‘’You love her, don’t you?’’ You blurted out. He looked up at you, confusion plastered on his face. ‘’Of course I do.’’ He answered, not taking his eyes off you. ‘’What is this then?’’ You asked, your voice starting to tremble as you spoke. He let out another sigh in annoyance, you could tell he was getting angrier. ‘’Look,’’ He muttered as he slowly stood up once again. ‘’You make me hard,’’ He chuckled as he slowly got closer to you. You watched him carefully. ‘’But she makes me weak.’’

The words stabbed you in the heart. You felt like the world came crashing down as the words left his lips, causing you to take a deep breath. You slowly shook your head, looking down at your feet. ‘’I think this was a mistake,’’ You mumbled, trying your best to hold the tears that were now burning behind your eyelids. ‘’Don’t be silly, Y/N,’’ Draco groaned, placing one of his hands on your cheek. You quickly snatched his hand away, looking back up at him. He stared at you for a moment, his expression empty; taken aback. ‘’Then be my mistake.’’ He let out after a short silence. The whole situation was so ironic, making you chuckle as you shook your head. ‘’No.’’ You said shortly, the tears threatening to fall down your cheek any second. ‘’I shouldn’t have asked you to come.’’ He muttered as he shook his head, turning around once again as he walked towards his bed. You watched him as he took his shirt off, throwing it across the room before he got into bed; pulling the sheets over his lanky body. You watched him turn around, quickly wiping your eyes dry before he could see that you were crying. ‘’Can you at least spend the night?’’

A small smile formed on your lips as you slowly walked towards the bed, sitting down. His back was facing you, your eyes scanning his body. Counting the birthmarks that were splattered all over his back, counting them just like you had done many nights before. There was always the same amount, 7, to be exact. You carefully laid down next to him, turning around you so were facing his back. You slowly wrapped your arm around his waist, trying to pull yourself closer to him. But the boy quickly wiggled out of your grip, making your arm fall down your side again. ‘’I don’t want to hug, I just want to sleep.’’ He muttered, his back still facing you.

You felt the tears well up behind your eyelids once again, shutting your eyes shut as you laid there in silence. You decided it was best not to say anything and just let him go to sleep. You knew this was the last time you would get to spend time with Draco this way, your heart aching as the thought entered your mind. A tear dropped down your cheek, doing your best to hold the sobs back. You let the tears stream down your cheeks as soon as you heard him lightly snoring in front of you, knowing he was asleep. You turned around so you were laying on your back, staring at the ceiling. 

You didn’t sleep that night. The heartbreak kept you awake all night, not that it mattered anyways because you knew you had to get up early so you could leave before everyone woke up. You left early, earlier than usual that morning, not even looking Dracos way one last time as you left his dorm. You knew that if you did, you would just break down crying. But as soon as you entered the halls and couldn’t smell his fragrance anymore, you felt your heart break into a million pieces. You hurried down the halls, tears leaving your eyes as you tried your best to hold the sobs back just like you had done a couple of hours earlier. 

That night was the last time Draco came looking for you late at night; both of you knew it was over. There was nothing left to say or do. The next day you watched how they walked down the halls, hand in hand, laughing. When he walked past you, not even looking your way; that was when you realized it was over. That was when you realized you were nothing but a mistake to him, and it absolutely killed you inside. The feeling of his rough lips pressed against your skin and his fingertips lingering over your bare thighs still remained, leaving you heart broken.

DRACO MALFOY TAGLIST:@recreatiun@purpleskymalfoy@inurealiyah@sslowlikehoneyy@pipppaaaaalouisee@ravenclawbratz@layaa-layaaa@ayannamanor@futureofanthropology@beiahadid@ronmalfoy@beautyffls@llandaaa@lovesickgorls @esolari72 @Juless.worldd @anchoeritic@with-my-soul-and-heart@arandomcitygirl@dracoswifeyyadd yourself to my taglist here !

friends, part 2, draco x reader

pairing: draco malfoy x reader
word count: 2,7k
summary: things suddenly change when your friend, draco, meets someone new.
a/n: part 2 of this imagine !! enjoy <3

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

You hadn’t spoken to Draco in weeks. After he left you standing alone in one of the halls, feeling confused and heartbroken, you couldn’t find the courage to even look in his direction. He slowly started going to the classes you two shared, blaming his absence on ‘more important stuff’. People had been talking about why he hadn’t been attending some classes, some even asked you about it. But no one ever questioned him, everyone just went along with it and eventually just let go of the topic. You on the other hand, just couldn’t let go.

You were still utterly heartbroken. Sure, it had gotten easier being around him without your heart completely breaking or feeling like you were about to burst into tears any second. But the heartbreak always came lingering back at the end of the day, tears escaping your eyes as soon as you laid down in your bed where no one could see you. Hermione had been the first one to find you in the hallways, immediately spotting you crying while looking for you so the two of you could walk each other to class. That day, she swore that she would kill Malfoy one day. As soon as you told Ron and Harry about it, they swore that they would hex him next time they saw him. It took a while for you to talk them out of it, but eventually, you succeeded; even though it took a lot of convincing.

To your surprise, the heartbreak had led you to a new friendship. You had never interacted with Cedric Diggory during your time at Hogwarts even though you two shared a lot of classes together, until now. ‘’I don’t know what to do,’’ You complained, running your hands through your hair as you let out a sigh of annoyance. ‘’There’s no way I’m going to pass this class.’’ You said as Hermione hummed. ‘’Don’t say that,’’ She said, placing her hand on your shoulder. ‘’Why don’t you ask someone to help you out?’’ She asked, tilting her head. ‘’Like who? You’re too busy, Ron absolutely sucks at this subject and I know Harry is too busy as well,’’ You let out, throwing your hands in the air. Hermione looked around the room, scanning the students. ‘’I’ve heard Cedric is quite good at this class.’’ She eventually said, her eyes finding their way back to you. 

After that, you and Cedric became friends. He was more than happy to help you, and eventually, the friendship turned into more than just him helping you study. He would sit with you during breakfast, walk you to all your classes, he would even wait for you after his classes just so he could walk you back to your dorm. But even though he was an amazing friend, you hated to admit the fact that he was nothing but a replacement. Sure, he did all the things Draco would do, but it just wasn’t the same thing. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t let go of him. And you hated yourself for it.

Today was no different. You walked out of your class, already knowing Cedric would be waiting for you just around the corner. A smile formed on your lips as you spotted the dark-haired boy leaning against the wall, his eyes scanning the hallways. A big smile formed on his lips as he spotted you as well, walking towards you. ‘’Hello there Y/N,’’ He greeted you as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into a warm hug. You wrapped one of your arms around his neck, the other one holding your books. ‘’Hello Cedric,’’ You let out, holding onto him tightly. ‘’Do you mind me helping you out with those?’’ He asked as he pulled away from the hug, looking down at the books you were holding in your arms. ‘’Please.’’ You laughed as you handed him your books. He gave you a warm smile as you started walking down the halls.

You had to admit, Cedric was attractive. You knew every girl at Hogwarts thought the exact same thing, some girls had even tried giving him a potion that would make him fall in love with them. The first time Cedric told you about it, you couldn’t help but laugh. Who could blame them? He had everything a girl could possibly want. An amazing smile, his piercing eyes, and a charming personality. Yet, you just couldn’t let yourself fall for him. Any girl would fall head over heels for him if they were in your position, but you just couldn’t do it. Somewhere in your mind, the thought of Draco one day coming back to you still lingered and it was absolutely crushing you. 

The yellow scarf was hanging from his neck, complimenting his skin tone. His cheeks were slightly red from the cold, causing you to assume he had been waiting outside your classroom for quite some time. The school would get quite cold during the winter, the cold air easily slipping through the cracks of the walls causing you to shiver. ‘’Are you cold?’’ You asked, looking up at your friend. ‘’Can you tell?’’ He laughed as he placed one of his hands on his cheek, making you laugh. He smiled at you, not taking his eyes off you. ‘’Hey Y/N,’’ He let out after a short silence, slowing down. ‘’Yeah?’’ You replied, raising one of your eyebrows as you waited for him to continue his sentence. ‘’Who are you going with?’’ He asked as he stopped walking completely. ‘’To the ball, I mean.’’ He continued. You let out a small chuckle, shaking your head. ‘’No one has asked me yet,’’ You answered, knowing it was a lie. The truth was that the person you wanted to ask you hadn’t asked you yet. ‘’Well in that case, would you like to go with me?’’

The question made you raise both your eyebrows as you stared at the boy in front of you. He stared back at you, waiting for an answer. You inhaled the cold air as you looked away from his gaze for a second, thinking about the question. You knew Draco wasn’t going to ask you. The hope slowly faded away as you looked back at your friend, a smile forming on your lips. ‘’There is no one I’d rather go with, Cedric,’’ You said, a big smile immediately forming on his lips. He was quick to wrap his arms around you, pulling you into another warm hug. You let out a giggle as you hugged him back, closing your eyes. It was time to let go.

The word spread around Hogwarts faster than you could’ve imagined. The next morning when you walked into the Great Hall to eat breakfast, all eyes were on you. You looked around in confusion, quickly spotting Cedric sitting at the Hufflepuff table. He was sitting with his friends, all of them eventually spotting you as well. As soon as they saw you, they started tugging at Cedric; then it hit you. A blush crept up on your cheeks as you quickly looked away, realizing they must’ve heard that he was taking you to the Yule Ball. Your eyes scanned the room, suddenly locking with a pair of grey ones. 

Your heart stopped beating for a second. The blond boy was staring at you from across the room, an empty expression on his face. This was the first time in weeks you had actually seen Draco like this and you were not expecting it to happen any time soon, especially not now. You took a deep breath as you quickly looked away, tears filling your eyes as your heart started to ache once again. You started walking towards your friends, deciding that the best thing to do right now was just to avoid him and his gaze; even though you could feel his eyes burning into your back as you walked away.

‘’Cedric Diggory, the man himself!’’ Ron let out as you sat down beside him. ‘’The infamous Diggory,’’ Harry continued his friend’s sentence, a smile on his face. ‘’How did you do it?’’ Ron asked, looking at you with a big smile. You let out a chuckle, shaking your head. ‘’It’s a secret.’’ You smirked, making both Harry and Ron holler as Hermione let out a small laugh. ‘’I was starting to worry that you wouldn’t even go Y/N,’’ Hermione let out, you could hear the worry filling her voice. She had been extremely worried about you since the incident with Draco, constantly checking up on you. You gave her a reassuring smile as you placed your hand on her leg. ‘’Of course Hermione, I would never miss the ball.’’ You smiled, her smiling back at you as she nodded. You placed your arms on the table, slipping into your own world as your friends continued talking about the ball. You slowly looked the direction where Draco was sitting, but he was nowhere to be seen.

‘’Excuse me,’’ You suddenly heard a voice say behind you, making you slightly jump. You turned around, hesitating to do so. As soon as you spotted the person standing behind you, your heart dropped. There he was, standing right in front of you. ‘’You need to leave Malfoy.’’ Hermione quickly said, her fists clenching as she spoke. ‘’That’s not a very nice way to greet me, is it, Granger?’’ Draco hissed, a smirk on his face as he looked Hermione’s way. You could see Hermione looking your way, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look up from your lap. ‘’What do you want?’’ Harry scoffed. Draco looked his way before slowly looking over at you once again. ‘’I came to talk to Y/N.’’ He grunted, your heart dropping as he said your name. ‘’No, absolutely not,’’ Hermione exclaimed, quickly standing up as she shook her head. 

‘’I’m afraid it’s not your choice,’’ Draco chuckled, looking down at the shorter girl. ‘’So, Y/N, may I have a word with you?’’ He asked once again, looking back at you who was still sitting down. ‘’You don’t have to talk to him Y/N,’’ Hermione quickly said as her gaze met yours. ‘’Granger! Just stop talking already,’’ Draco hissed in annoyance. ‘’It’s okay Hermione, I’ll go talk to him.’’ You let out, giving her a small smile. She could see the sadness filling your face, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it so she just sat back down after a few moments of silence; letting out a huff in annoyance. You stood up, not daring to look up at Draco, scared that you would burst into tears. He grabbed your arm as he pulled you out of the room, just like he had done that day.

He eventually stopped walking as you reached a spot where no one could see or hear you, the lump in your throat growing bigger and bigger. You knew what had happened last time he wanted to talk, so you didn’t expect this to go down any differently; preparing yourself for another heartbreak. ‘’Cedric Diggory, huh?’’ He let out after a short silence. You could feel his presence in front of you, still not daring to look up at him. He placed his hands in his front pockets as a small sigh escaped his lips. ‘’Could you at least look at me?’’ He asked after another short silence. You inhaled some of the cold air before looking up at him, your eyes meeting his grey ones once again. ‘’Is it true that Diggory is taking you to the ball?’’ He asked, not taking his eyes off you. ‘’Yes,’’ You let out as Draco scoffed, shaking his head and he broke the eye contact. ‘’I’ve seen the two of you around,’’ He continued, making you raise one of your eyebrows in confusion. ‘’I see the way he looks at you.’’ He mumbled. ‘’We’re just going as friends.’’ You quickly mumbled, making him let out another scoff. ‘’Friends? Sure.’’ He scolded as his eyes met yours once again.

‘’I don’t see why it matters to you,’’ You eventually said. You were confused as to why he even cared, it wasn’t like he was planning on taking you anyways. ‘’I just care about you, that’s all,’’ Draco answered, causing you to chuckle. ‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ You asked, folding your arms. ‘’He’s just not a good guy Y/N,’’ He continued, making you gasp. You stared at him, disappointment filling your eyes. ‘’How dare you even say that?’’ You exclaimed, feeling the anger building up as you defended your friend. ‘’It’s not like you’re any better!’’ The words slipped out of you before you could stop yourself, slowly regretting what you had just said. ‘’You and Pansy truly do belong together, both of you are just as blind and ignorant.’’ You huffed before turning around to walk off, not wanting to say anything else; afraid it would only make the situation worse. 

Before you had the chance to walk away, you felt Dracos cold hand wrap around your wrist once again, pulling you back. ‘’Excuse me?’’ He snapped, anger filling his voice. ‘’Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about!’’ You snapped back at him, shaking your head. ‘’I made it so obvious,’’ You continued, getting more and more upset as you spoke. ‘’Yet you were the one who broke my heart Draco, not Cedric!’’ You exclaimed. ‘’Made what obvious?’’ Draco barked, furrowing his eyebrows in anger. ‘’That I like you stupid!’’

With that being said, Draco slammed his lips against yours. You had no idea what do to, feeling paralyzed as his hand grabbed your cheek, pulling you closer to him. The kiss was raw, filled with emotions as you slowly relaxed into his touch. You slowly placed your hand on his chest, grabbing onto the fabric. He slowly pulled away, leaving you confused. ‘’What?’’ You whimpered as his forehead touched yours. ‘’Can’t you see?’’ He breathed. ‘’It was always you,’’ He let out as his hand caressed your cheek. You furrowed your eyebrows. ‘’But, Pansy,’’ You mumbled, shaking your head. Draco let out a chuckle, shaking his head as well. ‘’Why do you think she didn’t want me around you?’’ He asked, looking down at your small figure compared to his. ‘’But you treat her so differently,’’ You whispered, looking into his eyes. ‘’Only because I didn’t know how to treat you, knowing that I liked you.’’ He answered.

