#jedi culture



I have no idea where Jedi get their money.

Assuming that everyone gets a little allowance, I can see low-price purchases being possible. Things like favorite snacks, a piece of clothing, toys, plants, books, etc. Obviously more the older you are, and whether you need to be away from the Temple often.

Figuring to some degree, the Temple fund covers clothing.

In my mind the allowance wouldn’t be enough to buy, say, a piece of fine jewelry, unless you saved for a few months. Maybe a tradition upon Knighthood is for the new Knight’s friends and master to pool money to buy them something nice/useful that they wouldn’t ordinarily be able to afford.

Considering how diverse the Jedi Order is, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a week set aside to celebrate the different cultures.

There could be music and dance performances, arts and crafts displays, traditional story telling, food samples. Jedi might wear the traditional clothes of their people, if they don’t already.




more unsettling jedi physicality pls

jedi who do three point landings from eight floors up and make the earth shake. jedi who seem like they move silently because they can blur just the edges of your awareness so you never hear them coming. jedi who move as fast and sudden as a predator going in for the kill and they can be on you before you can blink. jedi who can hide underwater for almost an hour breathing the force instead of air. jedi who always catch things before they hit the floor almost like they knew it was going to fall

i just think that if you can draw on the force at the heart of the universe to enhance your physical capabilities, you should get to be a little scary about it

the thing about jedi is that they grow up surrounded by other jedi, so i think younger padawans must forget how this looks to other people all the time, and older jedi probably have to curb it a little in polite society, which gives you potential great moments where they suddenly show what they can reallydo





One of my favorite underutilized bits of Star Wars worldbuilding is how feelings literally soak into the physical world around you, if you’re Force-sensitive.

Sometimes in really awful ways–Maul’s rage is still radiating off the walls in the Theed hangar 30 years later, because nobody goes in there to put new feelings into the walls, Luke can still feel Rey’s imprint on the meditation stone on Ahch-To after she leaves, Anakin and Ahsoka can still hear the screams of the dying in the Jedi hangar after the bombing–but that would also be there in good ways.

Imagine walking into the Room of a Thousand Fountains where you touch a stone bench where Master Yoda was just meditating on, you’re not even psychometric, you can just feel the warmth and calm he left behind while he sat there.  Imagine walking into the the Temple gardens where a Jedi Master was watering their space azalea bushes and you can feel their contentment radiating off the walls.  Imagine walking into the refectory and feeling last week’s younglings class’ excitement over their upcoming field trip, how golden and glowing it is in the Force.  Imagine walking into the Jedi Temple aviary, where they keep their pet birds, hearing the gentle cooing of the convors, but also feeling the connection all the Jedi before you have had with these animals, the joy that’s been permeated into the floor and walls with how much they’ve loved their time spent there.

Imagine how being a psychic space wizard that can soak feelings into the world around you would change how you interact with that physical world.  Imagine how giving a river stone isn’t just giving a neat rock, but giving someone the ability to hold affection and care literally right there in your hand, because you focused on putting all those feelings into the rock beforehand.  Imagine how art performances would change, if you’re psychic and your audience is psychic, how you can literally hand them feelings or sit them on a cushion that you put a specific feeling into it, when you get to the climatic part of your play.

Imagine how being able to put feelings into physical objects and then hand them to someone would play out!!!!

Imagine how long it would take for that feeling to leave, and imagine how it would feel when Obi-Wan realizes he can no longer sense his Master’s presence on the teapot or his cloak

That’s the sad shit I’m talking about, yes!  I mean, I love celebration of how this would change Jedi art classes and stuff, but also think about Yoda on Dagobah where he wraps up every night in Qui-Gon’s cloak that he uses as a blanket, using the warmth of Qui-Gon’s feelings as a comfort after everything he’d lost, until his own feelings soak into the blanket and he can no longer feel Qui-Gon’s warmth, only his own sadness.

This about the pot that Obi-Wan made that Yoda took with him to Dagobah, the one he had to shatter to protect himself from a probe droid, was it easier or harder to let it go, knowing that only a few faint traces of bb!Obi-Wan’s warm and golden concentration that were baked into the pot were left?  That it was mostly only Yoda’s own loss?

He’s a Jedi Master, he lets these feelings go, he doesn’t let them bite into his heart, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel them in the first place, it doesn’t mean he isn’t mindful of them, acknowledging them and then letting them go, but they still brush a fine mist of his sadness over the pot, layer after layer after layer until there’s so little of the grandkids left in his things.

