


Opuestos que se atraen y complementan☯️

I love the way you’ve complimented them so wonderfully. Lovely artwork, @pachworldx-1​! <3


Ando inspirada

So soft and delicately created. I love the way Inu holds Kagome; so much fervent protection and love. Lovely work, @pachworldx-1​! <3

A Monk’s Curse, A Cat’s Cure

Written for @inukag-week day two: Role Reversal

Summary: Inuyasha is a humble monk learning to devote his life to faith and the service of others, until his fellow monks turn on him for daring to befriend a yokai. Woken up after being sealed away for 500 years, he’s out of time and out of place, until a sweet, friendly Hanyo with an even sweeter family give him a new place to belong.

Read on: AO3


Inuyasha stared blankly at the wall in front of him.

It was smooth, like stone, but it wasn’t made from stone, and it was covered in paper painted with little bundles of flowers in a rainbow of colors.

The ‘couch’ he was sitting on was soft, very soft, like a giant floor cushion but… taller. He didn’t have to kneel on it at all.

There was some sort of box to his right making noise, saying words, flashing colorfully like a disjointed dream, and then a hand fell gently on his shoulder, startling him out of the fog he’d sunk into to protect himself, at least in his mind, from his current circumstances.

He jerked back to outer awareness and looked up into warm, concerned brown eyes and a motherly smile.

“Are you alright young man?”

He blinked, each of her words filtering in one at a time, processing slowly as his mind worked through all the ways the language had changed over time.

And if what they’d tried to tell him was true, it had had a lot of time to change.

A Toe in the Water

Part Three

Written for @inukag-week day 6: teasing!

Here we are at the end of this fluffy little piece! I can’t post the entirety of this chapter here because it does get quite spicy. (Smut warning!)

Summary: Inuyasha is getting married, and that’s just not something he ever thought would happen. After Kagome finally returns through the well 3 years after defeating Naraku and the jewel, they are put on a fast track to Happy Ever After. He’s happy, he really is! So what is this rain cloud hovering in his sunny skies?

Read on: AO3


Inuyasha sucked in what he hoped was a discreet breath as Kagome’s hand rested on his knee while Sango and Miroku regaled them with some tale or other about the twins latest shenanigans.

He tried to listen, he did, but all he could hear were the quiet, sultry words Kagome had whispered to him just that very morning in that very hut as that very hand had trailed up his thigh and closed tightly around-

“Inuyasha, everything alright my friend?” Miroku asked, and Inuyasha squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to rid himself of the entirely too distracting visions he’d been entertaining.

“Uh… what?”

“I’ve just never seen you so… not present.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

Kagome giggled and he whipped his head over to glare at her, his expression falling immediately flat as she smirked, a wicked light glinting deep within her eye.

He gulped and cleared his throat, scratching at the back of his head before turning back to Miroku, ignoring the dawning look of perversion on his face.

“I meant nothing by it at all, I assure you.” He said a little too placidly, and Sango looked shrewdly between all three of them.

“Miroku. Behave yourself. I want them to invite us over for dinner more than just this once!”

It’s day 5 of @inukag-week and I have more art!!

I really love the idea that Inuyasha will stay up with the baby so Kagome can get more sleep since he needs less of it as a Hanyo. He would be such a sweet dad, I just know it ❤️

(Obviously non HNY compliant Lmao)

It’s day four of @inukag-week and today I have art

I like when people mention in fics that Kagome has a scar from where the Shikon was ripped from her side.

A Toe in the Water

Part Two

Part one- domestic, can be found HERE

Part two written for @inukag-week day 3- intimacy

Summary: Inuyasha is getting married, and that’s just not something he ever thought would happen. After Kagome finally returns through the well 3 years after defeating Naraku and the jewel, they are put on a fast track to Happy Ever After. He’s happy, he really is! So what is this rain cloud hovering in his sunny skies?

Also read on: AO3


Inuyasha watched Kagome comb her hair in front of the fire in their hut, wearing nothing but the water from her bath and his loosely hanging fire rat.

His heart rate picked up and his lungs squeezed, the sheer power of the atmosphere between them baring down on him until it threatened to crush him flat.

She was achingly beautiful, and he still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that she was there, with him, so free and open and trusting…

And he couldn’t… Do anything about it.


He could feel it, another night of failure, another night where she would snuggle in next to him in bed and he would hold her in his arms and his palms would sweat and his heart would race and he’d be so gripped by fear that she would once more fall asleep as his wife in name only.

Because even though he was free touch her, free to hold her, free to tease her and taste her and takeher…

He was frozen.

He couldn’t… he couldn’t…

He couldn’t.

His face burned in shame and he tore his eyes away from her, glaring at the floor of their home and willing it to open and swallow him whole.

He felt her touch against his cheek and he looked up into her face so soft and warm with a depth of love and understanding that took his breath away.

And made his stomach burn like Sesshomaru’s poison claw had been inside it again.

He did not deserve this woman’s mercy and kindness, yet she continued to lavish him with it every opportunity she had.

“Ready for bed, Husband?” She whispered, and once again hearing her so proudly claim him as hers like that made everything seem so magical, like all the shit and shadows he’d walked through in life had truly been worth it, had just been stumbling blocks on his road straight to her, so he let her grab his hand and pull him to his feet. He followed her silently to their futon and watched her lay down, and then he slid in to the bed behind her, rolling on top of her, hovering over her, tracing every line and curve and lash on her face with his eyes.

He could feel the warm softness of her body beneath his, and he would be lying if he said it didn’t make his blood run hot, but just as soon as the fire rushed through his veins, the ice followed, and she could alwaystell.

