#it counts

gorovaia:of course she made it herself and of course shes worn it to school once and of course adrie


of course she made it herself and of course shes worn it to school once and of course adrien turned as red as nathanaels hair

Post link


I am a simple person: you show me a character swathed in dramatic makeup and self-loathing, who has cultivated a theatrically intimidating persona to protect their wounded tender heart, and I imprint on them like a baby bird.

it counts


Sometimes it’s so weird to write in English here like. I’ll be speaking French with the fam or just, you know, thinking out loud in French and come to write something here

And I’ll think of it in French

And be this close to write in French.

And I know I can’t but also hhhh sometimes I’d love to interact in french bc I lowkey love my native tongue (one of the very few things I love about being a frenchie lol) and with school and online friends and movies and everything being in English around me, I just don’t want to lose touch with French you know

Because even with my friends we use English sometimes like we mix French and English while talking

And even with the Fam I start to use English and I don’t even realize it and they have to say “speak French, we’re not English” bc they really don’t speak English so they don’t understand what I mean

Like don’t get me wrong, I love English

But I also love French and lowkey wished I could like… Sometimes not have to think and be 100% truly spontaneous and write in my native tongue you know

Technically I can but then very few/ no one would understand me right and that’s not what I want

Having English being a bridge language - like a language everyone use, think of the Basic used in Star Wars right - is both good and bzd because it’s easier to communicate and it allows to overall share way more things with way more people

But it also limits the use of any other language and it monopolizes the world of languages and like it’s rooted in a lot of stuff like colonialism and commerce and everything but yeah

And I can’t even complain too much because French doesn’t have it that bad, it’s still seen as a “prestigious language” and lot of people are interested in learning/ speaking it (which is awesome! Languages are awesome!) But yeah

I just think if I feel that way with French I can barely begin to imagine how it feels when it’s any other language or cultural element being erased and pushed aside and disregarded for something bigger and easier and all

Anyway I’m just rambling it went farther that expected do not mind meeeee

All because I wanted to shitpost about my life in French bc why not BRBRBRBR j'en peux plus de moi que quelqu'un fasse quelque chose
