#internet culture







So apparently round umpty-zillion of “people are killing fandom by not commenting” is going around, and I’ve seen a few posts trashing people for lurking/viewing/reading instead of actively participating.

My journal and my fic has always been a lurker-friendly zone. I think lurkers are great and people can fight me on this. Here’s why:

We all started out as lurkers. Or at least most of us did. Come on. I’m sure some people out there must’ve jumped into fandom with both feet and started writing and commenting right away, and good for you if you did! But I sure didn’t. I lurked for YEARS. And even now, though I’ve been in fandom since before Y2K, whenever I get into a new fandom or a new social media platform, I still lurk. I hang out around the fringes for awhile to get a feeling for the place before starting to participate. Back in the mailing list/bulletin board days, it was usually recommended that people do that on purpose, watch and listen and learn the local lingo and social rules before diving in. So you know what? You are not doing anything wrong and you are not doing anything that most of the people you see out there commenting and creating and reccing things haven’t done themselves.

We all have lurker days, weeks, months …. Nobody is 100% “on” all the time. Participating in fandom (commenting, reccing, creating content, and so forth) is WORK. It may be fun work, but it still takes effort! Even if you’re sometimes very active in fandom, then you’ll have life fall on your head or the brain weasels flare up, and you won’t have the time and energy to give. Don’t feel guilty about not being able to give fandom your extra spoons. No one in fandom has a right to demand a single spoon from you that you don’t want to give.

Some of today’s lurkers may be your friends tomorrow. How do I know this? Because I’ve made friends with some of them myself! I’ve had people delurk in my comments to say hi after YEARS of reading my fanfic without saying a word. Which I am totally okay with, by the way. And some of these people are good friends today.

So, in conclusion:

  • It is okay to feel too shy to come out of lurkerhood in fandom until you feel more comfortable there. It is fine, in fact, if you never do.
  • It is okay to be too busy and have too few spoons to comment or create stuff. You still have a perfect right to be in fandom and read and reblog whatever you want.
  • It is okay if you meant to comment on that fic or go back and press the kudos button but never got around to it.
  • It is okay if you have too many accounts already and don’t want to create a new one just to comment/participate on a social media platform. 
  • It is okay if your personal situation (a stalker ex, controlling parents) makes it unsafe for you to create an account or comment on things.
  • It is okay if you can’t or don’t want to comment or do any of the other things that constitute non-lurkerhood, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation for why.

This post is a good way to balance a lot of the “COMMENT ON FIC COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT” stuff that I post here. Content creators will always be happy to receive comments, and comments do in fact breed more content but… sometimes you can’t, and you aren’t obligated to. It’s fine to passively enjoy content for whatever reason.

I was a decades long lurker. You all are welcome here.

I’m still trying to find my place in the fandom, please lurk, and enjoy and join in as you feel comfortable. 

Also if you are low energy, please don’t make promises you can’t or are unable to keep. I’d rather people just lurk and say nothing at all then promise to review and then don’t do anything for months.

It creates a false pretense and obligation that just puts more pressure on you when that’s not something you need right now, but also can make an author feel jilted when that promise is not followed through.

So be kind to yourself and be kind to your favorite authors. Comment when you can, but don’t invent obligations when you don’t have to, it’s not healthy.

Lurkers can lurk.

















lifehack: when you see a Take One candy bowl in a restaurant, wait until noones looking and shovel candy into your pockets. god may judge you but his sins outnumber your own

“God may judge you but his sins outnumber your own.” We really need to start collecting and sourcing these Potent Quotables.

I’ve been doing this for years

It’s all on a google doc of mine (x)

“Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won.” -fucking Warrior Cats

We live in a socie-

Wait wait you forgot the mushroom post “you can’t kill me in a way that matters” +the following uhhhh 1 sec

I find the mushroom post :)



Can we go ahead and add “one day you’ll decompose, and I’ll be there to watch it happen” to the list please


“There is not enough time to make all the things one’s imagination can conjure” - @reyndesign

Every single one of these quotes is going in my next grimoire

May I add: “I refuse to die until things are better and that is a threat.”-random tumblr user I can’t find the post anymore


Oh! an entire quote list for the Raw Animals Coloring Book!

Sorry for my absence, I started a new job where I write clickbait headlines. Please enjoy the fruits of my labor.


“brot3″ is one of the most unbelievable things to emerge from the internet’s neologism forge tbh

  • it starts with “OTP” for “one true pairing”
  • OTP takes on hyperbolic meaning, dropping its inherent exclusivity such that “OTPs” becomes standard lingo
  • polyamory is incorporated under “OT3″, in which the 3 replaces P so as to rhyme,rather than signify a component of the acronym
  • convention is repurposed to describe platonicrelationships with “brotp”, again using a rhyme rather than acronym replacement
  • final expression for “platonic 3-way character dynamic that is important to me” expands to… “brother true three” or something like that

I’d call it my notebooks full of drawings circa 1994-2000.
