#jatp watch party


Review of Julie and the Phantoms Episode 4: I Got The Music.

I like how this episode began with a musical number instead of ending with one, which I found quite annoying after the first three with that structure. However, it gave me immediate HSM vibes (not that I’m complaining) which is probably because Kenny Ortega had a major role in both.

Another part I liked was the plot of Carrie and Julie’s past friendship, which was revealed by Nick in the previous episode, was continued. Although we don’t understand why they fell out, I get the impression that it will soon be known.

I have begun to like Flynn more: she gets Carlos out of Julie’s way even though it means she’ll have to wait for the ghosts’ performance and in the song, she gets a fun solo. However, I don’t enjoy how she is forcibly romantic about the ‘cute ghosts’.

Carrie’s character has also grown on me: she is envious of Julie in Bright because the latter stole all the attention from her, which is understandable considering she had thoroughly prepared for her performance; and she let Julie and Flynn into her home when she could have easily dismissed them.

One character I still don’t like is Nick’s. While necessary, he seems quite an annoying character and I’m guessing that he would be the reason that Carrie and Julie fell out because it’s 2021 and girls are still being taught that they’re worth is defined by the attention of a boy. (If I’m wrong, please comment to let me know, but don’t give too much of a spoiler!)

At the end of the episode, it is hinted that the ghosts will miss the school performance and the man Willie will introduce them to is quite mischievous. I want to see more of Alex and Willie, as well as have Reggie develop more of a character other than the clown.

A general update is that the songs are effortlessly catchy and, due to keeping it a secret from my sister, I am finding it soo hard to stop myself from bursting into song. Are they’re better ones to come?

Julie and the Phantoms, Episode 3 ‘Flying Solo’ Review.

As I have mentioned, I am watching this series to surprise my sister, a Jatp fan. Initially I expected the main challenge to be stopping her from seeing that I’m watching the show, but I have since discussed the Jatp songs, which are incredibly catchy.

‘Flying Solo’, like ‘Bright’ began where the previous episode ending. Last episode I was cautious of the reaction and praying that the school’s questioning s didn’t turn into a total cringe fest. Fortunately, they did not.

Julie lied to hide her secret: she performed with ghosts. While many were convinced that they were holograms, Flynn didn’t and this posed a threat to their relationship. I believe the writers did an exceptional job, as always, to show the importance of Julie and Flynn’s friendship although there is no build up because they have been friends for a very long time.

I like how Flynn does find out, Julie rekindles their friendship, and they can share the secret together. Although we’re taught to never share secrets, I think Flynn will do a good job of keeping this secret. I hope the writers don’t ruin their friendship—one fallout is enough.

In my first review, I mentioned my dislike for mean-girl Carrie yet I think she was totally reasonable about Julie stealing the attention. I still don’t think Nick is worth Julie crushing over. What does he have? A varsity jacket? Sweetie, there are many boys like that.

One critique I have of this episode is about Alex and Willie. While it was the first time meeting each other but, as viewers, we know that Alex developed a slight crush on the skater, I personally believe the writers could have done a better job of showing it. However, I love that Alex’s relationship had its own scene to make it special.

My Review of Julie and the Phantoms: Episode 2— Bright.

Last Sunday, I watched episode one of the popular musical comedy-drama Julie and the Phantoms to surprise my sister. I enjoyed the episode ‘Wake Up’ much more than I had anticipated— previously expected to find it bland and overrated.

Episode Two is about Julie attempting to convince her music teacher, Mrs Harrison, to let her join the music program after the deadline. As a subplot, the ghosts perform at a local beach to focus on their new ‘lives’, Ray reconsiders selling the house, and Carlos becomes interested in the orbs from the photographs. Julie performs Luke’s original song ‘Bright’ at the school’s spring rally after Carrie.

While I enjoyed the ghosts visibly performing alongside Julie, I am weary that this may cause some cringy future plot points. However I know that the writers do have a magical way of making the show flow gracefully from scene to scene.

Characters Flynn and Alex have also grew on my liking: Flynn is exceptionally supportive of her best friend, which I personally find is admirable and shows the true meaning of friendship (friends are there for the good and the bad); and Alex seems to be very considerate towards Julie, for example, when he asks about the music program.

I still am not fond of Carrie, who performs a cringy song (sorry, I know some of you think differently), sends Julie constant death glares, and acts ditsily after her performance. Yet, every good story has an unpredictable antagonist so I will let this slide.

The episode ends, like the first, with Julie performing a song. While this is effective as it is like a finale scene to the episode, it becomes expectable and therefore less interesting. I hope that the ordering changes in the future.

I just watched the first episode of Julie and the Phantoms. For those who don’t know, my sister is a fan of JatP and I’m surprising her by watching them after weeks of telling her I won’t.

I honestly didn’t expect to like it as much as I do. So far, the plot is so well-written — the dialogue flows and the writers created great introductions to all of the characters which outline the main cast. The actors are incredible and suited the characters perfectly.

My favourite part is when Julie’s dad hears Julie playing her mother’s song. Also I like how the ghosts do not disrupt her so it can be her special moment. Perhaps the next episode will continue from there.

The episode ends with Julie singing a song on the grand piano, which her mother wrote. This song alone is very inspiring so if you do not have time to watch the show, give “Wake Up” by Anne Preven a listen; it is also available on the Spotify playlist.

However, there are some parts which I am not particularly fond of. Even though there was little of it, I did not enjoy the scenes at school— Carrie is already a pain, Flynn seems a bit immature, and I already know that Julie is going to end up with Nick, who honestly seems a bit lame.

Despite that, the first episode of Julie and the Phantoms is definitely worth the watch so I will recommend it as well as keep self-restraint so I do not binge it.

Review of Julie and the Phantoms Episode 8: Unsaid Emily

Honestly, I did not expect to find myself sobbing to Luke’s performance of Unsaid Emily. It really got me.

The whole episode, like usual, was gripping. I hooked from the very beginning. I am also currently watching the finale episode so it’s hard to focus on writing this review.

Since the first episode, I have been praying for Julie not to go for Nick so it’s great that she rejected.

The entire scene with Luke’s parents was incredibly well written and his performance was like a billboard music video.

How do you think I should reveal that I’m secretly watching this to my sister?

Julie and the Phantoms Episode 7 Edge of Great Review

“Girls am I right?” “Yeah.” “No.”

Like the other episodes prior, Edge of Great was captivating. Also similar, the episode begins where the previous ends which gives a great sense of continuity.

My favourite part of the episode was the final moment between Alex and Willie because I could see the heartbreak in their eyes and the care in the band mates.

Julie and Luke’s duet Perfect Harmony was also one of my favourite moments and it gave me total HSM vibes like Can I Have This Dance. After this performance, Julie realises she has fallen for Luke instead of Nick, who she has been crushing on, to quote Flynn, since forever. Finally, Julie, finally!!!

The best part of this episode was most definitely the behind the scenes crew. Julie’s outfits, like always, were incredible and the decor at her house during the gig was amazing. I especially liked the butterflies decorating her outfit.
