
Devotional Training: Welcoming.

Devotional Training: Welcoming.

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Jean-Pierre was a successful businessman. He created his fortune through cunning investments and his family’s influence in the Union of Countries. Everyone that was somebody knew him and everyone that wanted to be somebody knew him as well. To be under his leadership was not only an honor but a challenge. He was the kind of man that wanted perfection and expected the very best of his employees. He was also a charming and elegant fifty-two years old man. He noticed Marie running towards them with his deep blue eyes and gestured his hand gently, waving to her.

“Ah, you must be Marie Madeleine!” - He stated with a friendly and gallant tone. There was a subtle accent to his English, one Marie would relate to - “Almost everybody is here. I already anticipated two of our members would be delayed, so why don’t we wait for them inside? I’m sure none of you have visited the Government Halls yet!” - The middle-aged man rubbed his forehead and laughed softly and with embarrassment - “But where are my manners? My name is Jean-Pierre Lyons. I’m sorry, I’ve spoken my name out so much today that I completely forgot I hadn’t introduced myself to you, Marie Madeleine. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Jean-Pierre stepped to the side of the great door and invited everyone inside with a smooth swing of his arm towards the interior. His formal attire gave him a chivalrous look. He was a knight of Present days. His words struck Marie like thunder. “Such a charmer.” - She thought, smiling. Marie was an admirer of Jean-Pierre’s work and, without any doubt, his looks as well. His body was slim and his face was long with an imposing chin. His appearance already revealed his character and personality, but it was already beyond Marie’s expectations.
The group entered the Government Halls. They were fascinated. For the first time, they were all witnessing a perfect replica of the Renaissance with their own eyes. Different paintings from various artists were copied onto the surface of the Halls’ interior walls, creating an artistical and cultural shock beyond anything seen before by the team. Marie was truly mesmerized.

“Don’t go letting your jaw fall off.” - Marie turned to where the voice came from. Her gaze set on a woman in her early thirties, a brunette with an accent Marie couldn’t quite place. - “The name’s Helena. I’ll be the team’s guide. Nice to meet you.”

Helena hailed from the Iberian peninsula. She had dark skin and short, spikey hair. A tomboy at heart, the Iberian was a former soldier and her fit body was one half of what revealed it. She was wearing a black tank top, camos and black boots. She had a scar on the left side of her chin that tracked down to the bottom edge of her throat, closing in on the collarbone. Her eyes were black, or perhaps dark brown.

“Oh… H-Hello! My name is Marie Madeleine! It’s nice to meet you too! Oh… I’m the doctor!”

Marie’s eagerness was reflected by Helena’s stoic expression. The latter ended up letting a small laugh, but it was more of a befriending gesture than an honest feeling.

“I know you’re a first timer.” - Said Helena - “Don’t worry, just stick to us.”

“Thank you!”

Past the entrance hall with all its splendor were the corridors of steel. The Government Halls were built to portray a sense of security inside of a structure that was timeless and beautiful. Of course, the main reason was to create a place where the Government officials could work in, but I believe you catch my drift (ending of Fourth Wall Breaking).

Jean-Pierre used a keycard on a device by a door and it slid open. Once again, the gentleman stepped to the side and invited everyone inside. The meeting room was crude and simple, with a long table and some chairs. Whatever electronics were usually there, noticing by the objects where one could place a projection device, had been removed. Jean-Pierre alread had everything he needed: several copies of a map and documents on top of the chairs.

“Take a seat please.” - Requested Jean-Pierre as he walked to the end of the table - “You will find a map and some papers on your chairs. Do take the time to read them. We are still waiting for two members, so might as well do something productive while we wait, don’t you agree?” - The charming man took a step to his right, being secretive with a towering man - “I must leave for a short time. However, Luc will stay here in case you need anything. He is my most loyal assistant, be sure he will be yours in this journey.”

Luc was nicknamed “The Tower” during his highschool years. He was nearly two meters tall and as thick as a lion. He wore a protective leather jumpsuit with shoulder pads and a breastplate and he and Helena wore similar boots. Luc was black, bald and had a very mean look in his eyes, as if they were constantly ablaze. He was donned with special military training and had learned much in terms of culture from Jean-Pierre. His sense of duty towards his employer was beyond anything the group would eventually witness.

