#i’m speechless

endillos:@aspecardaweek day 2;lalwen + aromantic The word aromantic commonly describes someone whoendillos:@aspecardaweek day 2;lalwen + aromantic The word aromantic commonly describes someone whoendillos:@aspecardaweek day 2;lalwen + aromantic The word aromantic commonly describes someone whoendillos:@aspecardaweek day 2;lalwen + aromantic The word aromantic commonly describes someone who


@aspecardaweek day 2; lalwen+aromantic

The word aromantic commonly describes someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction, abbreviated to aro. It also describes someone whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations, due to feeling repulsed by romance, or being uninterested in romantic relationships.

[ID: An edit for Lalwen, headcanoning her as aromantic. it consists of four images and is mainly coloured in green and a green-ish yellow.

  1. The pakistani actress Sajal Aly, a brown woman with dark brown hair, wearing a green gown with floral patterns. It contains text reading “Lalwende sought no partner, loving rather to dance and fight
  2. Horses on a meadow. The text on this image reads “Irime Lalwen” and “as daughter of Finwe and Indis she was brave and strong in body and in mind
  3. The Sea. There’s text on this image too, reading “Irime Lalwen” again and “Through much loss and grief she never gave her heart to despair but lived ever on”.
  4. Sajal Aly again, in the same outfit as in image one but at a different angle. The text on this image reads “she found connection in her family and in her friendship with Cirdan instead

End ID]

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This illustration is not a justification for Rafe’s behavior, but I think the show gave a couples of hints about his mental health and I see him and JJ like two faces of the same coin: children grew up to please their fathers just to be rejected by them, for a reason or another. Rafe is a lost child turned into a dangerous man, with serious mental issues and, I noticed, people in the obx fandom don’t really talk about it. Rafe needs help and a therapy, he need to clean up and, surely, to accept his responsibilities, but he’s not just a spoiled brat for the sake of it.



homophobic dog druk

homophobic dog druk moodboard

[id: six images showing druk, zuko’s red dragon, from legend of korra with text over him. the first image text says “i know what you are.” the second says “as long as it isn’t your whole personality.” the third says “maybe the divorce was for the best.” the fourth says “i don’t want two dads.” the fifth says “you’re telling me it lasts a whole month?”. the sixth says “no thanks fruit cake.” end id]


Day 11: Treacherous

In which King Duncan’s leopard insignia combines with Morgarath’s lightning insignia for extra heartbreak. When you realize that they likely grew up around each other and trained together, it begins to hurt even more. Perhaps Duncan saw Morgarath as an older brother, someone to look up to. Ow, friends.

Morgarath and Duncan being friends

Morgarath and Duncan being like brothers

Excuse me while I go sit in the corner


April 3rd?, 1985 (Soho Square, London): Paul talks on German television show Exclusiv about the breakup of the Beatles and his personal breakup with John. (Note: All my gratitude to @aceonthebass for helping with the fiddlier bits of the transcription!)

INTERVIEWER: [inaudible] —in particular, the breakup?

PAUL: Yeah. I know we all had similar feelings. I know John, I remember him saying to me, “What am I going to do with my songs now?” You had a feeling you wanted to know how you were going to exist if you didn’t have the Beatles, how you were going to do. And so it was difficult for all of us, I think. But um, time heals your wounds, you know, as they say, and I think that’s what really happened. After a while, we got used to it. But nobody was happy when the Beatles broke up. I mean, it was just one of those things that just seemed to happen as an explosion, you know. It was there, and it was done.

INTERVIEWER: But your relationship with John, in every way, as a Beatles— [inaudible] —as a band, you were very very close. I mean, that must have been very painful in that respect, not only the Beatles breaking up, but I mean that particular relationship breaking up. [Note: The German overdub, translation provided graciously by @pivoinesque:Your relationship with John was not just that of a musical partnership. It must have hurt you quite a bit that your special relationship [with him] broke apart.]

PAUL: Mm. It was, yeah. Um, in our songwriting, I had signs that the group was gonna break up, because… I mean, I think really what it was, really all that happened was that John fell in love. With Yoko. And so, with such a powerful alliance like that, it was difficult for him to still be seeing me. It was as if I was another girlfriend, almost. Our relationship was a strong relationship. And if he was to start a new relationship, he had to put this other one away. And I understood that. I mean, I couldn’t stand in the way of someone who’d fallen in love. You can’t say, “Who’s this?” You can’t really do that. If I was a girl, maybe I could go out and… But you know I mean in this case I just sort of said, right – I mean, I didn’t say anything, but I could see that was the way it was going to go, and that Yoko would be very sort of powerful for him. So um, we all had to get out the way. I don’t blame her. You know, you can’t blame her for being the object of his love.



Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader

Word Count: 5K

Warnings: 18+. Sex pollen. Dub-con due to the sex pollen. Drugging (reader’s drink gets spiked). Protective and pissed off Din. Slight gore. Dead bodies. Fingering. Unprotected PIV. Outdoor sex.

A/N: I fucked up slightly, this was intended for the Sin series but when I re-checked the ask I realised I’d gone in a totally different direction than the request. I didn’t really want to re-write this so now everyone gets an extra Din fic.

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fat choocie friday you say? well here it is