You had no idea what to say or do. His words felt unreal, almost like it wasn’t true. ‘’But,’’ Draco said, his hand slowly leaving your cheek. The cold feeling of his silver rings left your skin, making you ache for his touch. ‘’I understand if you’re with Diggory now.’’ He said, disappointment lingering in his voice. ‘’I mean, it’s my fault isn’t it?’’ He chuckled, looking down at you. You quickly grabbed his hand before he let it fall down his side, placing it back on your cheek. ‘’Please just kiss me,’’ You whispered, your eyes meeting his once again. He looked at you for a moment before leaning down to press his soft lips against yours once again, your heart slowly being filled with warmth as you pulled him closer.

‘’I couldn’t stand the way he looks at you,’’ He whispered as he pulled away. ‘’The way he stared at you from across the room.’’ You shook your head as the words left his lips. ‘’I was hoping it was you that was staring,’’ You let out, making him chuckle. ‘’You already know I was.’’ He gave you half a smile as the words left his mouth, pulling you into his chest. You closed your eyes as his long arms wrapped around you, finally feeling safe and sound. ‘’I think I have someone to go break up with,’’ He whispered into your ear, making you slap his arm lightly. ‘’You better.’’


friends, part 1, draco x reader

pairing: draco malfoy x reader
word count:2,2k
summary:things suddenly change when you friend, draco, meets someone new.
a/n:this is the first time i post in a very long time, i’m so very sorry ! i hope this is okay and that u enjoy reading it. part two will be out very very soon <3 ! (i’m so sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes) READ PART 2 HERE

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

You could see Draco perfectly from where you were sitting. His blond hair was falling over his forehead, his hands placed on the table in front of him; playing with one of his silver rings as he spoke to the person sitting next to him. You sat down across the room, along with your friends. You had been friends with Draco for quite some time now, and at this point it was getting hard for you to deny the crush you had developed on him over time. It was getting obvious, everyone seemed to notice, even your friends. Everyone buthim.

‘’What you staring at Y/N?’’ Rons sudden voice made you snap out of your thoughts, quickly looking his way. You felt a small blush creep upon you cheeks as Hermione shook her head in disapproval. ‘’What do you think, Ronald?’’ She let out in annoyance, looking up from the book she was holding in her hands. ‘’She’s obviously staring at Malfoy.’’ She continued, making you slap her arm lightly. ‘’I wasn’t staring!’’ You let out, a desperate try to defend yourself. ‘’Whatever you say.’’ She said under her breath, rolling her eyes. ‘’You know,’’ Ron let out, his mouth stuffed with food. ‘’I just can’t understand how you’re friend with someone like him.’’ He said, looking Dracos way as he picked his plate using his fork. 

To be honest, you didn’t even know why you had fallen for the blond boy. Draco was known for his horrible ways, always picking on everyone, even you. But things changed as you got to know him, when you got to see the other side of him; the side people barely ever saw. He was actually quite a gentleman to the people he knew, he would always help you with your homework or invite you to hang out. Sure, he still had his moments where he could be really horrible, but as time passed that side slowly went away whenever he was around you. ‘’I don’t understand either,’’ Harry let out. ‘’You’ve seen yourself the way he acts.’’ You let out a small chuckle as your eyes found their way back to Draco. ‘’I wish I had an answer to your question Ron, but sadly I don’t.’’ You answered, making Ron scoff as he continued to eat his food. ‘’Enough about Draco,’’ Hermione said as she shut her book close, placing it on the table in front of her. ‘’Who are you planning on taking to the Yule Ball, boys?’’

The Yule Ball was coming up. Everyone was excited about it, especially Ron and Harry, their only chance to interact with a girl. You on the other hand, weren’t too excited. Some boys had already aksed you to the ball, which you had politely declined; in hopes that Draco would ask you. You knew it wasn’t going to happen, but you couldn’t help yourself from hoping that he would surprise you and ask you. ‘’Harry’s definietly taking Cho.’’ Ron said, a small smirk forming on his face. ‘’I haven’t even asked her yet!’’ Harry let out, looking around to make sure no one had heard his friend. You let out a small laugh as your eyes found their way back to Draco once again. He was now busy eating the food that was on the plate in front of him, making small conversation with the people around him.

That was when she sat down next to him. Pansy Parkinson. You knew Draco and the girl had always been friends, you had seen the two of them together before you became friends with Draco. But recently, you noticed that something changed between the two of them. They suddenly seemed very close, constantly hanging around each other. But most importanly, you noticed how Draco would change whenever he was around her. As soon as she entered the room, a smile would form on his lips as he always greeted her with a big hug. He would always act friendly around you, but never the way he acted around her. The smile on your lips slowly faded as he greeted the dark haired girl with a hug, like he always did. Suddenly, he placed his hand on her thigh. He probably thought no one noticed, but from where you were sitting you could see his hand under the table. Your heart dropped as you quickly looked away, not daring to continue looking. ‘’Y/N? Has anyone asked you yet?’’ Hermione asked you, making you look down at your lap. ‘’No,’’ You lied, playing with your fingers. ‘’Really?’’ Ron let out, sounding surprised. ‘’I wouldn’t worry about it too much, I’m sure someone is going to ask you soon.’’ Hermione gave you a comforting smile as you gave her a small smile back. You let out a small hum, picking up your fork.

After that, things changed. You hadn’t spoken to Draco in what felt like days, and it was driving you crazy. Sure, you had feeligns for him and it broke your heart not seeing him, but you were also afraid that you were losing him as your friend. It was unusal for Draco not to speak to you at least once a day, you two had a couple of classes together after all. But lately you hadn’t even seen him  in class, your eyes searching for him in every class; looking for his bright blue eyes. To your disappointment, you never spotted him. ‘’Maybe Cedric will take you to the ball,’’ Ron said as you sat down on the cold grass next to him. ‘’Cedric?’’ You asked, confusion lingering in your voice. After you had told them no one had asked you to the ball a few days back, Ron hadn’t stopped talking about it. ‘’Diggory,’’ He continued, looking the opposite direction. Your eyes followed his, spotting the Hufflepuff sitting a few feet away. You let out a laugh as you shook your head. ‘’What makes you think that?’’ You asked, Hermione sitting down next to you. Ron shrugged as he looked back at you. ‘’Just giving you some options.’’ 

It was a cold day out. You had came outside with Ron and Hermione between one of your classes to take some fresh air, the cold air immediatly hitting your warm face as you stepped outside. You wrapped your coat around your body tighter, a desperete try to warm yourself up as you felt your whole body shiver. You looked around, studying the other students. It seemed like you weren’t the only one who had came out here as the whole courtyard was filled with students. That’s when you spotted him. You eyes immediatly became bigger as you quickly stood up. ‘’I’ll catch up with you guys later,’’ You mumbled, making your friends look at you in confusion. They quickly spotted the blond boy, making Hermione sigh. ‘’Off she goes.’’ She shook her head as she watched you walk off in a hurry.

‘’Draco!’’ You called out, getting closer and closer to him. He quickly turned around, his face slowly turning into a small smile has he spotted you. ‘’There you are,’’ You smiled as you wrapped your arms around the taller boy. He lightly hugged you back, quickly letting his arms fall to his sides. Your smile faded away and was replaced by a frown. You let go of the boy and looked up at him. ‘’Where have you been?’’ You asked, raising your eyebrows. ‘’What do you mean?’’ He asked, placing his hands in his pockets. ‘’I just haven’t seen you in ages,’’ You continued, not taking your eyes off him. He looked around, trying his best to avoid eye contact. ‘’I’ve just been busy.’’ He let out, still avoiding eye contact. ‘’With what exactly?’’ You asked once again, feeling your heart drop as you spoke. He let out a sigh in annoyance before grabbing your arm, walking off with you behind him.

You stumbled after him, confusion plastered all over your face. ‘’Where are we going?’’ You asked as you entered the school once again. The hallways were almost empty, everyone either waiting for the class to begin or hanging out with their friends outside. ‘’We need to talk.’’ He mumbled as he continued walking down the halls. He suddenly stopped walking, letting go off your arm; his cold hand leaving your skin. He turned around so he was facing you once again with a frown on his face. You looked at him, waiting for him to say something. His cheeks were red from the cold, his blue eyes brighter than ever. ‘’You know I’m with Pansy now, right?’’

The words made you feel sick. For a moment, you had no clue what to say. You opened your mouth to speak, but not a single word came out. ‘’Oh,’’ You let out after a short silence, him not taking his eyes of you. You could hear the hurt in your own voice, letting out a cough in order to try cover it up. ‘’Oh!’’ You let out again, this time trying your best to sound as happy as you possibly could. ‘’I’m so glad for you two, I mean, I can see the way she looks at you,’’ You said, forcing a smile; trying to convince him you were telling the truth. ‘’But,’’ you continued, the smile slowly fading. ‘’Is that what you wanted to talk about?’’ You asked. Draco let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair, looking away from your gaze. ‘’That’s why you haven’t seen me around, Y/N.’’ He muttered. You raised your eyebrows, failing to understand what he meant. ‘’Well, I understand if you want to hang around her and stuff, it’s just that I haven’t even seen you in class,’’ You continued, doubt filling your voice. ‘’You don’t understand,’’ He let out in annoyance, interrupting you. ‘’She doesn’t want me to hang around you anymore.’’

It took you a while to procress the words that had just left his mouth. You just couldn’t seem to understand what he meant by his words, leaving you confused. ‘’What?’’ You asked, meeting his gaze. ‘’And if that’s what she wants, that’s what I’m going to do,’’ He continued, not taking his eyes of you. You stared at him for a moment, trying to find the right words. You could tell he was trying to read your face, trying to understand what you were feeling. ‘’Have you been avoiding me?’’ Your voice was low, you could barely hear yourself speak. ‘’I’m sorry Y/N.’’ He mumbled under his breath, almost like he didn’t want you to hear him apologize. You felt the tears starting to well up behind your eyelids.

All this time, he was avoiding you. He wasn’t just missing classes because he was ill or something like that, he had been missing them because you were there. You held back your tears, looking down at the ground as you didn’t want him to see how his words affected you. ‘’So you mean we can’t even be friends?’’ You let out, your voice almost cracking. ‘’I’m afraid we can’t,’’ He spoke. ‘’But we were barely ever friends anyways, so it shouldn’t really matter.’’ He continued. The words made you chuckle, your heart breaking. His voice was so monotone, not a single emotion lingered in his voice. He didn’t even seem upset. ‘’I see,’’ You whispered, still looking down at your shoes. ‘’I’m sorry again, Y/N,’’ He said, fixing his tie as he spoke. ‘’I’ll see you around.’’ And with that being said, he left. He left you standing there, feeling empty. You could hear his shoes hitting the stone floor as he walked off, a tear finally escaping your eye as he could no longer see you. You looked up, watching his figure slowly disapearing as he walked further and further away. Another tear hit your cheek as you closed your eyes. ‘’I should’ve listened to my friends, huh?’’ You whispered to yourself, letting out a small chuckle at the irony of it all. 

All along, you had denyed all the horrible things people had said about him; when in reality, it was all true. You sat down against the wall, letting the tears fall down your cheeks. Maybe he was right, you two were barely even friends. But you couldn’t help but think about the way he had acted around you. He would always act so different around you, throwing his arm around your shoulders or helping you out with the smallest of things. When you had accidently gotten hurt, he was the first to visit you in the hospital wing, even before any of your close friends. You could’ve sworn there was something there, but now, it all just seemed ridiclous. Maybe you just made it all up in your head, maybe you just wanted him to like you back so badly that you started to see things that wasn’t even there. But it didn’t matter, he had broken your heart, badly, without even knowing.


Harry Potter - George Weasley x fem!Reader

Wordcount: 3k

Summary:Series finale! With the business sold, George pursues a friendship. But with a friend like George, and a lover like Rhubarb, what is a woman’s heart to do? 

Series Masterlist//Masterlist

A/N: Apologies this too me years to actually finish. I’m glad it is done, though I do have vision for an epilogue. I love George and I want to do more one-shots with him since this story just lost steam for me. Also since this story is based on You’ve Got Mail, we had to include the final kiss gif! 


“I think that’s the last box,” Patty says from the living room of your new flat. Cardboard and tape cover the floor in a spread that denotes only chaos. You throw the last shipping label onto the package and let out a breath.

“Every last unsold book, boxed and ready to head to a home that needs them,” you smile.

“How you managed to connect with so many schools and children’s programs, I’ll never understand.”

You let out a laugh, “You don’t have to wonder. George reached out to his brother Percy who works at the ministry. He basically just printed me out a list and I sent some letters.”

Patty falls down onto your couch and raises an eyebrow your way.

“Just George now?”

You turn to her with a hand on your hip.

“What’s that question supposed to mean?”

“I’m just saying, that’s a big change from a month ago when he was just Weasley and you said it with such venom I thought you were speaking parseltongue.” 

Heat spreads across your cheeks, and you know Patty sees it. But she isn’t wrong. It’s been a big change in such a short period of time. It started with George showing up the day the closed sign was officially placed on your store, offering any help you might need with moving out the last of your things. At first, it felt a little patronizing, like he was simply trying to get to your space more quickly. But one look at his smile and the way he kicked at the ground, nervous you might say no, made it clear he was really only trying to be helpful. And George has yet to fail you on that front. He moved boxes and furniture. He sat with you over tea as you debated your next step and hunted for a new flat. He used his family of contacts to get these books to new homes. And all of it he did without any air of superiority you always assumed the Weasley twins would have. He was open, honest, kind, funny, distractingly handsome, and worst of all, exactly what you wanted. He wasn’t complacent like Tom. He didn’t fill space the way he seemed to around everyone else. No, with you he gave you space to grow to meet him. He stepped back so you could step forward— always there, always listening, always supportive. And while you could not be sure you were ready for love again, you were having a hard time picturing that future with anyone else.

“Do you just want me to admit it, Patty?”

She smiles sweetly at you, playing with a rogue curl that fell in front of her face. “I’d love nothing more, darling.”

You let out a long sigh, “I’m falling for him, okay? But—”

“No buts, Y/N. None. Life doesn’t happen on some arbitrary timeline. You don’t have to wait some set amount of time to be over Tom—”

You shake your head at her, “I don’t care about Tom. It’s just…”

Patty frowns, her expression confused. “Rhubarb?”

You nod and sit down on a box, your head between your hands.

While George had been everything you wanted in his actions, Rhubarb had been everything you wanted in words. Falling for George meant having to acknowledge the reality that everything George was doing was simply friendship. And if you interpret his actions as more, that wasn’t because he did anything to make it so. Every coffee date ended with a smile, a “See ya later,” and a quick hug, one that didn’t linger and didn’t presume. Sure, maybe some of it was flirting, but George Weasley making a woman laugh was not some great seduction tactic, it was merely George being himself. You were just victim to his naturally charming personality.

But with Rhubarb, there was no guessing. Rhubarb spoke all the things you would love to hear from George’s ears. Words of passion, desire, longing, interest. Words of a man who wished for something real and deep, to know you heart and soul. But he had also stood you up before. Words were nothing without actions.

It was becoming hard to decide where you should invest your energies: the man who is present but may not see you as more than a friend, or the man who is absent but who wants you with conviction. Why couldn’t you have both?

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. With a quick look at Patty, you answered. 

“Sorry for intruding,” George said, his hand running through his hair and the shoulders of his jacket wet from the sudden showers. “But when it started raining, I thought you might need a hand getting those boxes to the train.”

He lifted his face, granting you the sight of that breathtaking smile surrounded by those rosy pink lips and that skin covered in a constellation of freckles. Your hand was raising to touch them before you could stop yourself.

“Y/N?” George asked as your fingers grazed his cheek.

You caught yourself, feeling the awkward intimacy of the moment immediately. Your fingers brushed his soft skin. Your faces were far too close together. Your eyes were locked on each other in curious question. 

