#jay kristoff

 “The heavens grant us only one life, but through books, we live a thousand.”― Jay Kristoff, G

“The heavens grant us only one life, but through books, we live a thousand.”
― Jay Kristoff, Godsgrave


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Mother flipping Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman! This was an absolute pleasure to work on :) 

Mother flipping Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman! This was an absolute pleasure to work on :) 

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So, I’ve been posting more of my art over on my Twitter and my Instagram at the moment, but I though

So, I’ve been posting more of my art over on my Twitter and my Instagram at the moment, but I thought I better let it make an appearance over here too. 

This is a little painting of Mia Corvere, the protagonist of Jay Kristoff’s ‘Nevernight’, a delightfully gory and irreverant tome about revenge and assassins. It’s dark and funny and pretty much all round wonderful. 

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