#jedi stan


“A Jedi stan!” they say like it’s an insult.

Yes, I am obsessed with people who have dedicated their lives to helping others, who always try to do the right thing, who teach that while it’s ok to have emotions it’s never ok to use those emotions against others, who teach compassion towards those who have none for others.

I am obsessed with people who never try to accumulate wealth or political power. Who teach calm and rational approach. Who don’t ever make any difference based on gender, race, species, wealth…

Who above all else respect tiny green person for his kindness and wisdom. Who in turn keeps them safe regardless of their age or standing. Who asks tiny children to advise two Masters because he respects everyone’s opinion.

Who respect other cultures and welcome them into their sacred Temple.

Who allow their members to leave whether they spent a few months as a Jedi or their whole adult lives.

Who value knowledge and accumulate it and guard it.

Who stay true to helping others even when they have been betrayed, slaughtered, abandoned, and slandered, when all their children have been killed qnd everything they held dear was utterly destroyed.

I’m obsessed with them because every day I am overwhelmed by human greed, cruelty, and selfishness, and at least in a fantasy I want to see the opposite.

If I’m ever going to be called a stan of anyone, I’m proud it’s Jedi.