Your pulse quickened as you managed to stutter out, “You’ve got some rain on your cheek.” You brushed the invisible droplet with the pad of your thumb, George’s inquisitive eyes trained on you the entire time. And when your finger finally left his cheek, he smiled.

“Told you the rain would be a problem.”

You laughed, and somehow George moved closed. He didn’t pull away, leaving your body electric with the need to touch him again.

Only then did Patty hum.

“George, thank you for helping her. I’ll let you two get to it.”

She walked over and kissed my cheek before slipping out the door behind George. She winked at me as she turned down the sidewalk.

George stepped into my flat fully and took in the boxes. 

“Wow, you really are doing a lot of good. You’re far too kind for this world, Y/N.”

When he turned around, he took me in his arms, making me gasp. He held me tight, his voice close to my ear.

“I know I’ve said sorry a million times, but I hope you know how truly impressed I am with you. You’re gratuitous and giving, hardworking and smart. You’re sassy and sensitive. I know whatever comes next, you’re going to be just amazing.”

He breathed into my neck and suddenly it all snapped. Every feeling of friendship dissipated with that single breath and the goosebumps it created. 

You pulled away, looking up into George’s eyes. Once again, his only shined with curiosity. But when you began moving your face towards his, he didn’t pull away. And when your lips touched, those goosebumps only spread, moving with them a shiver that radiated from your fingers to the very tips of your toes. And when he kissed you back, nothing could have felt more kinetic.

“Y/N…” George whispered against your mouth before pursuing yours once again. And as you met him with the same enthusiasm, you had to pull away. 

George’s eyes grew with confusion as he slowly regained himself, his grip on your back loosening.

“George…” you tried to explain, but there weren’t words yet. 

He gave you a smile, somehow understanding without even needing to hear a word.

“How about I take a few of these boxes and we can talk again tomorrow?”

“That’s… thanks, George.”

You couldn’t even lift your head to watch him leave, but you heard the door close. With a stabilizing breath, you went over to your writing desk. Letters from Rhubarb over the past few weeks littered the top. You read a few, trying to understand the swirling emotions inside yourself.


I thought about you today when I picked up my morning paper. The woman at the counter was reading a book about the Knights of the Round Table— a serious historical breakdown, not the adventures you’ve shared with me. And somehow it seemed so silly that something that could be filled with such magic was being boiled down to facts and figures, devoid of life and meaning. 

It’s kind of like love. You can analyze it forever, work out your pet peeves, your pleasures, take all the right steps to finding the perfect person. But the adventure — the magic — that’s what makes a love story worth reading. 

We may have not had the perfect path. Hell, we may not even be the perfect pair. But you are magic, Cherry. Perfect magic. 

Your Rhubarb.

My sweetest Cherry,

I know things are tough right now. I also know things are incredibly exciting. You have the world ahead of you, and no one is prepared for what you’re going to bring. If you open another store or use your cultural skills with the ministry or try something completely new, you’ll do it because you’re a capable woman. The possibilities are endless and that’s as scary as it is thrilling.

That’s what I felt that night we were supposed to meet. Fear and exhilaration, anxiety and anticipation. What a complicated set of emotions. You stole my heart, you did, but you also took away every safe barrier I’ve ever created for myself to keep the hurt away. 

You are my greatest potential pain. My greatest potential gain. And just like you now, standing at the precipice, there are so many possible directions, some good and some bad, some with joy and some with pain. But knowing joy is possible is a beautiful thing.

Whenever you’re ready, I’m here to take a step off the precipice with you. I’m ready to fall, no matter where we land.

With love,


Tell me Cherry, how are you liking the new apartment? Are you making the space all your own? I can picture your living room filled with your favorite books, but also a ton of materials for hosting others. What does that sentence even mean? What are materials for hosting parties? Pillows? A bar cart? I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it inviting for everyone.

I believe I told you I have quite the large family, and my mother loves to host parties, even though we never have the space for it. Her biggest secret to hosting success is to keep everyone well-fed. I’ll send you a serving tray once you let me know the color scheme you’re going for in the kitchen. Maybe someday you’ll let me attend one of your parties. I can’t wait until the day that I can hold my arms around your waist, kiss your head while you greet guests, telling everyone how delicious your pastries are. I’d be a very proud man having you on my arm. So, so proud.

And even proud now,


With a heavy sigh, you took your quill in your hands. Diomedes rubbed his face into your knuckles, pushing the ink towards the paper.

Dearest Rhubarb, 

Your support over this past month, as my world came crashing down around me, has meant so much. While you haven’t been able to be here in person, the words you have penned have made me feel seen in a way I didn’t realize I needed, that I didn’t realize I had missed for so long. You’ve given me confidence, and for that I am thankful.

But I also must be honest, not having you here in person… it has made it hard for my heart to know what it wants.

Let’s meet. Tomorrow at 6PM in Queen Mary’s Rose Garden in Regent’s Park. I can’t promise anything, but I need to know who you are. I need to see your face. I want to see what could be… I just need to know.



“Fred, god, what do I do?” George screamed at his brother while shaking your note in his hands.

Fred shrugged and stoked the fire. “I told you lying was a bad idea.”

“That’s precious, Fred, when lying is basically the only reason we have a business.”

Bill stood in the corner, looking out the window where your Diomedes had just entered, flying only a couple blocks from your flat. Bill chuckled to himself at the realization that if you had just watched your bird as he flew out into the night, this all would have been solved without any chaos.

“And what’s so funny over there, William?” George asked, his voice still laced with desperation.

“You know I’m going to tell you what I’ve always told you. This isn’t your decision alone. It’s Y/Ns. You have to put yourself out there. If she reciprocates, great. If she’s absolutely fuming and never wants to speak to you again, well, you have to take that, too.”

George fell onto the couch, his arm thrown over his head dramatically. 

“I’m supposed to just walk into that park tomorrow and let the woman I love with every fiber of my being — a woman who just kissed me today and blew my mind with how good she made it feel — just walk away from me forever?”

“If she wants to, yes.” 

George let out an angry grunt before stomping over to his desk.

His quill moved over the paper faster than he thought possible. But he didn’t want to second guess himself. He just had to do it.

My Cherry,

Wear red. And I’ll be carrying my copy of the Merlin Adventures.

See you at 6PM.

All my love,



George hadn’t reached out yet today like he said he would, which was odd for the George you had been coming to know. George was chaos, yes, but only in the frantic way his mind sometimes worked. In the practical, George was consistent and steady, more like a river than a monsoon. Strong and powerful but peaceful and predictable, not nearly what you expected when you first met the twins. 

But maybe not hearing from George was a good thing. It took away a lot of the conflict you felt about today’s meeting. You had feelings for two men in completely different ways. And the feelings for both came with their own complications. Rhubarb was a ghost, a phantom who could mold himself to be just who he needed to be to please you. George was real, warts and all, but a new friend and a previous enemy. It was tenuous at best to assume that George might feel the same way, even if he did reciprocate the kiss. But that could easily be brushed aside. Men like when women kiss them, even if they don’t necessarily want to be emotionally involved with them. 

But god, did you want it. The kisses, the emotions, all of it…

Pulling you from your thoughts was the sound of footsteps. It was close to dinner time now and families could be seen using the park to cut through to their homes for the night, or to play games with friends. A breeze blew through the trees and as you wrapped yourself tighter in your red slip dress, a tweed jacket fell on your shoulders.

“Don’t go catching a cold on me now, Cherry.”

You turned your face upward to spy the warm freckled cheeks and beautiful smile of George Weasley.

“Thank you, George,” you said with a smile, only then processing what he just said.

Your eyes traveled down to his arms, which hold a copy of your favorite book close to his chest.

“It’s you…” Your voice was a whisper. George looked in your eyes, unsure what you would do next. The fear and doubt you saw there hurt.

Soon you were up from the bench and tossing yourself into his arms.

“It’s you,” you breathed into his neck, “Merlin, I had hoped it was you.”

George dropped the book, his arms wrapping snuggly around you as his voice let out the biggest, most beautiful laugh.

“And here I was thinking you were going to punch me in the face.”

He kissed the top of your head and you could feel how unwilling he was to let you go. And all it did was make you hold tighter, cry harder, pull his lips to yours with passion.

“You never stood me up.”

“No, I didn’t. And I never would.”

So many elements of the past few months fall into place. George was both the man with the words and the man with the actions. He was heart, body, and spirit. He was yours, without question. And while something about him spending the day with you in person and writing letters to you at night felt a little mischievous, what was George but mischievous? And what choice had you given him when the one time he tried to reveal himself, you gave him such a strong tongue-lashing that you felt guilty for weeks.

“Rhubarb,” you whispered against his wanting mouth.

“Yes, my love,” he said between kisses.

“Is this the red outfit you were hoping I’d wear?” you lifted your eyes to George in playful question.

“Absolutely not,” he said with a frown.

Before you could speak in protest, he held a hand to your mouth.

“I made dinner plans. Figured we might have something to celebrate. And if we didn’t, I’d have a nice quiet place to drink away my sorrows.”

The corner of George’s mouth lifted roguishly. 

“But this dress, this dress isn’t making me want to take you to a restaurant. It’s making me want to take you home.”

You leaned up to kiss him again. His strong arms lifted you off the ground, glee and peace and sensuality mingling together in a cocktail of overwhelming emotions.

“Take me home, George. Take me home.”


And that’s a wrap all! This isn’t how I initially envisioned the ending. It was planned as 8 episodes, but oh well. I think I like it, and I hope you do too.

Epilogue hopefully out later next week.


All tags:@fangirlandnerd,@aerdnandreaa,@thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian,@whovianayesha,@themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy,@luna-xxxxx,@sleepylunarwolf,@starryrevelations,@potter-thinking,@all-by-myself98,@bananafosters-and-books,@cutie-bug,@igotmadskills​,@hazelandcoconuts​,@yallgotkik​,@amberkay284​,@13ofjuly​,@daft-not-punk​,@sapphireorchid​,@geek-lass​,@ietss​,@garbdump​,

Harry Potter tags: @tessimagines,@0-lost-in-stereo-0,@whysoseriouspadfoot,@eldritchscreech​,@luckyvirgo​,@hellizhelusive2​,@lexrius​,@sapphireorchid​,@amazingwonderlandnapkin​,@garbdump

Perchance a Parchment tags: @cucumberinmyass,@justducky0423,@thequeen-ofnerds,@yuaasa,@comic-creature,@hermionebennet,@semicharmedkindofali,@sugerquill,@can-i-fangirl-yet​,@doct0rstrange,@igotmadskills,@otherthingsinhead,@olixerwxxd,@caramiriel,@gryffinclxw,@lizmar20,@indicisive-af,@confettidreameryouwhoreo-blog,@hellizhelusive2,@kaitsubaki,@dooriha,@justfollowtheroad,@memogorgon,@xxsophie-raabxx,@madamcadaver,@bookscoffeeandracoons


after all this time


pairing/s;fred weasley x fem!reader

warning/s;angst to fluff, mentions of pregnancy and post partum depression

word count;4.4k

summary;fred leaves you on the day you were supposed to tell him that you were pregnant with his child. three years later you see him again, and secrets are unearthed.

a/n;feedback is very, very welcome! i just love reading them aaa this was such a weird thing to write bc i wanted it angst but it’s not angsty enough so watch out for more angst deuces


“i don’t understand, freddie. why are you—”

“[y/n]! that’s enough!” your boyfriend furrowed his brows, blowing out an exasperated breath that had you feeling offended. he ran a hand through his already unkempt hair before meeting your eyes. “don’t you getit? i’m done. we’re done. we’re through.”

there was no emotion behind his words. no meaning. nothing that told you of the two years you’ve spent together. and to be perfectly honest, even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, you expected this. deep down you knew he’d fallen out of love somewhere along the way.

Keep reading


after all this time


pairing/s;fred weasley x fem!reader

warning/s;angst to fluff, mentions of pregnancy and post partum depression

word count;4.4k

summary;fred leaves you on the day you were supposed to tell him that you were pregnant with his child. three years later you see him again, and secrets are unearthed.

a/n;feedback is very, very welcome! i just love reading them aaa this was such a weird thing to write bc i wanted it angst but it’s not angsty enough so watch out for more angst deuces


“i don’t understand, freddie. why are you—”

“[y/n]! that’s enough!” your boyfriend furrowed his brows, blowing out an exasperated breath that had you feeling offended. he ran a hand through his already unkempt hair before meeting your eyes. “don’t you getit? i’m done. we’re done. we’re through.”

there was no emotion behind his words. no meaning. nothing that told you of the two years you’ve spent together. and to be perfectly honest, even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, you expected this. deep down you knew he’d fallen out of love somewhere along the way.

Keep reading

Pairing:Fred Weasley x Reader

Prompt: After being together for years, Fred develops a change of heart.

Warning: Angst, cheating, Fred being a dumbass.



Sometimes love has a weird way of working out. Some would say for the greater good but the more heartbroken bitter people of the world would say otherwise. You used to live by the cliche quote that played over millions of times in sappy romantic movies and classic books citing that if it’s meant to be, it will happen. You never truly understood what you read but you preached it nonetheless. You supposed it wasn’t until you experienced losing what was ‘yours’ that you finally understood those words, and you also changed your thoughts to begin loathing the phrase.

You spent most of your early years bathing in fairy tales and believing in the concept of true love and finding the one before your twenties. Never had you seen this process as obscure or too sudden, of course all the classic princesses were in their late teens when they found their princes, so why wouldn’t you?

To you, Fred Weasley was the living breathing knight in shining armour. He had everything a girl could dream of. Kind eyes, a soft smile, a warming heart, and a one of a kind sense of humor. Fred Weasley was the classic Prince Charming and everyone knew it. You guessed dating him you had naturally assumed you would be the one to take the shoes of Cinderella- or so that was how the story was to go.

No one ever wishes bad things for their relationship. Fred and you had been dating since your second year at Hogwarts. You’d met on the train ride home during the holidays and hit it off immediately. You kept more on the quiet end, which surprised most being a Gryffindor and all. His loud exterior and childish way put a strain on you from the start but as time drifted on, you began to appreciate his ways of life. Fred viewed life as a party rather more than a daily task and it was a new refreshing idea to you. When you date someone for five years you naturally assume you know almost everything about them. You had spent thousands of restless nights up in the Common Room chatting until sunrise about childhood memories, dreams, and fears.

You knew he loved his family more than anything, his favorite season was fall, he had a secret birthmark near the bottom of his back, and hated olives. You soaked up Fred’s words like a sponge absorbing water so when the day came when his words no longer existed, you took note.

Fred was absolutely rubbish at hiding his feelings, he was practically an open book, his face giving away everything and lately things had taken a turn. On your dates to Hogsmeade he stared out the window of The Three Broomsticks looking disinterested and humming as silence settled over. Over the holiday break at his family home Fred was locked away in his room for most of the week and only came down for food or matches of Quidditch with his brothers.

During study sessions together his nose remained buried deep in his book not daring to glance up for anything. Although during meals he was as lively as ever. He would shout down the table- no longer sitting next to you but across- and threw food with his friends laughing like a hurricane. Most of his time was spent blabbering away with Angelina Johnson and George. He seemed to be devoting much of his time to the two nowadays- understandable George but not so much for Angelina.

A jealous pang would run through your bones as you watched your boyfriend whisper in her ear during class and nudge her shoulder exchanging jokes like we had used to do. Our weekend dates ceased to exist seeing as Fred promised to help Angelina with her Quidditch skills every Saturday morning, then go to The Three Broomsticks with George for a Butterbeer. He explained it was for Gryffindor team players only but you weren’t as dumb as he sold you to be. It was obvious Angelina and you had never been the best of friends. Her high headed personality and nose to the sky demeanor turned me away the second you met but she was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. Long silk black hair all down her back. Piercing dark eyes that captivated one in an instant and a strong head. Much like Fred, she had it all.

