#jesus fucking christ


thanks for the cute trans pride banner youtube. would love to stop seeing ads promoting anti-trans documentaries perpetuating the beliefs that get trans people killed.



Another Random hc

once on a recon mission, Bruce managed to nab some of Damian’s baby pictures from the league.

So, naturally, the rest of the bats have to see this. Of course they look through the pictures on the batcave monitor while Damian is out with friends. At first, it goes great. The pictures are adorable (if a little sad sometimes), and everyone is getting a kick out of it.

The fun ends when Tim notices something.

Up until age four, Damian’s eyes were brown.

Since this is where I vent, apparently, let’s go: I found out yesterday that my now ex, of more than four years together, has been in a relationship with one of his colleagues for the last six months. They were planning to go on vacations with the money I gave him when he couldn’t pay rent on time or buy food. She’s married with 2 kids and wants to divorce for him, the jokes write themselves. But oh, “he loves us both” and “just couldn’t choose”. I’m traumatized to have loved such a pathetic loser.

had to get it off my chest somewhere



Today my brother-in-law and I were having a pretty deep converasation, the kind I tend to avoid with him because he’s pretty closed minded and it usually ends in a fight. 

He asked me if I had ever heard of Steve Crowder. I immediately tensed. Because I have heard of him and he makes my blood boil (you can find his YouTube channel here if you feel like making yourself mad). 

Basically, the discussion was Steve Crowder said rape culture doesn’t exist because no one actively promotes rape. There is no one in America (this was the country we were talking about because it’s the one featured in his video) that tells people it is okay to rape people. I don’t know if this is a fact or not, but I had to explain to my brother all the reasons this isn’t true.

Rape culture isn’t a group of men telling people it’s okay to rape people. Rape culture isn’t a group of angry women shouting that all men are rapists.  

Rape culture is encouraging sexual agression, or seeing it as okay; seeing it as normal. Rape culture is this agression and violence being seen as normal through popular culture. Rape culture is the fact that we even need apps to try and prevent it. Rape culture is people not being punished for raping or harassing someone, because it might damge their reputation. Rape culture is the victim being blamed because they didn’t watch their drink. Because they wore a short skirt. Because they went on a date alone. Because they flirted back. Because they were outside at night. Because they were polite.  

Rape culture is teaching girls not to be raped, instead of teaching boys no to rape. Rape culture is the fact that only 3 out of 1000 rapists are convicted. Rape culture exists. And it’s a problem. 

Rape culture is why I didn’t realise I was raped. It was my boyfriend. We were 17. He wanted me to give him oral and I was scared, drunk and didn’t want to. But he made me. And I thought that was okay because he was my boyfriend. It’s why I thought it was okay that a different drunk boyfriend basically forced me to have sex with him. It’s why I thought it was okay because he apologised in the morning. It’s why I thought I couldn’t say anything when the guy behind me at a concert kept grabbing my arse.

It’s why TWO of my bosses at work have just been moved to different offices for sexually harassing girls, instead of losing their jobs. It’s why the (underage) girls weren’t offered counselling, apologies or explanations for what happened and what was said to them. It’s why they were asked to keep it quiet. It’s why I’ve since quit and encouraged them to do the same.

It’s why I keep my head down when people call out from cars or on the street. It’s why I pretend I’m on the phone when I walk past people. It’s why I keep my hand over my drink when I’m out. It’s why I’m scared to walk home at night even though I work two blocks away from my house.

It’s real.

And it’s a problem. 

What fucked up corner of tumblr have I found myself in?

theedorksinlove:911 fox | 4x14‘you act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong’theedorksinlove:911 fox | 4x14‘you act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong’


‘you act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong’

Post link


Me: haha Jack is a terrible programmer. I mean, look at VaultHunter.exe, on top of making it an .exe it literally doesn’t do jackshit as intended

Also me: screaming and crying and throwing up because I cannot for the life of me make this Dart UI work

not to be cringe but this video got me acting up THE GROANS???? I AM BARKING I AM HOWLING AT THE MOON




destiel shrike amv WHEN. i couldn’t utter my love when it counted…ah but i’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now…i couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted…


the purgatory prayer scene where everything is the same except shrike by hozier plays in the background


jesus fucking christ


my kidnapper fucking me slowly while gripping my hair & holding my head back, forcing me to watch my missing person segment on tv. whispering in my ear “you’re all mine, they’ll never find you here” before kissing my neck & violently rutting into me as i cry.
