#iv emperor


Woke up to a very important message

One I will keep to myself but know I am going to be cloaking myself after today.

In fact the timing and message couldn’t be more appropriate. As tomorrow is Lent.

What is Lent?

Lent is a period of fasting, moderation, self discipline and self-denial.

What am I giving up for Lent? Social Media.

Yes, even Tumblr.

So today is my last day to speak publicly to you, for 40 days. My other feed has Que’d messages and I thought about moving all the Que’s to saved drafts but I have better things I can do with my time. So I shall have presence there. I am deleting the apps from my cell and can not be reached unless you know me outside of tumblr, and I will be sharing myself with those worthy.

Today also marks a day of healing as I have a date. Yes I am sitting in my anxiety around this as my mind and body are still yours, but opportunity knocked, on Valentine’s Day of all days, a stranger from the past, a love never explored because he was not healed. Oh the irony. But I am excited and I am open to receiving. So we shall see what 7pm holds. {Yes, I picked this time for my the House of my Loving Queen}

You’ll be asleep, but I know my thoughts will wonder if this message has you awake or reaching out to me in your dreams, where we often met. Sending me a message from across the ocean. Will the message be one of disgust or despair, or will you be encouraging and loving wanting me to heal and find love that is deserved? I already know you’ll be protective, it was a quality I admired in you. My Strength.

So here is to 2nd First Dates…

Here is to healing…

Until then…


I have had to choose myself since the cleansing moon and it doesn’t feel right.

Getting opinions from others to move on.

Continue on my journey.

Walk away.

Distractions from the universe past have presented themselves.

Unsure on how to process, I can tell you I am guarded.

A warrior of my own heart now as she has been cracked.

My heart is not broken as the body is a miraculous thing, it can repair itself with time.

Yet again proving how important time is.

Will I need until your birthday to fully heal from this crack in my heart?

Is it ok to pursue anew?

Will you feel I devalued what the Moon offered me? Please never think that. I cherish every second I had with you.

I day dream about what the future could hold for a Goddess and her Emperor.

Do I kiss a new frog? My body just reacted.

You taught me how to listen to her when she speaks from the inside out. VIII Strength

You taught me that anything that is magical is worth waiting for. Patience. XVI The Tower

You taught me time will tell. XI Justice

You taught me that the MOON can be full again. XViII The MOON

You taught me to respect and honour myself. IX The Hermit

You taught me that magic of Love is possible. XVII The Star

I keep my promise of holding a space for you until your birthday.

I will continue to crawl down my healing path for I am just a toddler learning, absorbing and following your lead.
