#jesus fucking christ





can’t stop thinking about this tweet. there’s so much to unpack:

  • the absolutely deranged choice to use harry potter themeing and an earnest celebration of “harry potter day” to re-announce a trans-inclusive policy decision that has been in effect since 2019
  • the implication that gender is a choice, but in support of trans people
  • the implication that in-universe, having magical powers is a choice
  • Graphic Design Is My Passion: Canva Edition
  • ah yes, the three genders: wizard, witch, and stupid fucking normie.

happy harry potter day to the transphobic trans allies at the WA state department of health only.

There’s a lot going on here.

for the cunt who just emailed me the ‘god loves everyone’ video fuck off and drink a gra

for the cunt who just emailed me the ‘god loves everyone’ video

fuck off and drink a grail of jesus jizz for me

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so I know I’ve made my share of jokes about blizzard going down a diversity checklist to make their tokens, but I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted how fucking literal it is lmao


(Preface: This is an update about my working relationship with a TTRPG publisher. Fair warning: politics, ethics, and LGBT issues are discussed).

For those who don’t know, I have had a three year working relationship with Lamentations of the Flame Princess (LotFP). I’ve been a fan of their books and a pretty big booster of them on social media. When it came time to pitch Blood in the Chocolate, I went to LotFP to do it. They published my first bigger budget book, which won an ENnie award later that year. It is fair to say that LotFP helped my freelancing career.

Earlier this week, this was posted to the LotFP Twitter and Facebook accounts.

This post has since been taken down and an explanation has been given.

Jordan B. Peterson is a man with a number of public opinions of transgendered people’s rights, the LGBT community, and left-leaning individuals (like myself) that I find morally repugnant. He has a large following among the alt-right (a political movement with ties to white nationalists, neo-nazi’s and other radical conservatives in North America). Regardless of what merit his works or his lectures might have, his statements on these matters are ones I deeply disagree with.

And then here was my publisher doing a photo op with him after attending one of his events in Finland.

Even if this was done as a marketing gimmick (LotFP uses a lot of shock value marketing), I think it implicitly sends the message that LotFP is a game that is accepting of Peterson’s fans, anti-trans people, and the alt-right. By posting this from the official LotFP account it signals acceptance of these people and their beliefs by the brand itself. These are things I cannot in good conscience be okay with or be associated with.

As of right now I will no longer be working with Lamentations of the Flame Princess as a freelancer or contributor.

What does this mean for my upcoming LotFP projects?

I am currently on contract to do the layout and design for one LotFP book: Courtney Campbell’s In a Deadly Fashion. The work for this book is half finished. As behoves me as a professional working in tabletop games, I am obligated to see this project completed. Once the final layout drafts are approved, my working relationship with LotFP ends.

The two books I was in works to do with LotFP are now projects I will be self-publishing.

What does this mean for Weird on the Waves?

Weird on the Waves is still progressing as previously stated. I will be adjusting it so that it is more of a system agnostic game setting rather than for LotFP specifically. An update email regarding this has just been sent out to pre-order customers.

What does this mean for you, my followers?

I have spent the past few years singing LotFP’s praises as an inclusive publisher. In light of these recent posts, and from the feedback of several people who have reached out to me with their dealings with LotFP and its fanbase, I cannot sing LotFP’s praises any longer with a clear conscience.

I firmly believe that trans rights are human rights. That LGBT rights are human rights.

I do not stand with the alt-right, and I will not knowingly work with a brand or business that, indirectly or not, shares their values or promotes individuals who do.

LotFP is free to conduct its business however it wants, to whatever end it wants. I will just no longer be a part of that. James and I have (at time of this posting) parted ways in a professional manner.