Although the few exchanges between you two never went down well. A week ago she had ‘forgotten’ to save you a spot at the dinning table between her, Fred, and George so you were forced to take the only open seat beside a group of second years. During break, Angelina, Fred, George, Katie, and you had all planned to attend a concert to one of you mutually loved bands together. You had brought the idea to light, hoping it would stay between yourself, the twins and Katie but someone else caught wind and decided to invite themselves along. Later you heard from Katie that your boyfriend begged Angelina to tag along saying it would be more fun with more people, but your insides twitched at her confession. So the night of the concert you all got together and went out for dinner. Afterwards you walked to the venue and Angelina pulled out all the tickets. She had promised to purchase five and even offered to cover the cost. It seemed too good to be true and you were proven right when the usher scanned your tickets and the Angelina rapidly dug through her purse. She insisted the line up to enter went Fred, her, George, Katie then you and once her fake pout met your eyes it was obvious why. Prior to the date she had failed to remember your ticket and accidently left it on her counter. Although she managed to grab the other four.

Your boyfriend gave no comfort rather so walked into the venue without a second glance. George and Katie skipped the event and stayed with you against the pleas you gave urging them to go have fun. They promised that they didn’t mind but you still felt terrible. George made an oath to make it up to you and took Katie and you out for ice cream. At the end of the night you were close to positive that you had more fun with those two than the others.

That was until you met Fred and Angelina outside the concert ready to head home. Approaching the pair a weight fell on your chest. Your breathing staggered as you saw the sight. Fred was hunched over in deep laughter at a comment Angelina had made as their bodies moved closer towards each other. As you got walked over you noticed the black jacket you had gifted Fred with for his brithday wrapped around her body.

Katie gasped and sent you a warning look. George hurried ahead and struck up a conversation, hoping it would cause them to separate once they realised you were back and the split in two like the red sea. Small talk was shared as an awkwardness settled over. Fred walked towards you and went to plant a kiss to your lips but you dodged it with ease.

He backed away confused though gave up and stayed at George’s side. Breaking the ice, Katie pointed out how it was getting late and her home would be a ten minute walk in the dark for the two of you. Fred and George offered to walk you both to her place but you brushed off their offer and turned on your heel.

Since as you were heading separate paths after the concert Katie bid the others a farewell as you waved behind them and started off in the other direction.

Fred slipped from Angelina’s hold and jogged to catch up with you. You hid the sobs threatening to shine through and listened as he went over the time you two would meet the next day so he could drive you back to the Burrow. You wondered if he was still planning to head home- or if Angelina was accompanying him. Meeting George’s sunken eyes you saw Angelina hailing a taxi and squatting in. The car sped down the street and disappeared around the corner. A sigh of relief unconsciously came and you relaxed in Fred’s arms.

“Hey. Are you alright, sweetheart?” He asked cautiously. You nodded solemnly and reached up to peck his cheek. Katie stood waiting for you and scoffed. Fred gazed at her then back to you.

“Are you still upset about Angelina forgetting your ticket? She really did feel awful about it, love. I did too! But I swear, I’ll make it up to you. I promise, darling.” He stated genuinely. Once again, you nodded. Katie’s hand slipped into yours and pulled you away. George shouted out a ‘goodbye’ but you were too torn to respond. You cried into Katie’s shoulder the whole walk to her home and spilled your guts over a session of rom-coms and pints of ice cream.

You ran through all the possibilities like hurdles trying to figure out where we had gone wrong. Were you overly affectionate? Did you care too much? Did you not care enough? A pathetic feeling washed over you entirely coming to the unanswered conclusion. It was one of the hardest things in the world to watch the person you love slowly slip between your fingertips to someone else. All you wanted was to receive the love you gave and you knew even that was a far off dream.

Shaking myself out of the distant thoughts you quickly threw on the nearest jacket you could find in the storm of clothes and rushed out the dorm room. Sunday mornings were your favorite time of the week. Saturday was spent standing out in the freezing cold rain until the lights had darken waiting for the match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor to finish. Gryffindor had won luckily, Harry caught the snitch in the most needed moments as he seemed to be best at doing, and the party in the Gryffindor tower carried on long past the sun rising. Fred and you had been planning on going to Zonko’s early evening and swinging by Honeydukes as well for some sweets. You had ran the plans past him again the night before to which he happily verified making your insides swell with excitement.

Skipping down the winding stone steps you entered in the hug like warmth of the main hangout of the tower. The room was fairly clear for the time but you assumed most were either still in bed or already taking on the day. You scanned the room looking for Fred. In less than a minute you spotted the backside his fiery red hair poking out between students. Rushing over to him you tied your house scarf tightly around your neck and buttoned up the thick jacket ready to face the cold.

“Fred, are you ready to go?” Finally reaching him, you found Fred staring out the window of the main glass. He turned around swiftly and chuckled softly. Sighing to myself, you mentally face palmed and worked out a quick apology.

“Sorry, George. From the back there you looked like your brother.” You admitted sheepishly. George batted his hand as a sign of disregard.

“No worries, love. Happens all the time.” Ironically enough you were not one to mix up the twins. Not that you always got them straight but you knew the difference from your handsome boyfriend from his identical twin.

“Do you know where your brother is? We’re suppose to be heading out to Zonko’s for the Hogsmeade trip. I swore we agreed to meet here…” There wasn’t a single other red head in the room beside George but your eyes searched for him anyways. Harry Potter, Ron, and Seamus huddled around the skyscraper like door. They were dressed ready to face the winter air seem to attend the trip to Hogsmeade as well. You looked back to find George’s face in a set scowl, sorting through all the locations his brother could be without letting him in on it. Noticing your suppressed mood his orbs flickered over your frame.

George followed your gaze to the door and pointed over to his younger brother,

“Here, I’ll go ask Ron if he’s seen Fred around.” George placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a reassuring squeeze as if to say it would be alright. You gave him a tight smile and sat down in the red velvet chair. The setup of the Gryffindor common room was by far your favorite space inside the castle. The luscious red silk curtain flowed in the breeze shoving through the open windows encasing your bundled up self in a cold chaste kiss. You were thankful for the scarf hugging your neck that killed the shivers before they could begin.

But out of all the accessories in the homey environment, the most heart dearing had to be the gorgeous art pieces prompt against the walls. At least ten painting, large and small, were hung on the walls of the common room. All held different stories as well as different originations. Each was loved by you for numerous reasons.

A glass shattering gasp broke the silence in a sudden commotion, capturing your fleeting attention. You were in the background of the episode, standing on the outside looking in as your head whipped to the scene unfolding behind you. What you found surprised you a bit. All four boys had their ears pushed up against the door and their mouths hanging near the floor.

Hermione set her book down on the couch, curiosity poisoning her mind. Her eyes fixed on the boys who were attempting to cover their obvious incident. Hermione glanced at you wordlessly asking who should investigate first. You shook your head stiffly letting her control the situation. She pushed herself to Ron’s back and worked on moving around him. Once she broke in her actions were rash.

Her whispers were hushed as Harry informed her of what was happening. A flame sparked in her eyes and she cracked the door open and peeked out. You watched intently, almost sprinting over when she leaned up against the wood with a ghost pale demeanor.

“Oh my god.” She muttered . You stood up from her words and pivoted around the coffee table holding a handful of Quidditch magazines and coupons for sweet shops. You made a mental note to remember to cut out the bogo deal after you joined in the madness.

“Y/n, no.” Hermione shouted. You flinched in your spot taken aback by her bark. What had you done? The brown haired girl shook her head like a bobble head and directed you towards the staircase.

“I totally forgot! I uh- I needed your help!” Her hands sneaked to your shoulder and turned you around. She led you to the steps leaving you flabbergasted.

“My help? With what?” You asked breaking from her hold. Ron, Harry, and Seamus shifted awkwardly but George stood still as a statue. His eyes were glossed with sorrow and a pang of hurt.

“Planning a um, no er, homework!” Hermione giggled but you could hear the nervousness. You stepped back and sent her a feature of disbelief. What was she working so hard to hide?

“You, Hermione Granger, need my help with your school work?” You saw straight through her lie as you clenched your teeth.

“Yes and lots of it!” Hermione nodded eagerly and reached for your hand. You pulled away and glared at her. Hurt seeked the air and Hermione stepped down from the battle. Her heart thumped feverishly against her rib cage. She was lost for solution, wanting to protect you but not wanting to lie at the same time.

George walked towards you leaving the pestering door alone. He shook his head and glanced down at you with sad eyes.  

“Y/n-” He stopped short and instead moved to the side, letting the pathway to the door become clear. Tilting your head up to him you waiting for a warning of some sort but he refused to meet your eyes.

Ron, Harry and Seamus glued their gaze to the ground making a weavering feeling sink in your heart.

With a shaky hand you reached out for the door and grasped the handle. Taking a moment to yourself you tried to prepare yourself for what you would find. It seemed to have dramatically shocked your friends so what effect would it have on you?

Twisting the knob to the right you swung the door open wide and examined the outer platform. Much looked normal. The staircases were moving as usual, the portraits chatting though more so whispering. Their fingers pointed towards a pair of students at the bottom of the stairwell. They were sharing a passionate kiss- well more like a messy make out session. You cringed in disgust and went to close the door. Well that was until you saw a head of red hair from the corner of your eye. Stepping back into the hall you probed the pair again, this time more closely.

The girl had faire dark skin and a smooth head of jet black hair. Her fingers roamed freely in the tall boys hair, exploring every inch undetected. She was beautiful and you recognized her immediately after a second glance. But that wasn’t what shattered your inside. What really broke you was the boy she was all over.

He kissed her with a new found love and melting aggression. He had her pushed up against the brick wall and his hand itching dangerously close under her Gryffindor shirt. Pulling back you took in the plump to his lips and the lipstick smeared across his cheek. The boy smirks devilishly then dove back in sweeping her away in another drowning kiss.

A sob choked out as your body crumbled to the floor. Your insides were crushed in a death-like grip. You knew things were going down hill but the show out in front of you was not what you were expecting.

Tears streamed like a river along your cheeks and splashed onto the denim of your jeans staining them. The two detached to search for the source of the noise. Fred Weasley dropped his hand from Angelina Johnson and look up at the open portrait and the image of his girlfriend torn into millions of unfixable shards.

“Shit…” Fred ignored Angelina’s protest for him to stay and skipped up the stone steps. He paused momentarily thinking out his actions for the first time in a month. He bent down and went to touch your shoulder but you shoved him away.

“Don’t touch me.” A eerie deadness entered in the common room. Your skin was practically crawling in disdain and repugnance. The mental image of Fred latched onto Angelina burned your memory. Her manicured fingers scraping against his skull, her mouth sewed on one to his. Tear pinched at the sockets and your chest heaved with betrayal.

Hermione and the rest inched near their designated dormitory stairs. You couldn’t blame them. Truthfully you prayed they’d make it out before the storm erupted.

Angelina’s beedy eyes shot daggers at your shaking self. Anger was bubbling above the surface and you knew the eruption was only seconds away.

She had no right to give you such an incredulous look. Had she forgotten she was the other woman? Had she failed to realize Fred was cheating on you, had spoiled a beautiful relationship, by being with her? Did she not care about the shredded loneliness you felt inside? She broke you- but most of all Fred broke you and he made no move to direct her out.

“Y/n please just hear me out. I never intended for this to happen-” The calm before the storm had ceased as your head whipped around to glare at the man you once loved. His stupid, once adorable, face seemed panicked and fearful. An expression you oh so desperately wanted to smack right off.

“What, our friends and I catching you in the act or you making out with another girl while you’re dating someone else. Five years, Fred! We’ve been together for five years!” The shriek of brokenness cut the air clean open. Trails of tears streaked your warm cheeks as an eruption of anger bubbled inside.

Your soul was empty- tainted by his scandalous actions.

“I’m sorry, Y/n. I truly am but I couldn’t help it.” Fred’s voice fell an octave low, “I love her.”

His words struck you like a bolt of lightning. Your bones shook in shock, heart thumping dangerously and nerves rising.

“You what?” For a second, you held no trust in your own voice to choke out the phrase. How could things change so fast between the two of you? You studied Fred, unsure of what to think.

“I love Angelina and I have… for a long time. I’m sorry for lying to you and cheating on you but I wasn’t happy.” He explained sorrowfully. It was not hard to hear the regret filling his confession and you were an idiot to think he felt regret for falling in love with her. Fred took pity in stringing you along, not for crushing you whole.

Raking your shaky hand alongs the strands of your h//c hair, you slipped out a striking scoff.

“Then why didn’t you say something! You’ve broken my heart you asshole!”

“Y/n, it would’ve hurt either way. Just think of this as a new start! Don’t you want Fred to be happy-” Angelina freaking Johnson was the last person on the whole planet that you wanted to hear from. Just the sight of her churned your stomach and left a bitter taste in your mouth. With tear stained red eyes you pointed at her and shook your head, silencing the girl.

“You shut the hell up. You know nothing about us so stay out of this. And you-” The venom was still pouring as you turned back to Fred, “You think you were sparing my feelings? How thoughtful of you.” Sarcasm was evident as you went to leave. You felt emotionally exhausted wanting to crawl into your bed and cry yourself to sleep. Everything hurt; your head, your chest, your heart, your body, everything. It was like you had barely survived a train crash- nothing was normal anymore.

Fred’s eyes refused to meet yours, he was far too ashamed to see the sadness creeping on your face. Instead of waiting for a reply you took matters into your own hands. Pivoting on your back heel, you walked away from the pain. Every step hurt more than the one before but you couldn’t stick around to hear anymore of his excuses.

“I’ll drop your stuff off with George in the morning. Just know, I don’t ever want to speak to you again- either of you. I hope you’re happy with yourself.”

Fred wasn’t sure if the last part was directed at you or the flushed girl beside him. Either way, he was crumbling like a building made of pebbles. His heart was screaming at him to follow you, to apologize and beg for your forgiveness but he knew that wouldn’t change anything. His feelings would still be the same and he owed you more than that. Cutting a beautiful soul like you from his life was going to hurt but lying to you and giving you false hope was worse. Salt in the wound, nonetheless.


“Don’t. You made our friends play in your little games and have ruined any happy memory we ever made. You mean nothing to me and I hope one day someone breaks your heart like you have mine.” You shot back. Sure, it was harsh. Who could blame you?

“And you-” A deadly finger pointed at the group of your supposed friends, “You are all just as bad as him. I bet the lot of you are enjoying the embarrassment I’m facing because of this. What kind of friends are you?” The words cut like freshly sharpened daggers, tearing through their flesh and bones.

Not giving the pair another second of your time, you exited the room promptly with a hole in your heart. You silently passed by your so-called friends that helped cover for your cheating boyfriend- ex boyfriend. They sent a glance of pity, not that it helped ease the damage. Friends don’t lie and that was exactly what they did to you. Shaking your head, you left the scene and locked yourself away in your dorm room creating wet tear stains on your pillow case.

In your absence, the group shared a knowing look of guilt, the weight of their actions finally settling in. Their motive was never to see you hurt, but somehow along the way, they lost sight of that. At that moment, George couldn’t bring himself to meet the gaze of his twin flame. His chest felt tight from the pain he casted second hand on you. There were so many chances he had to fill you in on the rendezvous his brother and Angelina were partaking in, so why didn’t he?