Or think about Obi-Wan with Anakin’s lightsaber, that he doesn’t have to be psychometric to feel the sheer intensity of what Anakin poured into both the crystal and the metal of the saber, the hate and rage and pain and suffering as he killed the younglings, as he helped kill Mace Windu, as he killed everyone in his path, all while knowing it was wrong, but refusing to admit it, refusing to turn back, all while he attacked Padme, all while he attacked Obi-Wan, the people he loved most, Anakin was holding that saber while he did all that, every feeling is just soaked into that saber.  Every time Obi-Wan picks it up, of course he feels those traces and they’re so powerfully intense, how long would it take for that to dissipate, especially with his own sadness piled on top of it, each time it was held in his hand?

Just imagine how careful Jedi have to be about the feelings they project out into the Force because that shit doesn’t just go out into the ether!!!  That stuff stays in the walls and gets screamed back into your face, not just through the Force echoing it back at you but ALSO that the WALLS AND FLOOR AND CHAIR YOU’RE SITTING ON are all soaked with whatever feeling you’re leaking out.

Do you want that feeling to be screaming anger or a gentle calm?



Okay I said this in a reply elsewhere, but I’m going to give it its own post also

So yes, there are absolutely some Holocaust parallels what with ordinary people hiding Jedi in hidden rooms and a freedom trail out of empire controlled space (also slavery underground railroad parallels) but can we not just make this into a Jedi as victims thing, and remember that the episode also showed how much the Jedi were *still* holding onto their faith, decorating the room with symbols of their faith, and writing proverbs on the walls?

That they still tried to find hope that they would get through this and again be able to practice freely? Please don’t just say that the parallels of Jedi to Jews is that of being victims. There’s more to it than that.

Anyway back to my fic about all the Jedi who left their marks on the Wall now and have a whole lot of feelings about how they were not just doing it for themselves, but for all the other Jedi who might see it, and the ones who would never get the chance to.



girl help im experiencing shrimp emotions about the Jedi refugee bunker messages

It’s–these are the barest handful of survivors of a galaxy-wide genocide, and none of them will ever see another of their kind again. So they carve their names into the walls, just in case. Maybe one of your friends is still alive and you’ll never see each other again, will not, cannot, but the Force is with you still and maybe someday they’ll see your name and know you got this far. Maybe someday you’ll see theirs.

But then it’s not just the names, it’s–the sigils. The blessings. The Jedi maxims.

A smuggling ring that evacuates what should have been the next generation. These Force-sensitive children who will never, for their own safety, be raised among their own kind. Will not. Cannot. 

Separate the lock from the key. Scatter the survivors, never in the same place, so that only one (one of these Jedi who take strength in connections, who were nevermeant to be alone) can be lost at a time. In case there’s an after. In case someday, somewhere, for someone, there’s an after.

The Archives were seared from existence. Surviving Jedi temples and outposts and scattered texts are reduced to rubble every day whenever they’re found and it would be madness to send a child looking anyway. So how do you pass on what little remains? How do you tell these frightened children who should have been Jedi what they had the right to know? How do you give them the culture that could have been theirs? 

Scratches on concrete. No way to give them long messages, no time to try. This is the only chance you will ever have to tell them something, to make sure the core of who the Jedi were survive, to try to help them understand. To preserve.

What do you pass on?

Proverbs. Meditation mantras that double as survival advice. The sigil of your Order, all the comfort your kind have left. (The base of what will someday become the rebel starbird, rising from ashes, but they don’t know that yet, half of them will die before they see it.)

What do you pass on? Only what’s most important. Only what cannot ever be lost.

The Force will be with you always. Only when your eyes are closed can you truly see the Way. For light and life.

Andnames.You were never alone. 

There’s always hope.


turn your face toward the light


My contribution to Jedi June 2022.

Summary: After years of war, the near destruction of everything he believed in, and the fall of his padawan, Obi-Wan struggles to move on. Thankfully, he has his family, his culture, and the mental discipline they taught him to help.

AO3 link

Chapter 1: Bindings - day 1: commitment

summary: Obi-Wan considers vows, commitments and the upholding or breaking thereof

Keep reading







Satine’s hand brushes against Obi-Wan’s cheek. Her fingertips linger on his cheekbone, just for a moment. Her lips part, ready to ask the question, ready to bind him to her- but then her eyes rest on the tightly wound braid. With the ghost of a touch she reads the promise there, and she knows.

When they meet again an eternity later, separated by a war and by the years and by a strand of hair that has long since been cut off, she sees the ever committed Jedi in his steady eyes.


Adi’s aunt frowns over the holo, her expression hard to read. Adi keeps her eyes firm and her attitude respectful, striving to embody the confidance and humility of a Jedi Knight. She’s only a Padawan, but even then it seems to hit the mark.