If you are a fan of my work, and want to see more historical fantasy stuff from me, just not under the banner of LotFP, I have a lot of things in the works. I hope you will continue to follow me.


jack saying “absolutely not” when anne offers to give herself up to save everyone vs. silver saying “absolutely not” when flint offers to give himself up to save everyone IN THE EXACT SAME EPISODE. i really hate this show lmao

brightgoat:American Psycho AUThank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.Link, green Addi, belbrightgoat:American Psycho AUThank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.Link, green Addi, belbrightgoat:American Psycho AUThank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.Link, green Addi, belbrightgoat:American Psycho AUThank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.Link, green Addi, belbrightgoat:American Psycho AUThank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.Link, green Addi, belbrightgoat:American Psycho AUThank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.Link, green Addi, bel


American Psycho AU

Thank you to @pukeseven for helping with dialogue.
Link, green Addi, belongs to @pukeseven
Iris, dark purple Addi, belongs to @/VINCEPTION on Twitter

What is actually happening is Click is slowly dying inside the Freezering, his body goes into a coma and his memories and final emotions make him experience these hallucinations, thinking he’s an 80s yuppie, until he finally goes braindead

Post link








“The slaves who had babies, they would steal the babies during the course of the day, sometimes when their mothers weren’t watching… Some would be infants, some would be a year old; he said some would be toddlers. He said they would grab these children and take them down to the swamp and leave them in pens like little chicken coops.

They would go down there at night, take these babies and… tie them up, put a rope around their neck and around their torso, around here, and tie it tight.

They’d be screaming… What they were doing would help them to chum the water. He said when they would throw the babies in tied to this rope, he said in a matter of minutes, he said, the alligators were on them. He said the alligator would clamp his jaws on that child. As a matter of fact, once he clamped on them he was really swallowed. He said you couldn’t see anything but the rope! Some would be infants, some would be a year old, toddlers, some would be infants.”
sources (x) (x)
paxamericana:burning to death because i can’t remember the secret maneuver that’s different from evepaxamericana:burning to death because i can’t remember the secret maneuver that’s different from eve


burning to death because i can’t remember the secret maneuver that’s different from every other car on earth or because i never read the manual or because it’s a rental or because it’s a rideshare or because i’m in the back seat and the driver is incapacitated (due to the fire currently burning us to death) or i’m a child

Post link
onyxai: spookyold-saintjm:odinsblog:Wow. Talk about attention to detail. Video here: https://twionyxai: spookyold-saintjm:odinsblog:Wow. Talk about attention to detail. Video here: https://twionyxai: spookyold-saintjm:odinsblog:Wow. Talk about attention to detail. Video here: https://twionyxai: spookyold-saintjm:odinsblog:Wow. Talk about attention to detail. Video here: https://twi




Wow. Talk about attention to detail.

Video here: https://twitter.com/javi_draws/status/965260617790738432?s=21

I will probably reblog this every time I see it on my dash because it’s absolutely stunning

This is literally insane. How did you have the patience. Tell me your secrets o’ art god.

Post link





Babies are socially accepted parasites.

When u read Ayn Rand 1 time

They’re not a parasite, they’re a potential investment

When you read Ayn Rand a dozen times

wtxch:wtxch:Zhao Zhao (Chinese, b. 1982)Constellations, 2021-2022Embroidery on silk ok so i’ve seen



Zhao Zhao (Chinese, b. 1982)

Constellations, 2021-2022

Embroidery on silk

ok so i’ve seen some of you aren’t that sure that this is actually embroidery (i was suspicious too bc damn!!!!) so here you is another embroidery of his with some close ups♥ :

Constellations, 2017 (300 x 980 cm)

embroidery on silk

Post link



Science Fiction:
Who’s life is prioritized when a self driving car has to make decisions that lead to a collision?  The driver?  A pedestrian? Other motorists?  Should an engineer really be making that decision? 

The engineer was told to prioritize the company’s bottom line. 



Would you believe me if I called this the sketch version?

I promise the upperclassmen are coming! I’ve finished the sketch of Dan so it’s just Renee Matt and Allison left.

Then I can start on the final line art


Finished up the b&w “sketch” version and I’ve started the line art