Part of George, and the rest of the group, knew they did it to protect Fred. In doing so, they destroyed you. It was a lose-lose situation and no one came out looking dapper.

Hermione rushed after you, ignoring the calls of her friends. Out of your friends, Hermione held the most culpability in herself. In her eyes, she played her hand in causing you pain and she had never felt less of a woman than in those moments of realization. Why hadn’t she told you sooner? She knew her duties as a best friend and completely disregarded them in order to keep another friend safe. Her stomach was twisted in tight coils as she dashed up the girl’s dormitory stairs in search of you.

Much like yourself, Fred spent the night with tear stained cheeks and a broken heart for hurting someone so innocent as yourself that showed him nothing but love and kindness. 

When the sun broke through the curtains that next morning, nothing felt normal. Your eyes cracked open from the warm ray of sun shining in from the window and cascading over your frame. Not even the mountain of blankets you slept under could bring you warmth and comfort, it was all snatched away from you without so much as a warning.

Sleep was ignored until the early hours of the morning as you spent a rather large sum of the night sobbing on your roommates shoulder as she consoled you. Katie had her suspicions on the pair, unlike your other friends, she never hesitated to vocalize her distain towards the ‘friendship’ between Fred and Angelina. Practically dating your ex boyfriend’s twin had put her in a difficult position on when to speak up. As she held you crying form as the two of you laid together in her bed, the answer was clear. Protecting Fred never came close to protecting you. Katie only wished she’d been there to witness the chaos so she could deliver a swift punch to the both of them.

The night finally ended with Katie dragging your body to your side of the room, and cuddling until you fell asleep. Although she’d never admit it to you, seeing as you were the one in need of support, her heart hurt for many reasons. One, you were her closest friend, nearly a sister at this point and it hurt her to see you so broken. The other reasoning fell upon her budding relationship with George Weasley. It enraged her to know George was aware of this and failed to inform her as well. It was likely he knew Katie would rat Fred out the second she heard, but the surge of hurt that coarse through her body was unable to feel sympathy for any soul that played a role in lying to her friend. 

The alarm clock on the nightstand read eleven and with the crying session you performed the night prior, it was no surprise your mind longed for the extra hours of rest. The thought crossed your mind, maybe it was all some sort of sick nightmare? Maybe you’d made the whole thing up? Although the small white parchment sticking out from under your door said different.

A small part of you hoped it was Fred who had left the note. Of course a written apology was nowhere near enough, but you still held out. Sadly, the blue ink held a different story as you realized it had been Hermione who wrote out to you. She tried to string together the perfect words to ease your distress, found the perfect phrases to comfort a friend going through heartbreak, though it all felt fraudulent.

She ended the letter explaining how ‘messed up’ Fred was after you had stormed out, and how he was willing to do whatever it would take to win her back- as a friend that is. In the same sentence, she expressed her disdain and frustration at your ex for what he did to you. As your friend, you scoffed at her words as she shamelessly attempted to lighten the anger you were experiencing towards Fred. It was clear she meant her words to bring you consolation and solace, but fell immensely short in meaning.

You refused to be like the other girls you watched who would crawl back pride-less to their cheating boyfriends, begging them to take them back. Especially to a man who publicly declared he wasn’t in love with you anymore, and in front of your shared friends too. It wasn’t the type of girl you were. The love you held for Fred burned passionately, though the events of the previous night diminished that flame and you weren’t ready to relight it.

The connection you obtained through your friendships were a bit different. Your anger was still large and atbay, however, you were willing to hear them out and at least see if there was a possibility for rebuilding your trust in your friends. Time was the magical key to this process and all you desired was to turn that key and jump forward a year. That’s the shitty part about life, and heartbreak. There is no way to speed the healing time, no remedy for the aches inside of you, and no instant gratification of love from the person who so casually tore your heart into shreds. Time would tell, and that was all you could do, wait.

Being in a Playful Relationship With Fred Weasley

Request:hi! can you write some headcanons about a very playful relationship with fred where you tease each other a lot and youre constantly making jokes but once youre alone and tired fred is really soft?? ugh my heart he would be all cuddly in front of the fireplace and stroke your hair but you would still be giggly and it would just be the most fun relationship ever!! i love your writing <33

Warnings: None that I can think of

Word Count:1.7k

Notes: I have no idea when I received this request but I found this doc I had started so I decided to finish it and finally post it. (:

  • Since the moment you had met Fred Weasley
  • There has hardly been a dull moment spent around the older of the Weasley twins
  • Or an occasion where you’re not smiling in his presence
  • Being with Fred is like diving head first into a new adventure everyday
  • It was exciting
  • The childlike nature shared between the two of you created a beautiful relationship
  • One that a handful of your peers were envious of and longed for
  • George was even a tad jealous his brother had found someone who tolerated his pranks
  • Even serving it back
  • You’re relationship is more playful than serious
  • Which is probably why you two have remained together for so long
  • As sweet as the relationship is, Fred Weasley is definitely the type of boyfriend to purposely embarrass you in public
  • He loves blurting out random shit just to get a rise out of you
  • “No, Y/n, I will not hook up with you right here!”
    “Fred, stop! People are looking!”
  • “Are you hitting on me?”
    “I’m literally your girlfriend.”
  • “Checking out my ass, love?”
    “I’m impressed at how flat is is, Freddie.”
  • (Man’s is literally so offended by this he won’t speak to you until you apologize and tell him he has a great ass)
  • Loves using his height to his advantage when teasing you
  • Which is almost always
  • Calls you ‘shortie’ or ‘baby elf’
  • Will purposely hold things out of your reach for his own amusement
  • Fred will often sneak up from behind while you’re studying and quickly yanks the open textbook out of your grip and lifts it above his head
  • You whip around in shock only to find your boyfriend smirking at you
    “If you want your precious book back, you’re gonna have to come and get it.” He teases you
    Narrowing your playful glare, you swat your hand out to hit at his legs, though he’s a inch out of reach
    Your attempt to harm him earns a fit of chuckles from him
    “I’ll kick your knees out, Forge.”
    Fred rests his hand over his chest, feigning hurt as he takes a step back.
    “Woah, woah, no need for the hostility, angel. You know my payment method. Threats will get you nowhere.”
    Tilting your head to the side, you let out a dramatic sigh,
    “How many?”
    You cupped your palm around your chin and pretended to ponder for a moment,
    “Hm, how about four?” You bargained.
    Fred was clearly not willing to wager lower as he lifted your book higher,
    “Bloody hell, that’s not how this works!”
    “I’ll settle on fifteen. I refuse to go one kiss lower, but I’ll happily go higher.”
  • It’s like negotiating with a toddler
  • Since the two of you started dating,
  • There was a common shared enjoyment of scaring each other
  • Nothing serious that would cause fights
  • More, hiding around a dark corner a jumping out to scare the life out of the other, kind of scaring
  • Fred would have to admit you were far more sneaky than he had expected
  • With his distinctive hair and towering height, it was harder for Fred to find the perfect spots to pop out from
  • Although you had mastered this
  • Almost daily you found some way to catch Fred off guard and it excited him
  • He often found himself instinctively peeking around doors prior to entering a room in search of you
  • George liked to join in and would help you mess with Fred
  • One night after Fred and George were strolling to the Gryffindor common room after a long and brutal practice, an odd feeling abruptly spooked Fred
  • The twins had been chatting away about the latest clash of power between Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint as the teams had crossed paths while leaving practice as the Slytherin team was entering the pitch
  • The two exchanged some heated words, then a few shoves before their teammates had to step into to break them apart
    Fred and George were still reeling from the events when they turned the corner towards their dorms
  • Upon heading into the dim lit hall leading to the moving stairs, Fred’s pace abruptly ceased
  • His eyes scanned the small corridor as his suspicions grew
    “George… why do I get the sense Y/n is lurking around somewhere?”
    “You’re just paranoid, mate. Y/n said she’d wait for you in the common room.”
    “Yeah, you’re right. Anyways I still can’t believe Flint-”
  • The second his guard was lowered, you abruptly jumped out from behind the large pillar and shouted,
    “Fucking shit- what the fuck?!”
    “Thanks for the help, George!”
    “Anytime, Y/n/n.”
    “I hate both of you… I almost pissed myself, bloody hell.”
  • Holds your hand under the table during class and gives random squeezes to keep you awake
  • Throws rolled up pieces of parchment at your head when you’re ignoring him during class
  • Tickles you at the worst possible moments just to fuck with you
  • Like during one of Snape’s lectures
  • Or while Dumbledore is making a grand speech in the Great Hall
  • He’ll quickly jab your sides then hides his mischievous grin as you loudly squeal in surprise
  • Despite having been a couple since your third year
  • The flirting never went away
  • If anything, it increased
  • When Fred sees you relaxing in the courtyard under a large apple tree,
  • He immediately strides over with you and strikes up a conversation as if it was your first time meeting
  • “What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing out here all alone?”
    You smile up at him
    “I’m actually waiting on my big, strong, handsome boyfriend so you better get lost.”
    “Hm, I don’t see him so who’s gonna know.”
  • Whispers dirty words in your ear to make you squirm
  • He’s addicted to the rush of red that coats your cheek due to his actions
  • He’ll often run his fingers up your thigh under the desk to tease you
  • Mimics you constantly
  • Pillow fights
  • You’ll be curled up in your bed skimming over your notes when suddenly a large impact knocks you back into the mattress
  • The sound of Fred’s childlike giggles echoed as you stared up at the ceiling, still in shock
  • “Fred! You nearly gave me whiplash!”
    “Sorry, angel.”
  • He’d then proceed to toss you a pillow for defense before engaging in attack
  • He was at least considerate enough to allow you a chance
  • If you’re younger than him by even a day, get ready for him to refer to you as a child
  • “Freddie, can you help me finish this assignment, pleaseee?”
    “Of course, little one. I wrote this paper back in my fifth year so I should be of some help, kiddo.”
    “You’re literally a year older than me! Stop acting like I’m a baby-”
    “But you’re my baby.”
  • And if you’re older than him, prepare yourself for Fred to call you a cougar on a daily basis
  • “What makes you think you can talk to me like that, Ron? I’m with an older woman, you need to have a little more respect.”
  • He’s a whore for your attention
  • Fred is always doing something to keep you looking at him
  • Blows cool air in your direction to get your attention
  • Although once you look over to him in question,
  • His eyes immediately dart to the opposite side of the room
  • Boops your nose at least ten times a day
  • Which you in turn boop his nose back
  • Fred is constantly running up behind you in the halls and picking you up to swing you around
  • Twirls you around his finger when you’re walk hand-in-hand like a ballerina
  • If it isn’t obvious by now, Fred Weasley’s love language is physical touch
  • There is never a shortage of affection from him
  • However as much as Fred loves to have his hands on you
  • He’s a sucker for you returning the favor
  • Fred will quite literally melt under your touch
  • One of his favorite things was when he came back to his dorm room after a long day of school or Quidditch practice and finds you laying in his bed
  • Sprawled across his mattress in an old hoodie of his and a pair of sweats,
  • Fred stumbles around the room as he throws his robes off and quick gets into his pj pants and an old tee and slides into bed next to you
  • He’ll hold you close as the two of you nap together
  • Presses little kisses to your forehead when you’re asleep
  • He’s such a soft boy at night
  • Whenever he’s being difficult or in a rather stubborn mood, you use this trick to your advantage
  • You’ll use your innocent voice and beg him to cuddle, which in reality, doesn’t take much for Fred to agree to
  • This man lives for making you happy
  • Your favorite times to be together is late at night when the common room is empty and it’s just the two of you cuddled on the couch
  • Fred will sit with his feet on the table and your head in his lap with his fingers brushing through your hair
  • The two of you talk for hours while watching the flickering flames of the burning fire
  • He’s involve with these little moments that mean so much to him

Prompt:getting drunk w/ your boyfriend Fred would include + mini blurbs

Warning:drinking, swearing, and some suggestive wording

Word Count: 2.2k


  • Parties are not an uncommon event in the Gryffindor common room
  • Alcohol and drink mixtures of all sorts are being poured left and right every weekend
  • Most weekend you have a drink or two while catching up with your friends after a busy week of school
  • Other weekends you choose the path of getting plastered alongside your boyfriend off smuggled liquor and bottle of beer
  • On these night in particular, 
  • Fred does not let you out of his sight
  • At all
  • Unless of course Lee challenges him to a beer pong match then he’ll carefully usher you over the couch where he can keep an eye on you while he’s playing
  • Has to pause the match like 20 times to chase after you and lead you over to his side
    “Y/n! You know you can’t out drink Seamus- he’s Irish! C’mon, come watch me kick George and Lee’s ass. They’re so bad it takes two of them to even manage a winning shot yet somehow they still suck!”
  • Loves it when you cheer him on
  • Is constantly glancing over to reassure himself you haven’t run off again
  • Your distraction is heightened in this state
  • So he feels the need to be your second set of eyes
  • Which had come in handy many a times
  • Like when Ron dared you to touch the burning fire while he was wasted on dragon barrel brandy
  • “Don’t be a pussy, Y/n. Swipe your hand real fast and you won’t even feel a thing-”
    “Y/n, pull your hand away from that fire, love. Ron, what the fuck? Are you trying to set my girlfriend up in flames? Angel, Ron is an idiot, you know that, don’t do anything he says again.”
  • And the time when you all were playing strip poker and Fred quite literally threw himself on top of your body to cover your chest when George teased you to take your bra off and your hands reached back for the clasps
  • (( he bitched at George for five minutes straight for that suggestion ))
  • Fred knew you were not one to back down from a challenge, especially when drunk and not considering the consequences or regret that would follow
  • So he always made sure you never embarrassed yourself too much or did anything you’d be wanting to take back come morning
  • During any Gryffindor party, Fred is the life of it
  • When he’s not preoccupied fawning over you, he’s hopping around with George seeking out trouble
  • The man throws back liquor like its water
  • Claims he knows his limits, but he really doesn’t
  • He is a touchy drunk
  • Hands brushing through your hair as you chat on the couch
  • Arms wrapped around your shoulder as you laugh along with your friends
  • Fingers laced in yours whenever you’re near
  • He craves your touch even more so when the liquor taints his veins
  • Let’s be real, Fred is not exactly the type of boyfriend to try to get you to stop drinking
  • He still makes sure you’re safe and not over drinking but,
  • Most of the times,
  • He’s the one pouring the shots for you
  • And mixing the drinks
  • But he always knows when to stop, and when you’ve had enough to drink
  • He tries to mentally keep note of how many drinks you’ve had but loses track once he reaches about five on his own end
  • Sometimes he’ll silently swap out your glass of whiskey for a glass of pumpkin juice
  • It’s obvious to Fred that he made the right choice when he watched as you sipped gleefully on the juice, not making a single comment on the dramatic change in taste
  • In these moments he begins to prepare himself for a night of babysitting you
  • And he’s so sweet in helping you on the nights when you go an inch- or ten- overboard
  • Carries you up to your bed and helps you change out of your clothes and into new ones for bed
  • He gets you wipes to take of your makeup, if you’re wearing any, and he’ll sit you between his legs on your bed while he brushes through your hair
  • After you’re properly ready for bed, Fred makes sure to set a glass of water on your nightstand incase you get thirsty and a bag of crackers if you get hungry
  • Stays the night without question when you ask
  • Other times he stays regardless of if you do or don’t
  • Your roommates don’t mind seeing as he takes care of you meaning they don’t have to
  • He’ll lay on his back and usher you over to place you head on his chest
  • His fingertips will soothingly trail up and down you back, lulling you into a deep sleep with the rhythmic motion
  • Tries his best to make sure you fall asleep first
  • Drunk Fred really has no control over his sleep habits and has a tendency to pass out from sudden exhaustion at any moment
  • One second him and George are fucking around with partygoers, supply them with different products of theirs, and causing pure chaos
  • The next second Fred was snoozing away while he laid on the couch with his head in your lap
  • Then he was back up an going again
  • Like a toddler on a sugar high
  • He’s such a giggly drunk
  • Kisses to the tip of your nose
  • Always smiling over at you and complimenting you  
  • “Have I told you how breathtaking you look tonight?”
    “Only ten times, but I’m okay with elven.”
    “Let’s make it twelve, you looks absolutely stunning- so pretty, and all mine.”
  • The boy can’t help it, you make him feel weightless with happiness sober and the feeling only intensifies when he’s been drinking
  • There are nights when Fred can’t seem to taste the scorching burn of the liquor anymore after about six shots and it these nights where George and yourself are left dragging him up the stairs
  • George will beg you to stay the night because he can’t handle Fred’s drunken rambling about how much he misses you
  • And you agree because, how could you say no to Fred’s adorable puppy dog eyes and grabby hands longing for you to cuddle with him
  • If you two are both drunk, you’ll stay up talking- or rather whispering- under his comforter
  • He’ll stumble over his words and jumps from topic to topic in the blink of an eye
  • Uncontrollable giggles as he whispers- or rather stutters- out the most confusing jokes you’ve ever heard
  • Like
  • “Angel, angel…”
    “Yes, Freddie?”
    “What happens when a toad’s car breaks down?”
    “I dunno…”
    “It gets froged!”
    “I’m sorry, come again? Isn’t it meant to be the frog’s car that breaks down and it gets ‘toad’…not ‘froged’?”
  • But he’s out like a light before you can get an explanation
  • He breathes like darth vader when he’s in his drunken slumber
  • Yet its somehow comforting in an odd way
  • Like it reminds you that he’s there holding you
  • And also that he’s still alive, which is surprising at times with the amount of drinks he consumes in one night