He could smell her lust, her desire, her hope, and he could smell when her own burning need cooled in the face of his hesitancy.

But he never smelled her disappointment, and for that he would never be able to accurately voice his gratitude.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, laying down fully on top of her and hiding his face in the crook of her neck. He felt her arms wrap around his shoulders, felt her chest vibrate as she chuckled softly, felt her hands find one of his ears and scratch at the base.

“Don’t apologize Inuyasha. I’ve told you, it’s okay. Whenever you’re ready.”

“But I should be ready. this is… this is bullshit. This is weakness. This is failure, Kagome. I’m failing as a husband already!”

“Stop that.” She said sternly, pushing him off of her until he rolled over on his back, and then she propped herself up on his shoulder and glared down into his face. “Don’t say those things Inuyasha. They aren’t true. We’ve only been married for a couple of weeks, and before that… did we really have time to just be together? Without any world saving nonsense or baggage from the past to settle?”

He blinked, his previous thoughts from the week they prepared their hut re-emerging from the depths of his self loathing.

No, they hadn’t.

“We were kind of chucked into the deep end of all of this, weren’t we? And maybe… maybe I made it worse by insisting we live here instead of taking the time to build a new home. I’m… sorry if-“

“No, don’t. You’ve done nothing wrong, Kagome. I could have… I could said something…”

“We’re you worried about this before?”

He swallowed down the knot of jumbled words and denials and excuses, even a few stray insults from latter days of much worse habits, and shook his head yes.

It was the best he could do, but it was enough.

She bit her lip and looked over at the wall, and fear of losing her sped through his soul so cold and fast he wanted to scream.

But she didn’t look mad or hurt or betrayed.

“Inuyasha have you… have you ever done… anything physical… with anyone?”

“No!” He exploded, sitting up and facing her with a dark, stormy scowl. “Why the hell would you think-“

“Inuyasha stop. I’m not asking because I’m jealous or suspicious, no matter what I love you more than anything.” She explained, his heart faltering at her easy declaration, “I just… tell me please. Have you ever been with anyone?”

“Who the hell besides you do you even think would want to be with me, Kagome?” He asked her, and he saw the light in her eyes sharpen.


“No.No. We are not dragging her into this. This is between me’n you Kagome, she ain’t got nothin’-“

“Please Inuyasha, humor me for a second!” She cried, grabbing his hand and staring into his eyes imploringly. “I promise I’m not trying to trap you, but right now, I need you to answer me. I need you to talk to your wife so we can solve a problem. Please?”

His spine was ramrod straight with angry, frustrated tension, giggling ghosts of the past sneaking in to rehaunt him with all his mistakes and blunders and mess ups.

But she looked so earnest and smelled so honest that he sighed and tilted his head back to look at their ceiling.

“No. Aside from the one kiss when she was… dying, and the one kiss when she was trying to drag me to hell… Kikyo and I… never did anything else.”

“Okay,” she said, and she’d spoken true, she wasn’t mad. “And we’ve only kissed a few times before you get overwhelmed. Inuyasha, are you under the impression that it’s all or nothing?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think that if we’re together, we have to go all the way to sex?”

He felt his face light on fire, and his palms were sweating, and he wanted to rip his hand away from hers and cross his arms in his sleeves.

“Uh… y-yeah? Ain’t that the point? Ain’t that what married people do?”

“Sometimes, yes,” she replied, scooting closer and laying her head on his shoulder. “But sometimes no. Sometimes… you work up to it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, we can be intimate in an endless number of ways, Inuyasha. It doesn’t have to be sex right away.”

“It… it doesn’t?”

“No. And plenty of people can’t just go from nothing to everything. I’m not surprised at all to hear you need to go slow. To be honest… I like the sound of that better, too.”

“You do?!”

She never failed to knock him over and blow up all the things he’d ever believed, about himself, about the world, about people.

It was hard not to imagine fate creating this woman for him specifically sometimes.

“Yeah. I do. Inuyasha… can I kiss you?”

“You… want to kiss me right now?”

“Yes. I want to kiss you. More than once. But that’s all I want to do, and then I want you to hold me while we sleep, okay?”

His eyes fell to her lips, and all his thoughts scattered to the winds in favor of her scent and the memory of her taste.

“Okay,” he said absently, leaning into her and pressing his mouth to hers.

One kiss.


Three soft kisses before her hand settled against his jaw and her tongue darted out.

Clumsily he opened his mouth and let her inside, and she took her time getting to know his fangs, sliding her tongue against his, and sighing in pure contentment.

She’d been utterly starving for some kind of closeness and connection from him, and he wanted to maim himself for letting things get this far before hashing this all out, but his mind was clouding and all he could see or smell or taste or feel was her.

And she was delicious.

She pulled away and he tried to follow, a new hunger stirring deep in his belly, but she placed a soft hand on his mouth to stop him and touched her forehead to his with a breathy giggle.

“Okay. I think that’s enough.”

“It is?”

“Just for tonight. Now I’m tired.”

“Oh shit, it’s late. Come on, lay back down.”

It was hard to miss how giddy she seemed, how her soul seemed to thrum happily and excitedly around her as she snuggled into his arms and yawned.

“Goodnight husband.” She whispered, and though technically they weren’t physically man and wife yet, he couldn’t deny they were now a far sight closer.

It made him hopeful instead of fearful, and he noticed he felt cheated out of more kissing time with her.

He thought of tomorrow night, and the night after that one, and for the first time he didn’t want to hide.

He wanted more.

“Goodnight… my wife.”