In the documents was a review of the journey, means of transportation and supplies readied, as well as a blank sheet to add anything if a member thought the expedition needed something important that was missing. The map had annotations by Jean-Pierre himself, addressing access points and alternate routes. Something Helena would care about. Marie didn’t understand much beyond the medical supplies, but she tried to read everything anyway.

“Everything was so different from the shelter, especially the people! I still remember my first impression of Helena. She seemed kind but distant, sweet but cold…” - Marie begins crying, wiping her tears seconds after. - “But after what seemed an eternity of reading and rereading those documents, they finally arrived. The last two members of the expedition: Andrei and River.”- Marie Madeleine

The arrival of Air Force One at Havana - Cuba in this historic moment.Submitted by  charlesal267

The arrival of Air Force One at Havana - Cuba in this historic moment.

Submitted by  charlesal267

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Hi All,

Apologies about the lack of article reviews lately, but I’m in the middle of suffering through writing a proposal for my PhD dissertation, which I will be defending halfway through next month (gulp gulp). I’m afraid I’ll need to take a bit of a break while I desperately write about narratives, reported speech, and deception. However, while I’ll be back to posting articles in a few weeks, in the meantime enjoy this article about how linguists could actually help us talk to aliens.

LL Recipe Comparison:

This article reminds me of the recipe for Linguine with Gremolada:

Much as this article points out that we can’t assume we will know if aliens rely on sight to communicate, in making this recipe it would be good to assume that only a few people will know how to make Gremolada (minced garlic, parsley, and lemon zest FYI). The combination of the Gremolada with some orange zest and garlic is sure to spice up your day, similar to how we need to spice up our understanding of the possible ways that aliens communicate. Good Cooking!

MWV 10/25/18

Amy Adams and her obsession for yesterday’s prompt, UFO.#mabsdrawlloweenclub #mabsdrawlloweenclub2

Amy Adams and her obsession for yesterday’s prompt, UFO.

#mabsdrawlloweenclub #mabsdrawlloweenclub2021 #danjpetock #myart #fanart #amyadams #arrival #scifiart #ufo #denisvilleneuve #jeremyrenner @arrivalmovie @amyadams

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14 May | Fic: Our TimePrompt: “Arrival”, 2016, Denis VilleneuvePrompted by: The Author

14 May | Fic:

Our Time

Prompt: “Arrival”, 2016, Denis Villeneuve
Prompted by: The Author
Word Count: 39,761 words
Warnings: Time weirdness, disorientation, break up/make up (with an HEA), a bit of trauma and grief

Notes: This fic is based on the film Arrival (2016) directed by Dennis Villeneuve. It was such a pleasure to plonk my favorite boys down into the world of one of my favorite films for a while and see how they fared. I owe absolutely gargantuan thanks to: C, who inspires all the best plot points; B, who is the best cheerleader in the world, F, who is so brilliant and thoughtful, R, whose encouragement carried me through to the end, and C who wrangled all my commas into place. I love you all!
But the biggest thanks are due to the fest mods, who made participating such a delight.

Summary: Draco Malfoy is an expert in Ancient Runes at Oxford University’s College of Advanced Magical Studies. When he isn’t at the head of a lecture hall, he spends his time alone in cavernous libraries with only crumbling scrolls and runic dictionaries for company. One day, a group of Ministry officials interrupts his research with the aim of recruiting him to lead an elite team of investigators in a top-secret race against time to decrypt a set of recently uncovered ancient runes that threaten the very fabric of time. Draco feels certain he can save the world, if only he didn’t keep getting distracted by his co-lead, one Chief Cursebreaker Harry Potter. If only that distraction didn’t evolve into something so much more.

Read it now on AO3.

Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry.
Thank you!

Author and artist reveals are on 15 June.

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ArrivalAlternative movie poster for Arrival, a film directed by Denis Villeneuve.Digitally painted u


Alternative movie poster for Arrival, a film directed by Denis Villeneuve.

Digitally painted using a Wacom Intuos pro as main tool. Promotional pictures used as reference and stock images for texture.

More info.
Art Print Available.

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“Guess he forgot the landing procedure.”