  • If you think Fred acts reckless sober, he thinks he’s invincible when he’s drunk which is even worse
  • He’ll agree to almost anything
  • If Ron were to tell him he bet Fred wouldn’t jump from the Astrology Tower all the way down to the courtyard? Fred would do it just in spite of him
  • The only time this attitude of his had gotten him into trouble was when Fred, George and Lee came up with the grand idea to go down the boy’s dormitory staircase on mattresses
  • Fred, being the brilliant man he is, decided to go first
  • You had been gossiping away in the common room to Hermione about a new Muggle actor the two of you had seen in a film when you heard the loud crashing, followed by the voice you loved so much groaning in agony
  • By the time you reached the opening to the stairwell, George and Lee were aiding Fred down the stone steps, carefully avoiding his ankle which had been twisted in an inhuman position
  • Madam Pomfrey surprisingly kept hum about Fred’s intoxication and instead scolded him for hours on end about his reckless, mindless choice to try to slide down, winding, steep, stone steps
  • Once news reached the professors the nest morning, McGoagall dismissed 40 points from Gryffindor for the incident
  • Using your mattress to surf down the twirling stairwell has since been prohibited
  • On a separate occasion Fred had accident lit the edge of the curtain on fire
  • You can always tell when he’s reached that level by the volume in his tone
  • It tends to get deeper the more intoxicated he becomes
  • And his words slowly slur together into a string of blabber
  • Mostly compliments, sweet words, and sometimes suggestive ones as well

  • Fred gets a bit more… forward when he’s got that liquid courage soaring through him
  • His hands will start to roam slowly from around your waist to your lower back, then resting on your bum
  • He gets turned on watching you play beer pong for some reason
  • Especially when you win
  • Maybe it’s the view he’s graced with when you bend to bounce the pin pong ball
  • Or the feistiness that arises when the match gets hot
  • It’s more than enticing for him
  • Fred can feel his frame get stiffer everytime you bend across the table to retrieve the cup and chug the beer from it
  • When the round has ceased and you’re declared champion yet again, Fred steps forward to pull you in for a hug
  • As he gives you a kiss on the cheek, he whispers, 
  • “Good girl! Now if you beat George again I’ll give you a special surprise later tonight, angel.”
  • Which makes your knees weak like jell-o as your frame pushes into his for support
  • It doesn’t help that you can feel just how excited he is through the denim of his jeans
  • Fred dips his head to plant a trail of wet, teasing kisses along the skin of your warm neck until George was groaning and pleading for you to start the match
  • You practically shook for the entirety of the game, still managing to sink almost every shot into a cup forcing George to drink for the majority of it
  • He ended up tapping out once you nailed the seventh cup in a row and kept your winning streak alive due to his need to find a trash can immediately
  • You stopped there to join Fred by his side as he smiled to you, clearly pleased that you won
  • “Looks like someone is getting rewarded tonight.”
  • His arm draped around your shoulder as you leaned into his side, your cheeks flaring from the mass of bodies but mostly from Fred’s suggestive promise
  • He only forced you to suffer through the party for another ten minutes or so before pouring one last shot for the both of you, then nearly pushing you up the winding stairs to his dorm
  • Lets just say he certainly fulfilled on his promise- more than once that night
  • Loves it when you sit in his lap when you’re on the couch together
  • Whispers dirty secrets into your ear
  • Drunk Fred leaves hickies under the clothes
  • He’s not the type to care who’s around, he’ll try to slide his hand up your skirt in front of nearly anyone when he’s inebriated
  • “Fred- you’re brother is sitting right there, stop it!”
    “Shhhh, angel. He’s not even watching, right George?”
    “Right, Fred.”
  • To which you glare dangerous at him as you place his hand back in his lap, but Fred continues to smirk in amusement
  • It’s like you’re a preschool teacher constantly having to tell a child to keep their hands to themselves, Fred just refuses to listen

  • Fred doesn’t necessarily get jealous of other guys
  • He trusts you and he’s confident enough in your relationship not to feel threatened by other guys
  • However he is possessive af over you when he’s been drinking
  • In a sweet way tho
  • Literally wants all your time and attention when he’s drunk
  • If you don’t feel like dancing, he’ll ask you to come watch him dance
  • When you say you need to use the bathroom, he’ll ask a million times if you want him to come with
  • If George places a bet against Fred in a game of cards, Fred will drag you over to sit next to him as Seamus shuffles the deck and prepares the table
  • He’ll show you his cards and tell you to pick one
  • Even though he knows you’re completely unaware of the rules to the game, he loves the smile of excitement that appears on your face when he lets you
  • And in the rare times that you do say no, he works his magic with those big doe eyes and pouty lip until you say yes
  • It brings him comfort when you’re by his side
  • Your nights end the same each day, wrapped in his arms listening to the relaxing thump of his heart as the two of you doze off, both silently dreading the awaiting hangover than would surely greet you first thing in the morning, but you wouldn’t want it any other way

Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader 

Prompt: It’s three in the morning and Fred can’t sleep. Luckily for him, his girlfriend has to most random questions on her mind. 

Notes: I’ve seen this on tiktok as trend to text your boyfriend so I made it into a write, hope you enjoy (: 

Warnings: None (:        (making out if that counts ???)

Word Count: 3.9k


You know that feeling of finally retreating to your room and crashing down on your bed after a strenuous day? Getting to snuggle into the warmth of the soft mattress and engulf your body in massive heaps of blankets, it was one of the greatest feelings in the world to Fred Weasley. Although what made it absolute perfection was the nights when his girlfriend, Y/n Y/l/n, would join him. Sleepovers were no rarity for the couple- nor for their roommates who had begrudgingly accepted the constant giggling and whispering throughout the night. Weekend sleepovers were his favorite as it meant neither of them were scrambling to get out of bed for class in the morning and he could lay with her for as long as they wanted.

Tonight was no different. Nearly every living soul occupying the lands of Hogwarts was fast asleep, lulled into a galaxy of dreams. Fred wondered if he was the only one awake at such an hour. The darkness from the nighttime sky poured into the room through the glass windows. The light casted shadows around the room making it difficult to make out the different shapes. Fred could barely make out the sleeping frame of his twin brother, George, who was tucked in his bed feet away. Similar was Lee, however his thunderous snores echoed off the walls giving confirmation that was in a deep sleep.

On Fred’s half of the room the silence was deafening. Lee’s snores had become second nature for Fred to block out and in all honesty, didn’t bother him much. Growing up in a home with eight other people, he had that keen ability to muffle out the noise around him. He had to in order to keep a piece of his sanity intact. No one in their sane mind could sit and listen to Ron and Ginny bicker for longer than five minutes before wanting to rip their hair out of their skull. In the same way, noise was comforting to Fred. Yeah, he ignored it for the most part, but it was a familiar feeling to be surrounded by loudness. It was discomforting in a way how still the world felt. Few and far between were the moments when Fred had time to himself. Now that he did, he didn’t want it.

Stealing a glance down to his chest Fred smiled at the sight. Y/n’s head was pressed against his sweatshirt covered chest and her hand was clenched around the material. Her body was cuddled close to him with a blanket draped over them. Fred watched as her stomach lightly rose and fell with every breath. He had lost track of time, not entirely sure how long he had been holding her. Seconds meshed into minutes which grew to hours. He was sure he’d been staring at the ceiling for almost three hours. His attention flipped back and forth, like the pages of a magazine. From the angle he laid, Fred wasn’t able to see if Y/n was awake like him or passed out like his roommates. In a cruel way he wanted to wake her on purpose just for the selfish purpose to hear her voice. He resisted the urge to ‘accidentally’ break her slumber.

Fred’s hand traced patterns on her back absentmindedly as his thoughts drifted like a sailboat floating along the ocean waves. The Quidditch match had taken a large toll on his muscles and all he wanted was to rest. Playing Slytherin was a sure guarantee someone would walk away with an injury- or be carried away. Although Fred knew he wasn’t injured, his arms ached with every slight move from the force he had exhilarated during the match. As much as he desired to switch positions and lay on his side, he couldn’t bring himself to disturb the girl resting in his arms. From her steady breathing he figured she had fallen asleep, that was until her head suddenly popped up from his chest causing the warmth of her head to flee his body. Her quick movement took Fred by surprise as his hand halted and his eyes fixed on the girl.  The feeling of sleepiness was fading as her large doe eyes glanced back up at him. Oddly enough, she appeared to be wide awake.

Arching a brow at her Fred looked utterly confused. If her alertness hadn’t startled him enough, her next actions would leave him mind boggled. Y/n perched herself up to a sitting position and wiggled over to place her legs over either side of Fred’s body so she sat in his lap as he laid. A childlike smile graced her lips at the small gasp of surprise from Fred. Tiredness vanished in her eyes as she tilted her head.

“Hey, Freddie?”

“Yes, angel?” He asked cautiously.

His hands reset to her waist to keep her steady as she sat. The stained glass window to the side of his bed allowed a glimpse of moonlight to create a beautiful gradient across her face. The moonlight, a glowing yellowy white, projected an ethereal glow around her. He swore he could see millions of tiny stars sprinkled along her skin, gleaming pin pricks of sparkles gleaming in her e/c eyes.

Y/n leaned forward to wrap her arms around Fred’s neck causing him to mimic her and sit up so his back was pressed to the bed frame. He grabbed the heavy cotton blanket from behind her and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled bashfully in gratitude. Peeking up to Fred, whose face was only a handful of inches from hers, she whispered,

“If I were a worm, would you still love me?”

Fred’s features scrunched in an instant at her question as he pulled back slightly. Half expecting for her to start giggling and the other half completely flabbergasted, Fred gaped at her in confusion. Yet Y/n’s face remained stoic in seriousness as she awaited his reply. He gave her a funny look, as if she’d grown an extra eye. Repeatedly his mouth fell open, then closed again as he failed to formulate a proper thought.

“I’m sorry- if you were a what?”

“A worm.” She repeated once again.

Fred forced himself to bite his tongue to hold his laughter in. As much as he wanted to chuckle at her randomness, she seemed so invested in his answer he didn’t know what to do. Fred averted his gaze to the window in search of an answer. His brain was stuck frozen, like the tracks in his mind were broken. Turning his attention once more to Y/n, Fred squinted his chocolate brown eyes as if examining her peculiarly.

“And why would you be a worm?”

Clearly annoyed by his constant string of questions Y/n let out a breathy huff as she rolled her eyes. Her hands waved up briefly, shooing his inquiry away without second thought. Shaking her head she pressed further.
“Because I just am, now answer the question.”

Stillness entered the room while Fred pondered to himself. This time he didn’t hold back the teasing grin that spilled on his face.

“Well, am I worm too?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows to her suggestively. Y/n shoved his shoulder back playfully as she giggled softly. Fred always knew how to make her smile, even if the situation didn’t call for it. Even if it was three in the morning and the two of them should be flying through a dreamland of sleep.

Fred’s back leaned into the wood of the frame as he allowed his head to touch against it. Locks of ginger hair brushed against his face. Instinctively Y/n moved her hand out to skim them away from his eyes so she could see them. Fred fought a mental war against the shiver that threatened to escape his body from her gentle stroke. Shaking her head, Y/n shot down his interrogation.
“No, you’re just a regular person.”

“So I would be a Muggle in love with a worm?” Fred chuckled at the bizarreness to her rules for her imaginary prompt. Although he hadn’t a clue where this was heading, it was entertaining and he had every intention of paying into it, including teasing the girl a tad. There was something so adorable about the flashes of anger and frustration that snapped across her face at his procrastination to answer. Fred found it irresistible. The way her cute face knotted into uncomfortable glares and frowns while he continued to toy with her. He loved it.

Y/n sighed to herself, certainly growing exhausted then reiterated,

“No, no, you’re still you, I’m just a worm.”

“A magic worm?” His eyes widened in feign excitement while her’s narrowed. As much as she loved the childlike nature that was weaved into her boyfriend’s soul, it made it impossible at times to have a serious conversation- not that she truly considered this to be a serious conversation.

A deadpan mien was planted on her face. She turned for a moment to make sure George and Lee were still passed out. Then, she moved her head back to Fred before raising her voice a notch to ensure the message was received loud and clear.

“A worm, Fred.”

His fingers fiddled with the loose strings on her shorts as he pretended to debate his answer. Lips pursed into a thin line, Fred brought his pointer finger up to his chin and hummed.

“I mean… sure?”

Y/n’s grip around his neck loosened immediately at his answer. Her mouth skimmed the ground as genuine displeasure entered her veins. She pulled her arms back to cross them tightly against her chest. Fred’s hands found their previous position on her waist in order to keep her from falling off. She pouted over to Fred with her bottom lip poking out. She tried her absolute best to put everything she had into the over dramatic sad puppy look she had mastered. Fred only cooed at her and pinched the skin of her cheeks between his fingers lightly. Y/n grabbed his hand, pulling it away from her face with a scowl. Despite her glowering appearance, Fred felt a smug grin sneaking up.

“That isn’t reassuring at all.” She said with a pointed tone.

Fingers pressed to the bridge of his nose, Fred groaned dramatically as he ran his calloused hand against his skin. Peering up to Y/n he brought his hand up to occupy the warm skin on the back of her neck. He drew his hand closer, pulling her towards him, causing their foreheads connected in a tender touch. The bottom hem of his old tee that she now used as a nighttime shirt tickled his arm as she happily leaned in. With their faces barely an inch apart, Fred lifted his hips to place a sweet, chaste kiss to her lips.

“But angel, you’re not a worm.”  

“Just pretend!” She grumbled. Although Fred smirked right at her and, in a very snarky manner, said ‘no’. Y/n clenched her jaw in annoyance at his stubbornness and just as she went to tell him again to play along, a light bulb of an idea sparked in her head.

