#its just so good



Vi vs. Sevika Round 1 Fight!













I know it’s 2020 but Merlin AU where Uther notices a bunch of problems that could only be solved by magic ~spontaneously~getting solved around Arthur, and concludes that this must be a side effect of Arthur only existing due to magical intervention. An intense bigotry-versus-parental-love internal conflict commences, followed by some that’s-pretty-hypocritcal-of-you-isn’t-it-dad screaming external conflict, generally upending everything. Merlin is standing in the corner the entire time holding a serving jug of mead and sweating.

Morgana, dramatically slamming open the throne room doors with both arms: I’M ALSO UNWILLINGLY MAGIC.
Morgana, raising one fist at him: Solidarity, motherFUCKER!

What’s Uther gonna do? What’s he gonna fucking do???? Execute his secret Scottish child, but not his nonsecret blond heir child??? They’re ganging up on him now. He’s fucking cornered.

#what a way for Arthur to get dumped into this drama#I’M PRETTY SURE I AM NOT MAGIC#“you keep killing things that can only be killed by magic tho’#…full disclosure i often don’t remember it#so sometimes you black out and accomplish magical feats?#NO!  ( @whetstonefires)

This is about the part where Merlin escalates to chugging the royal mead.

At some point someone mentions that an eyewitness would be great. And they all realize that Merlin is persent for all these things and start asking Merlin what it looks like when Arthur performs these magical feats. And he’s half way through the royal mead so fuck it. And he starts talking about how Arthur glows and shit. And usually Merlin has to knock him on the head to get him to stop glowing and whooshing and what not and the idea that Merlin could be saving the prince from his own magical distraction is so absurd they decide it’s just a drunk idiot telling tales.

Knfsdfs “Are you telling me that every time I blacked out you knocked me out!?” “…You know what? That’s actually accurate.”

i would die for this.

somebody please.

Merlin, really getting into this: It was to save you from your own magic, sire. I had no other choice. That’s… That’s what you do, you see a born sorcerer and you just wham, knock them out for their own good.

Morgana, thinking about her sleeping draughts: It’s true Arthur that’s what they do.


Morgana: But it’s fine look we just have to win Merlin over to the side of magic.


Merlin: I don’t know guys, that’s going to be a tough sell.

Merlin: I just. I just don’t know if I could be persuaded.

Arthur: Merlin, you aren’t even from Camelot. Why would you have anti-magic biases.

Merlin: But you’re always so insistent magic is eeeevil.

Merlin: Maybe you should persuade me. Tell me what’s so great about sorcerers.


Merlin: No, I want to hear him say it.

Merlin blatantly and magically refills the jug with more mead: What? Why’d you stop? Keep talking about how great sorcerers are Arthur. Come on now, you were just getting to the good parts.

it got better

@anarchycox This seems up your alley, yeah? probably @trekkiepiratetoo…

nanasalt:The Southern Seas     Anna is not the first royal to go missing in the waters around Arende


The Southern Seas

     Anna is not the first royal to go missing in the waters around Arendelle, but she is the first to wake up vomiting seawater in a siren’s lair. Prince Hans vanished when she knocked him into the ocean; now she has an answer to that mystery in his scaled fish tail and a hundred new mysteries as a result.
    Hans needs a crown to regain his humanity, and with his plans in Arendelle ruined he needs the support of a family who declared him dead a decade ago. A rescued princess could prove his identity, a rescued enemy would prove his good intentions, and his former-fiancée has once again provided the missing piece.
     The proposition is simple this time. He can get her to his brother’s coronation, she can help him prove who he is, and they can part ways for good.
     But the Southern Isles are not Arendelle, the ocean is not kind, and curses require more than love to break. Hans has one more trip ashore before the curse becomes permanent, and with only a fortnight on land, he and Anna fight to keep the humanity he’s tried so hard to win back.

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With Hearts Aflame (Batman/Bruce Wayne x fem!reader)


Rated: Mature, Explicit 18+

Word Count: 8.4k

Warnings: !!spoilers!!, some fluff!!, smut, sex at the bat tower lmfao, explicit language, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), semi-public fucking, vaginal fingering, ruined orgasms, overstimulation, slight praise kink, mentions of violence/death, (lmk if I missed anything please!!)

a/n: ruh row it’s getting complicated 

The current atmosphere of your life, at the moment, can be described as nothing but tumultuous. From your overloaded work load, a masked freak acting like a shitty rendition of Jigsaw, to fucking a vigilante the city calls Batman. Sounds like a shitty sitcom. 

At this point, you’re so sleep deprived you’re starting to hallucinate. Not in the I see dead people sorta away…just the, y’know, like when your eyes feel like lead but every so often black dots appear in and out of your vision, but you can’t sleep due to your unlucky situation. You’d never hear the end of it if you fell asleep in the field, face down in a pile of key evidence you need to collect. 

And the worst part of it is—you can easily fix it. All that you need to do is give Gordon a call, tell him you’re out and boom.Your sleep schedule is magically fixed—no more late nights and no more undercover work without pay. 

But fuck that shit. 

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God I fucking love things made by people that are friends

Small projects made by people who clearly like each other and are having fun >>>>> almost any other type of media


people who randomly decide to compliment you are so important



in italy we don’t just say “i’m angry”, we literally say “i’m out of the grace of god” and i think it’s beautiful

average italian state of mind

oldmanandcan:Another piece for the pathologic 15 years anniversary. This time the theme was surrealioldmanandcan:Another piece for the pathologic 15 years anniversary. This time the theme was surrealioldmanandcan:Another piece for the pathologic 15 years anniversary. This time the theme was surreali


Another piece for the pathologic 15 years anniversary. This time the theme was surrealism. Don’t know if that’s it chiefs but i tried.

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