#japanese visual kei


I think that the various fan translated lyrics from L’Arc~en~Ciel’s “flower” that you find online are incorrect and missing bits.

It can’t be as chaste as they read- sitting here watching a clip from the vintage PV the band posted to Instagram and HYDE is struggling with popping wood.

Sanrio’s annual character ranking has just begun. Support international Visual Kei awareness by voting for the official YOSHIKI (X-Japan) x Hello Kitty character! (link available below)

Yoshikitty has been an official Sanrio character for over 10 years, and even has her own official merch store.

Here’s the link to vote for her in English:


Here’s another official Instagram to follow if you’re looking for less biased suggestions for current bands to check out (than asking other fans… who follow a band solely because they’re attracted to band members). They’re a mix of Jrock and Visual Kei… likely you’re already familiar with them from your favorite artists hitting their cover. It’s worth a follow.


For the The GazettE fans out there that saw Kai’s Instagram Story today, of the cherry blossoms he saw… the auto translation is completely off again. He didn’t say “What a joke…”, he said it was beautiful.

After YOSHIKI (X JAPAN) made that massive donation for relief for the Ukraine, he rallied fans and they joined in… and raised $9 million in aid funds.

Years ago, long before Sakurai did the brief garters and stockings thing, this book quote (below) was the confused sentiment if he bared his arms. On the not terribly common occasions he went sleeveless, we called it “arm pr0ns” (“arm porn”), said in early web slang used to bypass censorship filtering on forums and hosting services.

Things have changed so much since then. I remember many a private conversation, of people wondering if fans would have to wait until he eventually died and someone released a tell-all biography with private photos of him at someone’s swimming pool to see anything more than jawbone high collars, bulky blobby jackets and pants, and periodically the rare bit of upper arm under the jacket.

I wonder if he’s going to do the stockings or something like that again? He waited way too long to start… so late in their career…

GARI (Japan) is having their first live concert since the beginning of the pandemic, and will be streaming it pay-per-view live via ZAIKO June 3, 2022, (and on archive after that)

GARI (Japan) is the band of YOW-ROW, who has collaborated over the years with Atsushi Sakurai on his first solo album 「愛の惑星」, with Hisashi Imai as a member of SCHAFT (Japan), and has collaborated with BUCK-TICK.

Here’s the teaser for the concert event:

Here’s the link to the event page on ZAIKO:

Update on that Pullip Taeyang X Atsushi Sakurai BJD: ordering is open until Friday June 17th, 2022.

There’s been an official update on GACKT’s health condition. Here’s the link to the official press release from the medical center that’s currently treating him in Japan- it’s directly from GACKT’s official website.

Basically, they say that his voice is back finally, but he’s still dealing with autoimmune problems causing liver issues, respiratory problems, dermatitis, and hair loss. He’s supposedly receiving stem cell treatment, and hope that he will be back to working condition within the year.