Stealing a glance over either shoulder, Y/n checked to assure both George and Lee were still snoozing. George was practically laying off his bed in a sideways fashion while Lee was spreading starfish across the whole mattress. She swore she could see the drool dripping from his chin from across the room. Her focus swerved to Fred as she felt him adjust under her. Providing him with absolutely no leeway to her plan at all, Y/n locked her arms around Fred’s chest and shoved him down so he was forced to lay on the bed. His breath hitched as his head smacked into the fluffy pillow. The darkness obscured his view leaving him lost at the turn of events until he felt the pressure of her knees pinning his arms to his side. Just like a war attack, she ambushed him. Y/n danced her fingers at lightning speed across his chest and under his arms. Fred broke out into a booming fit of laughter at the abrupt tickle war imposed on him as he desperately fought to get her body off of his. His feet kicked wildly as he tried to free himself but she had too strong of a hold. Fred tried to hold his laughter back but it was all too much for his bdy to handle and the uncontrollable giggles wouldn’t stop.

Y/n laughed at him as she continued to tickle every inch of his upper body that he wasn’t successfully covering. His frantic squirms made it difficult for her to torture him to the best of her ability, however she put up a considerable fight until Fred managed to slip his hand out from between his waist and her knee. Once he did, Fred clamped his hand to her side and flipped the pair around so he was the one sitting on top of her. Both of their chests heaved rapidly as they attempted to catch their breath, both grinning like fools. Fred moved his body to sit in front of her as Y/n took over his previous spot. His hand still remained clenched around her side to keep her from attacking once more. Struggling to regain his composure, Fred gave the girl a teasing glare.

“Fine! Yes, I would still love you very much, even if you were a slimy little worm.”

A satisfied gleam adorned her face as she gave a small cheer. Her arms extended as a welcoming for him to enter. He bent towards her to allow her arms to be thrown around his shoulders. The hug encapsulated his body in a blanket of comfort and love from the feeling of her skin. Fred pressed his lips to her neck and just as he did, her voice broke the air.

“And you’d still give me kisses and cuddles?”

His loud sigh was audible to everyone in the room as his head fell to her chest.

“How in the bloody hell am I supposed to cuddle a freaking worm-” Before he could finish his sentence, Fred saw the look of sadness clouding over his lover’s features and stopped himself. That famous, moody pout had crept its way up and Fred fell victim like always. He reached his hand out to pick hers up from her lap and laced their fingers. Lifting her hand, his lips kissed each of her knuckles then set her hand down on his leg.

“You’re unbelievable… but yes, I would still give you kisses and cuddles. Just not in front of people-” Y/n snatched her hand away from his and threw it across her chest with an animated scoff.

“So you’d be ashamed of me?”

“I hate you so much right now, why the hell are you even asking me?”

The jokingness of the situation breezed out from the room as Y/n tensed. Fred watched her eyes flicker from over his shoulder, then up to his eyes. It was impossible to read the rambunctious ideas bouncing off the walls of her mind and Fred knew better than to speculate but rather give her the time to process. He always said that her mind ran faster than the Hogwarts Express. There was a small smile on her lips, though one he couldn’t read. The spark of glee still flashed through her yet at the same time she seemed uncertain. Her hand pushed loose strands of her hair away from her view, a nervous habit of her’s Fred had picked up on early in the relationship.

Swallowing her nerves, Y/n let her body sink into the plushness of Fred’s bed as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Just wanna make sure you’d love me no matter what.” She mumbled hushly.

Fred furrowed his eyebrows as he studied her in bewilderment. As silly as the conversation was, he could feel a tang of guilt budding in his gut from teasing her. The two had discussed some of the most random, weird topics out there and it was usually just that, a random discussion. Fred was a bit stunned there was a bubble floating around in her thoughts that there might be a time where he stops loving her, because for Fred, the idea of not loving her was simply implausible. Besides, he had fancied her since they met their first year and there was no chance Fred was willing to lose her.

“Okay, well,” Fred crawled to sit next to Y/n’s side as he went on, “I’ll entertain the thought. If you were a worm I would still love you more than any other living creature on this planet. I’d also protect you from all the birds who want to eat you for dinner.” Fred finished by placing a gentle peck to her nose. There was no sense in hiding the contagious grin

“So sweet, Freddie.” The scent of peppermint from her chapstick wafted to Fred’s nose drawing him closer in. Y/n snaked her hand to his cheek and dragged his face towards hers. Right before their lips connected, she paused for a moment. Her e/c orbs flickered to his plump lips, then in one swift motion, she closed the gap with a pucker of her lips and a collision with his. Fred had expected the kiss but was taken aback by the fire she brought to it. The sheer force of her lips caused Fred to sit up and take notice.

Y/n nudged at his side, a silent signal for him to get on top. Fred didn’t need her to ask him twice. He was quick to kick the blankets covering his legs and repositioned himself between hers. Fred leaned forward to spark the flint once again. His hands attached to her face immediately as he pulled her in tightly. This embrace nearly knocked Y/n right off the bed. She parted her lips and felt him washing over like a tsunami of passion, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him impaired her. Her whole body tingled, the pressure of his fram leaning on hers as his arms wrapped around her felt like an array of fireworks during the finale of a grand show. Her lips parted against his and the abrupt swipe of his tongue inside her cheeks sent a rush of shivers through her body. The intensity was overwhelming as she struggled to keep hold of his shoulders.

Y/n came to at the need for air and pulled away from Fred. A sharp breath filled her lungs as her hands pressed against his chest keeping him in place. However, Fred was growing impatient by the second and the need to be as close to her as possible was too strong of an urge for him to ignore.

Fred pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her arms gave in and she was using his body to support herself. She was nearly slipping from the bed from the pure force of his kiss. Fred kept his free hand steady on the back of her neck to ensure she wouldn’t fall but in the moment, she really couldn’t care. Wasn’t like they hadn’t had a makeout session on the floor- come to think of it, George had walked in on them just last week.  

Their hands roamed over each other as if it was their first time touching another. His fingertips grazed the side of her neck earning a muffled moan from the girl. She tugged at his red hair, which was a guarantee to keep his adrenaline pumping. A vibration buzzed in her mouth as Fred groaned into her from the lustful pain. His body was ever moving as his hips grinded into her. This was a familiar position yet the passion was what made the kiss so electrifying. His elbows were placed on either side of her head to hold himself up as he moved his lips against hers and continued to work his tongue with hers. Y/n trailed her hand down from his fiery locks to his sharp chin where she pressed his lips as deeply into hers as she could manage.

Softly as possible, Y/n slowly pulled herself away from Fred. His eyes cracked open at the lost of warmth against his skin and he glanced down at her. Both smiled at each other until Fred rolled over and slid under the covers. He fixed the blankets around until he felt satisfied then opened his arms, as if inviting Y/n to enter. She obeyed without question and coozied herself into his arms. He wrapped her in a loving cuddle as he pressed a quick kiss to her temple.

Y/n leaned into his body, resting her head against his arm that was linked under her. There was a comforting silence that replaced the steaming air. The clock on Fred’s night stand shone bright with the time, ‘4:08am’, meaning morning had practically arrived and Fred had yet to catch a wink of sleep.

Just as Fred was preparing himself to welcome his slumber, a notion came. Propping himself up on his elbow, Fred reached out to shake the girl’s shoulder.

“Hey, Y/n?”

Y/n gleaned over to him in curiosity. Twisting her body she set her gaze directly on Fred, as if to show him she was intune and listening.


“If I were a worm, would you still love me?” Fred asked in a whisper. Y/n leered up at him in a disgusted fashion. It looked as if she had been force fed a full can of lima beans and sardines. Those sleepy eyes were replaced by saucer like eyes of revulsion. Poking her tongue out she pretended to gag as her eyes twisted shut.

“Ew, no, why would I be in love with a worm? You can’t even talk and if I kissed you, I might accidentally kiss your butt, gross!” Y/n covered her mouth to mask her fit of laughter that shook through her chest. Fred’s mouth dropped in shock at her words as she unwrapped herself from his hold to shift to her side. He stared at her in astonishment as she threw her legs over the side of his bed. His hand reached out to yank her back but she was already up on her feet smirking to him.

“Are you kidding me? Get back here!”

“I need to use the bathroom- I’ll be back in a flash, wormie.” She blew him a taunting kiss and a wave, then quietly shut the door as she journeyed down the hall to the restrooms. Fred still heard her unruly laughter from behind the large wooden door. As her footsteps grew shallower, Fred tossed his head into the pillow and rolled his eyes. Just like earlier, silence overtook the room and this time, Fred was overjoyed because it meant he no longer had to hear about worms. That was at least until she got back, then he’d surely be having a discussion.

Meadow (George Weasley x Reader)

Prompt: Hi, maybe fred or george (you can choose) and the reader are spending the afternoon in a flower meadow together? (sorry for my english, it’s not my first language)

Notes: okay I’m sure spring break isn’t a thing at hogwarts but for this write, it is . hope you enjoy !!

Warnings: none, just a lot of fluff cause everyone loves george

Word Count:3.5k

Spring break was winding down to a close as early April broke through. New life was brought to fruition as the snow from the harsh winter evaporated into the ground. Outside the grounds of the Weasley’s home were fields and fields of open land. Flowers sprouted in every step creating a kaleidoscope of colors. Those tumbling plains seemed to extend for miles beyond the horizon. Just beyond those grassy hills and slopes was a large, secluded meadow.

It was the early hours of a Saturday morning when a pair invaded the area far before the sun began to rise. The meadow Y/n and George had been occupying seemed to be the perfect location to view the birth of the new season. The perfect spot to enjoy each other’s company. Soon they would be ushered back to Kings Cross and board the Hogwarts Express- George for his last time and Y/n, well it certainly wouldn’t be her last time, no matter how hard she dreamed it was. The topic of George leaving Hogwarts was one the couple tip-toed around. Break was only two weeks but that meant two extra weeks for the pair to be together. With the school year tumbling to an end, George would be leaving school soon with his brother to start his dream and Y/n would be stuck needing to finish her last year at Hogwarts alone. The girl was a year below her boyfriend and although it never caused any friction for the pair, the gap was finally giving them issues.

In George’s mind, arriving to his last school year was both an accomplishment, and a burden. As excited as he was to finally leave those stone walls that held him back, the last thing he wanted was to leave her behind. It didn’t make any of the pain easier knowing that he’d be leaving alongside Fred earlier than the rest of their classmates. Y/n had been the only other living soul Fred and George had filled in on their grand exit plan. They needed someone to keep guard and be a lookout so who better than the one person they trusted not to run their mouth.

There was a heavy smell of earth in the air, mixed with the faint odor of new growth. The vivid green leaves and the cheerful colors of the blossoms are a feast. Flowers popped up from the soiled ground and the fruit hanging from the trees were starting to come to life.

The couple had spent a good portion of their break at the secluded meadow. In a way, it became their little secret spot. Not that it was a secret location by any means. Fred and George had discovered the meadow a few years back when they had ventured miles away from the burrow. The boys were always adventurous, especially when Molly and Arthur finally allowed them free range outside the family home when they were eleven. There were miles and miles of tall grass and woodland that made it easy to get lost. Of course with Fred and George, losing their way was never a worry. When the boys stumbled upon the breathtaking meadow, George seemed to be the only one interested in their find. Fred had wandered off into the section of forest they entered through, his attention captured by a group of baby deer camouflage in the woods. For years George would wander back to the meadow on his own when he needed a break from the loudness of his siblings or grew tired of Ron trailing on his coattails every turn. He promised himself he would keep the spot to himself, let it be his own private sanctuary. This plan ran smooth for a few years before George made the exception to break the rule for one person only.

But for now, the two could only take advantage of the time they had together and they didn’t intend to spend a second apart. It looked as if Y/n and George had stepped straight into a storybook. The grass was Eden-green and thigh-high to a thrush. A neon-blue ribbon of river ran through the ground in a squiggle line. A party of bright yellow ducklings scattered in the calm water, small quacks filling the air. Chirping and sweet songs from the birds made that feeling of Spring become a reality. Buzzing bumble bees and wildflowers sprung along the land. The sounds of nature engulfed the girl whole as she melted into the soft grass.

“I could stay here for the rest of my life- away from people, away from the world. It’s peaceful.” Y/n hummed softly. Her large doe eyes observed the clouds that formed a perfect line-up in the baby blue sky, as if they were boats safely moored in celestial harbour. Peeks of sunlight seeped in through the cracks in the fluffy clouds casting a shimmering light as they danced slowly by in the sky. Just a moment before she was listing off all the animals and objects she saw in the sky. Now she was considering the thought of staring at them forever.

George stole a quick glance down where she laid in his lap. Strands of her h/c hair flowing across his legs and hands. It tickled against his skin as a light breeze swept past. Her abrupt words had caught him off guard. He had missed the sound of her voice for the last hour, although adored the trance-like state of happiness that she was in so he was constantly biting his tongue to keep his thoughts from pouring out. Now that she was somewhat back to earth, he was eager to chat. Tilting his head in her direction George raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah?” He questioned.

A smile graced her lips as she nodded in confirmation. The land was beautiful, unlike anything she had seen. There certainly weren’t any meadows with such serenity as this in the city of London. For once in her life she could hear the sound of her heart beating in the quietness of the open land and she loved it. No cars honking, no crabby cityfolk shoving their way through crowds, no taxi drivers screaming at pedestrians to move, no bright lights, just nature and all of its creations.

Extending her arm, Y/n pointed out to the land. George followed her direction to see she was gesturing to a small section of the meadow that was surrounded by an eyecatching army of poppies and bellflowers. A large willow tree stood towering over the side. In the middle was a bare section- large enough for a home to fit. Y/n grinned in excitement as she suddenly sat up straight.

“Yeah. Build a little cottage, start a garden, maybe even a family… I think it would be lovely.” She said dreamily. Her eyes looked up to George in wonder, silently asking him to share his opinion. Mirroring her previous actions, George scanned the meadow. He placed his hand against his chin, pretending to think long and hard about her idea. Y/n giggled besides him and shoved him lightly on the shoulder. He chuckled in response and leaned back into the log supporting him. George nodded in agreement to the pondering dream.

There was a casual grace to the meadow, as if it has a peripheral awareness of its own beauty yet would rather be at peace in this warm sun. It was quaint and humble yet glowing in - like a glorious mansion hidden away in a forest. A hidden gem that was to be kept away from the rest of society. Their own little happy place that opened and bloomed just for them. There was something so magical about the meadow that George couldn’t pass it up. It felt like fate leading him there- leading them.

“Think we could make that work. The family part is a definante- it’s just building a home that’ll take a bit of time. We could get started on making a family of our own right now-” George was cut off when a hand clamped over his mouth. Although he was only joking, he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea.

“George-” She warned playfully.

“Or in a few years. But living out here would be nice. ‘S not like I got to worry about commuting for work. It’d be a nice escape from the shop once we get business running, and once you graduate. Not to mention moving out here would mean I’d get to see more of you in that pretty dress. Flowers in your hair… you look so enchanting, darling.” A bashfulness struck Y/n to her core at his words. Her eyes instinctively shot down to the grass as a paint of red rose to her face. George’s heart quite literally stuttered at her reaction. Making her blush, seeing her smile because of something he said never failed to bring a sense of happiness to George. That damn smile, he thought to himself. He was sure she could convince him of anything when that innocent look took over. It was natural for her. Y/n was simply ethereal in every way.

