#i’m not dead


I’m back! I don’t know where it has come from but I am ready to start writing again. I have a lot to catch up on and get updated.

I think getting out of my last soul sucking job has helped a lot. I don’t feel as anxious and emotionally drained as I have been feeling for the last few months. I got a new job (not working from home but got a doctor’s office) and it seems a million times better. I work with some really nice people who actually made me feel welcome from day one. They all were super excited that I wrote fan fiction and don’t look at me weirdly (like my last job). It’s super nice to actually feel welcome and a part of a team that wants to see you succeed in places other than work.

{ This blog is just dead for a while, I’m sorry. I mean I have several oc ideas and such to post but the motivation and inspiration to post them is just dead atm- Plus college and life has been taking up my time, along with loving Demon Slayer so much (if ya have seen my Instagram fjfhthntnt), soooo I’ll come back to this blog soon. Also want to work on another blog that a close friend/sempai of mine got me to find the courage to make soo I’m working on that very slowly. Just trying to shift with the schedule of life with drawing, college, etc soo I’ll be back soon but idk when-

To friends who have me on Discord and such, sorry I’m not active- just adjusting and idk, something is just getting me to avoid things to focus on college and such- but I hope to get back to communicating again soon! Just been going through a lot irl with some things so no worries, ya’ll! }
