#jatp nick


Review of Julie and the Phantoms Episode 5: “The Other Side of Hollywood”

At the end of the previous episode, I was skeptical of how the story would continue, with the boys going to the club instead of preparing to perform with Julie.

I expected Caleb’s character to be villainous but he quickly changed my mind with his support for the boys and his amazing performance, then we discovered that he had a pretty evil plan all along. Hats off to the writers!

The continuation and development of Alex and Willie’s relationship really got me attached to the episode—if it wasn’t for that, I probably would not have enjoyed the episode as much.

Another aspect of the plot I enjoyed was the new kid getting to dance with the girl. Despite it making up a small part of the show, it added a positive note to Julie’s situation, as Flynn said.

However I didn’t like Nick’s attempt to sort the situation out. Also, could the ghosts not have just appeared performing with Julie like they did in the second episode?

Review of Julie and the Phantoms Episode 4: I Got The Music.

I like how this episode began with a musical number instead of ending with one, which I found quite annoying after the first three with that structure. However, it gave me immediate HSM vibes (not that I’m complaining) which is probably because Kenny Ortega had a major role in both.

Another part I liked was the plot of Carrie and Julie’s past friendship, which was revealed by Nick in the previous episode, was continued. Although we don’t understand why they fell out, I get the impression that it will soon be known.

I have begun to like Flynn more: she gets Carlos out of Julie’s way even though it means she’ll have to wait for the ghosts’ performance and in the song, she gets a fun solo. However, I don’t enjoy how she is forcibly romantic about the ‘cute ghosts’.

Carrie’s character has also grown on me: she is envious of Julie in Bright because the latter stole all the attention from her, which is understandable considering she had thoroughly prepared for her performance; and she let Julie and Flynn into her home when she could have easily dismissed them.

One character I still don’t like is Nick’s. While necessary, he seems quite an annoying character and I’m guessing that he would be the reason that Carrie and Julie fell out because it’s 2021 and girls are still being taught that they’re worth is defined by the attention of a boy. (If I’m wrong, please comment to let me know, but don’t give too much of a spoiler!)

At the end of the episode, it is hinted that the ghosts will miss the school performance and the man Willie will introduce them to is quite mischievous. I want to see more of Alex and Willie, as well as have Reggie develop more of a character other than the clown.

A general update is that the songs are effortlessly catchy and, due to keeping it a secret from my sister, I am finding it soo hard to stop myself from bursting into song. Are they’re better ones to come?

Julie and the Phantoms Episode 7 Edge of Great Review

“Girls am I right?” “Yeah.” “No.”

Like the other episodes prior, Edge of Great was captivating. Also similar, the episode begins where the previous ends which gives a great sense of continuity.

My favourite part of the episode was the final moment between Alex and Willie because I could see the heartbreak in their eyes and the care in the band mates.

Julie and Luke’s duet Perfect Harmony was also one of my favourite moments and it gave me total HSM vibes like Can I Have This Dance. After this performance, Julie realises she has fallen for Luke instead of Nick, who she has been crushing on, to quote Flynn, since forever. Finally, Julie, finally!!!

The best part of this episode was most definitely the behind the scenes crew. Julie’s outfits, like always, were incredible and the decor at her house during the gig was amazing. I especially liked the butterflies decorating her outfit.

 — For I never saw true beauty ‘til this night.My piece for the @jatpzine, the first @julieand

— For I never saw true beauty ‘til this night.

My piece for the @jatpzine, the first @julieandthephantoms fanzine! I got to draw a small piece of our beloved characters in a 90s Movie AU, and I couldn’t help but choose the iconic Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann. Featuring:

@booboostewart.art’s Willie as Abra
@thejadahmarie’s Flynn as Tybalt
@sacha_carlson’s Nick as Paris
@themadisonreyes’s Julie as (you know it) Juliet

@charles_gillespie’s Luke as Romeo
@owenjoyner’s Alex as Balthasar
@taylorkare’s Bobby as Benvolio
@jeremyshada’s Reggie as Sampson

Proud and honored to have been included in this project alongside so many talented creators!

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Welcome in the Great Hall take a seat and be prepared for the second triplete results in the sorting hat ceremony.

These ones are slightly unexpected to me but maybe not so much for you. So the first one is


HUFFLEPUFF NICK I thought you guys would vote Griffyndor for him but he is a cutepie according to Julie and so Hufflepuff sounds good

The second one is highly unexpected to me cause I see her in ravenclaw but this house could fit well. So here she is: SLYTHERIN FLYNN

And last but not least, The guy who dived us all and with whom the poll failed. He is surely a hatstall. So here a Gryffinpuff(?) Willie to you. He is confused, too

So what you think about this?

Flynn and Carrie (her votes are in the previous post on my blog) in the same house could be a fantastic prompt for a ff or several.

Tomorrow I’ll post the last four character!

Jadah Marie shared one of my meme

Yeah, thanks to the guy who took a meme and reposts it on the ig account without credit me.