His hand brushed as gently as a feather across the skin of her cheek. Pushing the daisy back in place behind her ear, George drew his hand down from her ear to her neck. Gripping her softly George pulled her towards his body, lessening the space between the pair. Dipping his head he leaned in towards the girl until their lips were only inches apart. He smirked teasingly, ready to make a remark when Y/n took matters into her own hands.

Linking her hand around his chin she pulled his face in hers with a deep kiss. Although she initiated the gesture, it was George’s response that made her lose all sense of control. His large hands moved from her face to her waist in an instant. Much to Y/n’s surprise he lifted her without warning, still holding her lips in his, and placed her in his lap so she was facing him. Her hands instinctively switched to wrap around his neck for stability. Fingers gripped at his short ginger locks as she adjusted her hips into his.

Y/n’s heart pounded in her chest as her entire body got weaker. She could only focus on how soft he felt against her mouth, how addictively he invaded all her senses. Everytime their lips met a rush of adrenaline and love ran through her veins. The muscles in her body went limp at his touch, jelly like. George held a tight lock around her waist keeping her steady against him. He slipped his tongue against her mouth, visibly shuddering when she slid her tongue against his in return. Tension was pooling by the second as the kiss intensified. Y/n’s strawberry dress cascaded down the side of legs as she repositioned in his lap earning a groan from George. Hot breath fanned against her face briefly at her movements. His hand darted from the small of her back to the exposed skin on her upper thigh, pushing her further into his body. The vibration of his voice against her lips and the tight grip of his hands on her thighs sent shivers down her spine. His kiss was sweet, like a long awaited embrace. Stars blurred her vision as George gripped her against his chest. The moment was quickly turning into a not so innocent kiss causing Y/n to slowly detach her lips from his. As she pulled away she remained sat in his lap, fingers brushing along the skin of his face as she admired his beauty. A smug smile was displayed on his face while he repositioned his hands behind his body to hold the pair up. Still holding his face in her palms, Y/n pressed forward to scatter a line of kisses on his cheeks. He chuckled in amusement before her kiss latched to his mouth once more. Between short and passionate pecks she fought for words to tell him how much he meant to her. She wanted to tell him all the emotions of love and desire he brought onto her. Tell him how she could never live with another- how he was the only one she wanted for the rest of her life.

“You’re too good to me, George.” She whispered against his lips. The lack of space between them was intoxicating. Heat emanated from George’s cheeks as he desperately attempted to regain his breath and compose himself. His chest was light with air caused by the sweetness of the girl before him. A small smear of glitter lip gloss covered his bottom lip in a shine.

George tasted a hint of bubble gum as his tongue swept along the skin of his bottom lip.

“I’d give you the whole world if I could but I’m afraid I don’t have the coins for that yet, princess.” Pressing his forehead against hers, George hummed the words. Y/n shook her head with a smile as she countered his grand proposition with one of her own.

“All I need is a quaint, cozy cottage out here and you… well a dog or a kitten would be nice too.” She laughed.

George could only stare at her in that moment. Her words registered although the naturalness to her beauty was too much for him to process. The sun hit her back in with such purpose it was as if she were an angel breaking through the sky. Her strawberry midi dress flowed down her sides and pooled in between his legs. Pretty pink satin clung to her form. The sparkling red strawberries fitted her perfectly. The ruffles on her shoulders gave her the look of a cottage princess, a fairy even. Hair flowing freely in the wind, it was a sight he’d never grow tired of seeing. He’d never seen someone as breathtaking as her.

Taking advantage of his silence, Y/n looked up to George in seriousness. His large brown eyes stared lovingly back to her. Gesturing to the meadow surrounding them, Y/n asked him,

“Do you think you’d be happy out here?”

George tore his stare from the girl to scope out the land once more. All the years he spent wandering down here alone in his mind and looking for some sort of answer to life, now he had found it. He could already picture where he would build a playset for the children and where he’d be able to make a small Quidditch pitch to teach your future kids. Ideas were forming for the house and how many rooms you’d both want. George was thinking somewhere around eight- extra room for more kids. Mapped out where the house would go, where he’d build a garden for you, figured out what tree would be perfect for him to put together a treehouse with Fred for the kids, and where the path would go towards the lake. The layout was quickly forming and he wanted in.

Y/n watched in curiosity as the thoughts swarmed through her lover’s head. She could see him intently thinking things over, then smiling before tilting his face back down at the girl. His head moved down so his lips could press against the skin of her forehead as he kissed her.

“Darling, as long as I’m with you, I’ll be more than happy.” He reassured her.

Y/n melted into the warmth provided by his lips. Her body leaned into his, desperate for more of him. George wrapped his arm around her shoulder tightly and fixed his body so he was sitting tall. She clung to his frame like a koala to a tree, burying her face into the material of his hoodie.

“Once I graduate?” Her muffled voice vibrated against his sternum. George ran his fingers up and down her spine as he held her tight.

“Once you graduate.” George repeated sincerely. Although they’d gone over the conversation a million different times, Y/n couldn’t help the shadow of doubts that crept into her mind. She trusted George with all her heart- every inch of her being but they’d be living in two separate worlds for a year and she worried that was something he might not want. Maybe he would realize he wanted to be with a girl his age, or someone older, someone not stuck at Hogwarts. Even without reason for worry, it still came.

Remaining in his hold yet moving back slightly, Y/n’s eyes darted to the flower covered ground. Her fingers ran along the petals absentmindedly as she worked to find the courage to speak. Her shift in emotions did not go unnoticed by the boy. George focused on the look of contemplation adorning her. As adorable as she looked, he hated seeing her in the slightest bit of distress. This went for any situation whether Y/n was stressed about a class, feeling ill, or just sad because she’s hungry, George does everything in his control to fix it for her.

“You’ll wait for me?” The sudden question took George aback. Her tone was a mix of innocence and fear. His confusion arose for the grave manner of her inquiry. Even if her worries were astonishingly unworldly to George, he knew better than to shut down her insecurities brashly. If the topic at hand weren’t so significant to their relationship, he might even crack a joke. However the seriousness in her features was not to be ignored.

George reached out to interlock his fingers through her warm hands. That comforting smile of his graced his face as he brought her knuckles up to his lips and placed a trial of kisses along the bones.

“Of course I’ll wait, love. No other girl I’d want to spend the rest of my life with- no other girl I want to call my wife, the mother of my children. No one but you, my love.” George insisted. It seemed magical to Y/n the way he always knew exactly what to say. Always so heartfelt and honest in meaning. He never told her a lie to make her happy but somehow managed to piece together a perfect string of words to make her whole again. Something in the way he spoke, in his words, it made her believe nearly anything was plausible. Most of all, she trusted him and believed that he had every intention of sticking around, which brought a sneaking grin to Y/n’s face. All those worries washed away at his words. It was a part she loved deeply about him.

The feeling of George’s touch smoothing over the bottom of her pink dress pulled Y/n back to the meadow. The scent of lavender and vanilla wafted past his nose from the perfume he had gifted her for Christmas. His fingers would skim against her bare leg in a teasing fashion as he smirked. Y/n let out a giggle at the tickling sensation of his touch. Her arms wrapped around his neck for support while her bashful grin never ceased.

“There’s that pretty smile.” George remarked with a chuckle. A sense of victory took hold of him at seeing her worries vanish. Arms locked around his neck, Y/n pulled him towards her as her head fell to his chest. Given their limited time, all the couple wanted to do for the next month was be in each other’s arms. George cherished every opportunity he got to hold her, knowing he’d spend the next year missing her everyday. It came in the little things as well like the way her hair always smelled like a basket of delicious fruits, or how she’d hum to herself while they were studying together. He already knew he’d spend most days babbling on to Fred about how much he missed Y/n. Break was almost over which meant the twins would be leaving Hogwarts for good within a few weeks. Y/n dreaded the idea of not seeing George every day, not getting to kiss him or hug him. George hated thinking about having to hear from her through letters and not getting to hear that sweet laughter every day. So for now, all George wanted was to hold his girl and enjoy the excitement for their future he felt budding inside of him.

The colors in the sky were starting to grow brighter by the minute and without saying it, the pair both knew they’d be needing to head back to The Burrow for lunch sooner then they’d care to admit. In the serenity of the meadows the couple found a sense of home. Y/n soaked in their last bits of time in the meadow before George mentioned them heading back. Although neither moved at his words but instead remained holding onto one another.

“I love you, George.”

“I love you more, princess.”

‘oooo!! then can i request a draco imagine reader is a muggleborn ravenclaw and since her nature is more on the shy side, she usually gets picked on, even though she stands for herself, the bullies are usually bigger than her (have u seen goyle??? omg) so any resistence is useless, and when draco knows about this he defends her?? because he likes her or something Sjsjj idk if this is too long or something :’) thank you!‘

A/N:This request was initially sent as an ask from an anonymous user that I had accidentally posted before it was finished so despite that whole situation, I hope you enjoy this imagine! Sorry for the minorinconvenience. If you have any feedback (good or bad) feel free to message me! I made the reader a little more independent than the request but I hope it fits well enough!

Pairing:Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw/Muggleborn!Reader

Characters:Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle,  Pansy Parkinson

Warnings:Possibly a curse word or two

Word Count: 956

It wasn’t unusual for you to be sitting by the lake on a Saturday rather than running around the castle with your friends. It’s not like you didn’t have any, of course. You had quite a bit of friends, actually. You just preferred not having to deal with their rowdiness, you would rather sit in silence and do something productive. For example, you were currently reading a new muggle book your parents had just sent you. That was until it had been grabbed out of your hand.

You didn’t have to look up to know who it was taken by. For your entire time at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy’s little Slytherin posy had been messing with you every chance they got. Luckily for you, you never actually had any encounters with the Malfoy man himself. You had always wondered why that was, but had just assumed that he would rather spend his time picking on Harry Potter than waste it with you. You had quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you heard the boy hovering over you slam your book shut.

 “I reckon books are just a damned waste of time, don’tcha think, Crabbe?” Goyle questioned, intently studying the cover with a nearly pained looking expression on his face. Crabbe began to answer before Goyle cut him off. “They’re almost as useless as Y/L/N, here,” he stated before chuckling at his own witty remark and tossing the book to the side, “so mudblood, you gonna do something or do you plan on just sitting there looking like an idiot?’ He crouched down next to you and raised an eyebrow. You fought the urge to punch him in his big square face. You refused to get into any trouble, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to gather up enough courage to do so anyways. You had simply huffed and muttered a quiet, “Bug off, Goyle.” He scoffed at your displeasing response and grabbed you by your shirt collar, dragging you upwards as he stood. “That’s really all you’re gonna say?” He smirked, “Real original. I’m so scared.” He replied sarcastically as he roughly let go of your shirt.

 “Malfoy’s father’s right. You mudbloods are truly just little prats who can’t even speak for themselves,” this time Pansy was the one to speak, “I’m sure your muggle parents are just as damned annoying and worthless as you.” You could feel your ears beginning to burn red with anger. Anyone speaking illy of your parents is where you drew the line. “Don’t be so daft Parkinson, you know you’re the only one here with fool parents. The fact that they decided havingyouwas a good idea is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard! No wonder that Malfoy jerk doesn’t even like you, you’re too annoying for even that buffoon to think about dating you. Now that I think about it, you and idiot Crabbe over there would be a great couple!” You quickly spat at her, you were surprised at how blunt you were towards her but decided not to show it.

She was obviously furious at your outburst and began to shout back at you some choice words before she was cut off by a certain blonde Slytherin. “Oi Pansy, would you shut up for once! She’s right, ya know. You’re quite the prat. Now I’d prefer if you’d stay the hell away from her. She’s obviously about to beat your arse and I reckon she’d win in a duel against you in a heartbeat.” He snarled and pushed past her straight towards you. “You three, leave, now.” He demanded towards the other Slytherins before they all quickly walked away, not wanting to be on his bad side. “Sorry about them,” he turned back to you and slightly smiled before quickly switching back to his signature smirk, “are you alright?” He queried. You furrowed your eyebrows, surely he’s not actually showing an interest in your well being. You just simply nodded and began to walk away from him, but you didn’t get very far before he grabbed your arm. You quickly turned back around and raised one eyebrow looking from his hand on your arm back to his face.

As soon as you looked at him he had completely lost all chill and began stuttering profusely before suddenly shutting up and letting go of your arm. He pulled his other arm from behind his back and in it was your book. You had completely forgotten about it until now and you were very confused as to why he was giving it to you. “Uhm, thanks, Malf- er, Draco..” You muttered quietly as you took your book out of his hand. He nodded and just before you turned away once more he spoke, “I’ve been telling them to leave you alone, ya know,” he sputtered quickly as you slowly looked up at him, “it was a pretty dick move of them to treat you like that. I’m sorry.” You smiled at him, and he hesitantly smiled back.

You didn’t mean to do it, but the sudden rush of happiness and courage that his confession brought you sort of forced you to. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him as tight as possible. He froze before wrapping his arms around your torso. “It’s quite alright, thank you.” You responded softly. Just as you spoke you began to hear the other students crowding inside, meaning it was time for dinner. You let go of him, and as he did the same, you swiftly pressed a kiss to his cheek before skipping off towards the castle.

Let’s just say that Draco spent most of his time in the Great Hall staring at a certain Ravenclaw.


Request rules arehere!


There’s a fresh bite to the night air as you lie side by side with Sirius, the ground by the black lake damp on your back. It’s late in the night, the rest of the castle asleep behind you, the normally bustling grounds peacefully silent. You turn your head to look at Sirius, your hand brushing over his lightly. He has a far off look on his face, an almost impossible serenity about him that you’ve never seen in all the years you’d been friends. 

“What are you thinking about?” You whisper, despite knowing there’s only the two of you there, it feels wrong somehow to break the silence. 

Sirius smiles softly and turns to look back at you, some of his curls toppling down over his forehead. He threads his fingers through yours and squeezes gently. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it you know.” 
“Do what?” 
“Sneak out of the castle with me,” He chuckles. “You’re such a rebely/n.” 
You roll your eyes with a huff, your cheeks feeling warm. You’re at least glad that it’s dark out here and Sirius can’t see you blush. The truth was, you’d been crushing hard; so when he’d suggested the late night adventure you’d jumped at the chance. 

“There’s more to me then what you think Black.” 
Sirius pushes up on his elbow, looking down at you, hovering slightly over you. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips as you squirm under his gaze, your belly doing a funny little flip as he leans down and brushes some hair out of your face. 

“I’m looking forward to finding everything out about you y/l/n.” 

Before you can question what he means his lips are touching yours lightly, barely there but enough that your heart hammers chaotically inside of your chest. Tentatively you reach up and brace your hand on his chest, parting your lips and deepening the kiss. When he pulls away you take a deep breath, missing the feeling of his lips immediately. 

If this was how it was going to be, maybe you’d sneak out to look at the stars with him more often…

Tags:@the–real-wombat@sleepylunarwolf@strangenerdsstuff@ashkuuuu@dottirose@fairywriter-oracle@miraclesoflove@daddy-padfoot@angelastein2010@addled@wanna-see-my-lease​ - If you want to be tagged you can add yourself via the link on my masterlist, alternatively you can send me an ask x 

Tagging some other babes because It’s been so long and I don’t know anyone here anymore… wanna be friends? Or maybe you have some good potter blogs to follow? I’m so outdated in this fandom on here haha

If you liked this imagine pls come let me know, I’ve been absent on this blog for a little while now but I’d like to come back to it more often. I’d really like to hear from you guys 

Having a little bit of writers block with my text imagines sooo i’m thinking of starting doing gif reactions until my writing gets better? send me a character (or multiple) with a scenario (eg *characters* reaction to announcing ur pregnant) and i’ll make some gifs for it !!!

I hope this makes sense lmao
