#jack shephard



christian: hey kiddo, sport, champ, chicken wing

jack: [crying] my name is jack

christian: THATS IT! why did i keep thinking “scott” [laughs] who the hell is scott? anyways happy birthday jimmy

jack: [is five years old]

Kate: Jack is such a weirdo. I can’t believe I’m gonna sleep with him

Sun: Well… you don’t have to

Kate: Nah, I’m gonna

Jack: Fire at will!

Kate: Which one’s Will?

Jack: I don’t care!

Kate: Roger.

Sawyer: Who’s Roger?

Jack: We can’t all be social butterflies, Kate. For some of us, interacting with organisms is difficult

Kate: It might help if you stopped calling it ‘interacting with organisms’

Kate: You can’t expect me to stab somebody on an empty stomach

Jack: I’d prefer you didn’t stab anyone at all

Jack: If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you just blindly follow them?

Charlie: Which friend? Was it Hurley?

Jack: What? No-

Charlie, diving off the cliff: Hurley, I’m coming!

Sun: Jack would throw himself in front of a moving car for you

Kate: Jack would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun

Jack: I have created a new rule

Jack: No more stupid plans

Jack: And before you ask what qualifies as stupid, ask yourself this

Jack: Who would you go to to get permission?

Jack: If the answer is Kate, then it’s a stupid plan

Jack: If the answer is Sayid, then it’s probably okay

Jack: I was arrested for being too cool

Kate: The charges were dropped for lack of supporting evidence

Jack: When I first met you, I did not like you

Locke: I’m aware of that

Jack: But then you and I had some time together

Locke: Uh-huh?

Jack: It did not get better

Charlie: Here’s some advice

Jack: I didn’t ask for any

Charlie: Too bad. I’m stuck here with my thoughts and you’re the only one who talks to me

Hurley: I’ve already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them

Jack: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up

Kate: Knitting needles are great. I can make a scarf, I can make a hat, I can stab someone’s eyes out, I can make mittens

Jack: What was that middle one???

Kate: I can make a hat

Charlie: So, what’s the plan for tonight?

Hurley: Are you sure you want to talk about the P-A-R-T-Y directly in front of J-A-C-K?

Jack, sarcastically: It’s times like this I sure wish I could spell

Locke, with great delight: Oh, Jack’s gonna hate this

Kate: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?

Jack: *raises hand*

Sawyer: *puts Jack’s hand down*

Kate: Do I have a crush on Claire Littleton? Of course not!

Jack: Uh… I didn’t ask you that

gwenyoumotherhubbard:100 stills per season » 1/100 » LOST season 2


100 stills per season » 1/100 » LOST season 2

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Aries : Jack Shepard
Taurus : Sayid Jarrah
Gemini : Kate Austen
Cancer : Desmond Hume
Leo : John Locke
Virgo : Jacob
Libra : Claire Littleton
Scorpio : Hugo Reyes
Sagittarius : Ben Linus
Capricon : James Sawyer Ford
Aquarius : Charlie Pace
Pisces : Sun-Hwa Kwon
