#kagome and inuyasha


today… today i cried and laughed so hard bc this was the best love storyever:(♡.


January Kalcia Cheesecake gift for @anxietyaardvark​​ for “Repairing What’s Broken” Chpt 8

I have not been very active, because…. Well, undiagnosed drawing (right) hand and right foot problems… I spent a week in the hospital where they have done a lot of tests and they all came negative. They decided it’s stress related and that’s all. Meanwhile I can’t hold a pen, write my name, brush my teeth, use a mouse or write on a keyboard, on the phone with both hands, only left one. It spasms and when it does it hurts (muscle pain, because of how tense the muscles become, at times I can’t ‘unbend’ my fingers without help from other hand), it twitches, I can’t move it fast, and when I’m holding a pen/brush/cutlery/whatever I grip it so hard it’s hard for me to let go. It’s all rigid. And my right foot - I drag it, I ‘hook’ my toes on the ground as I’m trying to walk, my knee and ankle bend as if they’re weaker, unstable, I loose balance.

I started therapy, I got antidepressants, but I’m still looking into different neurologists (mainly because last one has said that it may be dystonia).

I’m worried for my financial side of life (despite my parents trying to help), as I’m completely left without income. We don’t appreciate health enough…

…So I don’t know when I’ll be back to drawing full time, meanwhile I’ll be posting early access from my Patreon.



honestly, i always thought kikyo was prettier just because her hair was longer and darker. don’t get me wrong, kagome is beautiful too but i think i’ll always love kikyo’s hair more. kagome is also more doe eyed in some picture, which is cute, but kikyo’s eyes are smaller and more foxy looking which i love!

Manga: Inuyasha


Inukag family ❤️

Estoy algo ocupada en Comis y trabajo~ pero quiero subir Fanart esta semana por la inukagweek ❤️

