#ive tried

two things:1. Art is an expression of the creator; if you’re constantly critiquing and comparing you

two things:

1. Art is an expression of the creator; if you’re constantly critiquing and comparing your own work against someone else’s (or knocking your work with a reblog or reply), you’ll lose the spark that makes your art special and unique.

that said…

2. I can’t stitch a french knot. so you’re already better than me at that. ()

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self care is putting yourself to bed on a regular schedule because it’s the base treatment for mood disorders

there’s no twist or anything it’s just really really good for u to sleep at consistent times

me reading this at 5am:


Every writing advice ever: If you’re having trouble with a scene, skip it and write a different part of the story.

Me:If I don’t write in chronological order, I will die


I have a better shot of dating a famous band member than I do actually getting financial aid for college