“You’re very serious about this life, aren’t you?” her aunt says.

There is a long pause. And at last, her aunt commits.

“Stass will go to the Temple.”


“But why not?” the boy asks, his eyes supplicant, his mouth hungry. He radiates incomprehension and desperate longing.

Aayla shakes her head, feeling a bit sad, mostly for him.

“I’m a Jedi,” she explains again, “my life is not my own. It belongs to the people we defend and protect.”

“But who would that even hurt, us being together, just for a bit?”

She gives him a single kiss, nothing more than a quick peck so he’ll at least have that to carry with him: being the boy who kissed a Jedi girl - and she shakes her head again.

“You wouldn’t want someone who’d break her commitments.”


Rig feels she might just pass out from exhaustion, sweat trickling down into her eyes. She keeps going, moving from patient to patient until her head is buzzing and she can’t tell one moment from the next and the Force is the only thing sustaining her.

A hand settles on her shoulder, a voice speaks of the only transport off world of the month leaving soon.

“I promised I’d stay,” she says. So she does. Jedi keep their promises.


“I can master this,” Tiplar insists, copying Tiplee’s stance once again.

Their masters watch from the sidelines.

Tiplee studies her twin sister’s face. This isn’t about Tiplar’s pride and it’s not coming from fear of inadequacy either. There is only pure determination in the Force.

They will both be Jedi Knights. They are meant for this path, and Tiplar will fight to walk in it and be worthy. Nodding, Tiplee resumes the kata.



+ Hand just out of the frame at the moment of actual contact, aka making gifs after taking 140+ screencaps (plus the color correction, plus loading all this crap into this broken mess of a website) was beyond even me


Love Encouraged’ — The Jedi Order and Physical Touch

Or: every occurrence of deliberate and casual, friendly or comforting physical contact between a Jedi and another sentient being in the PT/TCW. (Criteria)

Part 6/7
Jedi & Jedi Edition Part 3: that thing Jedi do

Already up:
1/7Jedi & Non-Jedi
2/7Jedi & Clones
3/7Jedi & Children
4/7Jedi & Jedi Part 1
5/7 Jedi & Jedi Part 2

7/7 Sad Ones bonus round



Love Encouraged’ — The Jedi Order and Physical Touch

Or: every occurrence of deliberate and casual, friendly or comforting physical contact between a Jedi and another sentient being in the PT/TCW. (Criteria)

Part 4/7
Jedi & Jedi Edition Part 1: 

Already up:
1/7Jedi & Non-Jedi
2/7Jedi & Clones
3/7Jedi & Children
4/7 Jedi & Jedi Part 1
5/7 Jedi & Jedi Part 2

6/7 Jedi & Jedi (Part 3)
7/7 Sad Ones bonus round

“A Jedi stan!” they say like it’s an insult.

Yes, I am obsessed with people who have dedicated their lives to helping others, who always try to do the right thing, who teach that while it’s ok to have emotions it’s never ok to use those emotions against others, who teach compassion towards those who have none for others.

I am obsessed with people who never try to accumulate wealth or political power. Who teach calm and rational approach. Who don’t ever make any difference based on gender, race, species, wealth…

Who above all else respect tiny green person for his kindness and wisdom. Who in turn keeps them safe regardless of their age or standing. Who asks tiny children to advise two Masters because he respects everyone’s opinion.

Who respect other cultures and welcome them into their sacred Temple.

Who allow their members to leave whether they spent a few months as a Jedi or their whole adult lives.

Who value knowledge and accumulate it and guard it.

Who stay true to helping others even when they have been betrayed, slaughtered, abandoned, and slandered, when all their children have been killed qnd everything they held dear was utterly destroyed.

I’m obsessed with them because every day I am overwhelmed by human greed, cruelty, and selfishness, and at least in a fantasy I want to see the opposite.

If I’m ever going to be called a stan of anyone, I’m proud it’s Jedi.

Mando under his helmet when teenage Grogu is learning how to fly the Razor Crest:

“No, Grogu, ease up on the throt—EASE UP ON THE TROTTLE NOW! Grogu, why didn’t you listen to me? You are so damn stubborn. I don’t even know why I’m teaching you…. your pod-speeding antics will get us both killed.”

The jedi robes aren’t a uniform particularly it’s just that the temple is by monastic tradition largely self-sufficient and that’s the basic humanoid clothing they make on site with fibres they grow. Ahsoka bought her clothes with her pocket money. Obi Wan wears temple issue clothing exclusively for the simple reason that he spends his whole allowance on gifts for children and booze.
