#jeremy renner edit


„I don’t think there’s something that I personally wanted answered. I think I wanted to explore. We had six hours to explore. There are a lot of things to explore [and] ultimately be able to share with audiences. The death of Natasha - that’s hard to explore without having another character around. It’s a difficult, difficult space. I really wanted to explore all the things that I believe that I liked about Clint. I think they’re all expressed through this, all the way throughout. And then with all the new characters that come in our show, I think, a lot of those, especially Kate, just makes a better version of Clint. It helps heal him. I think it’s a beautiful cathartic relationship.“

- Jeremy Renner on what the number one question or goal was that he really wanted to be answered in Hawkeye[x]

„I guess only the sense of trying to keep peace. Maybe the ferocity in the morality, in the code of it all. One’s done in tights and a bow and arrow, and the other one’s done in an ill-fit suit. I think the intentions are always good for both characters of trying to do what’s right and trying to keep peace. I think that would be the through-line.“

- Jeremy Renner on what his characters Mike McLusky and Clint Barton have in common [x]

„Jeremy joins the Armchair Expert Podcast to discuss where the confidence in his own masculinity comes from, how his first investments were in real estate, and how he was a makeup artist while auditioning for roles early in his career. Jeremy talks about how he bought a fleet of firetrucks to support volunteer crews in his community, what the experience of shooting The Hurt Locker was like, and how his relationship with the original six Marvel stars has evolved over the years. Jeremy explains why he took the Mayor of Kingstown role without reading a single line of the script, how never used to buy things for fun, and how he was always more comfortable on the stage than on film.“

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„Nothing was gonna stop her, Yelena. You know Natasha. She made her choice. And we‘re gonna have to find a way to live with that.“

- Clint Barton

„I have my own obstacles and difficulties of loss in my own life, but I don’t really draw upon that when I’m working. I think those things taught me how to manage and deal with losses, death, or failures, and that obviously goes into characters, but I don’t ever think about anything bad that happened in my life when I am acting - it’s more about a sort of inward emotional processing and mental toughness. Some characters are kind of more of a coiled spring, and I really like that - when you’re not quite sure if this guy could be dangerous.” [x]

- Jeremy Renner for Flaunt Magazine (2021)

„I don’t think there is light without the dark. A truth doesn’t exist without a lie, you know? My job is always to look at other people’s perspectives, and in general, I always try to remain very, very hopeful about even the bleakest situation. It’s coming through darkness or hardships or failures in life, where successes become real success.” [x]

- Jeremy Renner for Flaunt Magazine (2021)

“It took me two months of working out just so I could get enough energy to be in the stunt gym.”

- Jeremy Renner on being back in the gym to get ready to film Hawkeye (Men‘s Health Magazine 2021)

“Everyone is running the same race. They’re all wanting the same thing, the same end goal, but going about it in different ways.”

- Jeremy Renner for Men‘s Health Magazine (2021)

„A huge part of the MC Universe is the stunt team and the fight coordinators and all that. It’s just a whole ‘nother section of telling a story and it’s a huge part of what we do. That’s the biggest difference, I can imagine, from any show. “Hawkeye” was different than anything I’ve experienced in the MCU — we did six hours of it in the same amount of time [as a movie]. So it just felt like exponentially more. And it was awesome because of that, I think. We didn’t get hurt, really.“[x]

- Jeremy Renner

“Frankly, I cannot understand how anyone could not love being in a literal and figurative foxhole with a truly stunning talent and a beautiful, powerful individual like Scarlett who I love and adore. For a million reasons standing here tonight and a million reasons more that you don’t deserve to know, I feel tremendously honored to present this American Cinematheque Award to my favorite human and superhero.”

- Jeremy Renner [x]

“Some people just know me as Hawkeye. Some people go a little deeper.”[x]

- Jeremy Renner for The New York Times (2021)
