#jason x percy



Here’s some Jercy brainrot because I haven’t posted in literal months

Percy always hated thunderstorms. The lightning and loud noises reminded all too much of everything that had happened to him.

One night, though, when he couldn’t sleep, he snuck out of his cabin and wandered to the ocean, to try and calm himself down. The sound and smell of the water always helped. But it surprised him when he spotted a familiar blonde boy sitting on the sand. “Jason? What the Hades are you doing here?” He asked. Jason twisted to see Percy. “Oh, hey man. I’m just… Looking, I guess. I don’t really know. Just wanted to see the water.” Percy wasn’t quite sure how to respond, so he sat down next to Jason wordlessly. “Do you know how to swim?” He asked quietly after a few moments of silence. “Sort of. I took swim lessons when I was younger, but a lot of the stuff I learned has been lost on me since then.” Jason replied, his voice equally soft. Percy jumped at the opportunity. “I’ll teach you.” He said, his voice growing in volume and confidence. Jason seemed confused. “What?” “I’ll teach you.” Percy repeated, standing up and offering his hand. “Right now?” Jason asked, standing up nonetheless. “Yeah! Shorts and a tee? Perfect swim clothes.” The son of Posiden grinned mischeviously, and Jason felt his will cave. “Fine. But if I drown, you’re paying for my funeral!” Percy held up his hands. “I swear on the River Styx that you won’t drown.” That reassured Jason as he followed the other into the pleasantly cool water.

Hours sped by like minutes, and Percy heard the Harpies. He splashed in the water, sitting up. Jason tensed. “Your cabin?” He asked. “It’s closest, so.. Yep!” Percy grabbed Jason’s hand, and willed the tide to rocket them forward towards the shore. They landed on the sand with a thud, but they were both dry. “Hurry hurry hurry-” Percy hissed to Jason. The blonde manipulated the winds to propel them towards Percy’s cabin, where they shut the door right as the Harpies flew by. “Oh my gods, that was close…” Jason muttered, sinking down against the door with his back against it. Percy collapsed on his bed. “Too close… Wanna stay the night, bro?” He asked, half-joking. He was trying to relax Jason’s nerves, and it clearly worked, because he nodded. “Yeah.. Sounds great…” He said, standing up and flopping onto Percy’s bunk. “Hey, man- There’s other bunks-” Percy protested half-heartedly. Speaking of hearts, his was beating irregularly. Too fast for his liking. “I’m too tired to move…” Jason muttered. Despite this, he managed to adjust himself so he wasn’t hanging off of the edge of the bed, which meant he was cuddling up to Percy. The other hugged him tightly, marvelling. He had always felt funny towards guys, like he might like them as well as girls, but this moment, this wonderful, beautiful moment, helped him realize. The way Jason’s hair fell, the steady rise and fall of his chest…

Percy ran his fingers through Jason’s hair, and when the blonde didn’t complain, Percy suspected he might have fallen asleep, so he closed his eyes, and fell asleep, too.

@inc0rrectmyths brainrot because i didn’t feel like taking up anymore space in your askbox :crying:


Valdangelo   Jercy
                        some fucking gay dumbasses who love classic rock
Valdangelo can both cook so superior gays 
I mean percy can too but jason puts cheese on fucking lays and thinks its nachos
