#jethro gibbs x reader



NCIS Imagine

AN: Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing this <3


Request: Imagine being an agent and you get a call from an insurance company giving you the name of suspect and it’s Russian, you try to spell it but you keep asking them to say it again. Before you just have them spell it out, meanwhile the team is just staring at you.

You were exhausted. You hadn’t slept in…yeah. You didn’t know. Your body was running on black bitter coffee that wasn’t even hot anymore. You collapsed on the chair behind your desk, exhaling loudly. Tony looked up immediatly and smirked. “Already tired?”

You just shot him a glare which made him duck his head before he would die.

He shouldn’t make such a comment. Sitting in the office all day, pretending to work on his computer when he did not have a single idea how to solve this case. He had probably used the time where Gibbs and you were away to check a potencial suspect to close his eyes and enjoy the quiet hours before the boss came back. At least he looked like he had just woken up. Good for him Gibbs didn’t return with you because he promised to bring a new cup of coffee.

“Leave her alone, Tony. She’s been working, you know.”

McGee snapped back.

You turned on your computer. Your eyes protested at the bright light and you closed your eyes shortly to ease the burn. Leaning back you tried to figure out your next steps. All leads had resultet in a dead end and you wouldn’t wanna risk Gibbs mood to turn bad any longer.

Ziva came back from what has probably been the toilet.

She came to a stop in front of your desk, watching you curiously. “Anything successfull?”

You shook your head. “No. She didn’t do it. But there was something-”

It must’ve looked to Ziva as if a lightbulb just lightened up above your head. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t hold back a satisfied smile. Zivas eyebrows lifted.

“Y/N. What is it?”

Your fingers immediatly found your keyboard and suddenly your burning eyes were glued to the screen.

“The insurance number…” You murmured. The web told you the number of the insurance company and your fingers reached for the phone typing in the number quickly.

As you listened to the nerve-dying waiting-music and impatiently tapped with your fingers on the top of your desk Gibbs returned from his coffee-run, placing a cup of your favourite liquid on your desk and slipped out of his coat before taking a seat behind his desk.

Gibbs had just started interrogating Tony about his progress when finally a female voice appeared on the other end of the line.

“Good Morning, how can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Special Agent Y/L/N from NCIS. I need to assign an insurance number.”

“NCIS? What does that stand for?”

You sighed. “Naval Criminal Investigative Service.”

There was a moment of silence. She was probably searching the Internet to see if this authority actually existed. Sad.

“Okay Agent Y/L/N. If you could tell me the number?”

You told her everything she needed to know whereupon she politely told you to “Please wait a moment.”

Your whole attention concentrated on finding that voice in your ear again. You nervously chewed on your lower lip. A bad habit.

“Okay Miss Y/L/N. The number is assigned to a certain  AndrejKudrjawzew.”

Your heart skipped a beat. Russian. Now it all made sense. You rushed to grab a piece of paper and a pencil.

“Could you repeat the name please?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand. I think there was a noise in the line. Please repeat another time.”

“An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.”

You huffed. “I’m really sorry. One last time please.”

“His name is An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.” From the tone of her voice you could tell that if you’d ask her to repeat one more time, she would simply yell it into the speaker.

You allowed yourself a moment of rest and looked upward. You almost felt from the chair when ypu were confronted with four pairs of amused eyes. You instantly felt your cheeks heat up and you avoided being under their emberassing watch for any longer. Focussing on the empty piece of paper in front of you again it was almost painful to ask again.

“Could you just spell it out for me, please?”

An annoyed sigh from the other end of the line made you cringe. The women spelled it out for you extra slowly and you could tell that she was more than relieved when you wished her a good afternoon and said goodbye.

You teared your note from the blog and jumped up your chair. “Good news?” Gibbs blue eyes pierced into yours. Still that damn smirk on his face along with DiNozzos.

“Got him. His name is-” Before you could emberass yourself any further Gibbs stole the note out of your hands and read it out loud. “Andrej Kudrjawzew.”

You cleared your throat quietly. “Exactly.”

Smirking he grabbed his coat. “Let’s go.”

The team grabbed their stuff and rushed to the elevator.

Tony bumped into your side softly and grinned.

“Troubles getting the name right, doll?”

“Shut up, DiNozzo.”

I’m convinced Gibbs is a master at dirty talk without saying more than 4 words in a row or even saying anything at all


This is part 1 [There will be a part 2!]


Warnings/tags : kissing, making-out

Pairing: Jethro Gibbs x reader

Imagine this:

It is one of those moments you recollect yourself. Your sins absorb the impression of the night. Bright lights decorate the dance floor. People feeling the need to forget the trouble of life moving their bodys to the rhytm. The drummer hitting his instruments like his life depended on it, losing several ounces of sweat. The brown haired man next to him playing the strings of his guitar with a passion that is worth living for.

The nikotine polluted air lets your eyes burn and your ears hurt from the volume of the music. Despite that you’re enjoying it. Probably because of it. Your eyes dart around, watching people have the time of their lives. It provides you with a kind of happy feeling. The serotonin making you feel lightheaded and an exciting feeling spreads in your stomach.

You just returned from the toilet where the with red lipstick smeared mirror had told you to make the most out of this night. You had reapplied your lipstick. Pressing it onto the mirroring surface you wrote a message to the world.

Taking a last look on yourself you closed your hand bag again and stepped out the door, the dump sound of joy turning into a clear baging loud noise again.

The heavy smoke wandered through the room and your eyes scanned the bar, which was perfectly set in scene by the bluish light strips. Your eyes wandered past a blonde and a brunette man, both broad shouldered and they were just taking another shot of tequila. Next to them a beautiful women with wavy hair sat on the stool elegantly, legs crossed. Her lipstick was as red as the dress she wore and it looked like she was born right out of hot fire. The man next to her had a hand on her thigh and was just as handsome. He just ran his fingers selfconciously through his dark hair and pushed another glass, of what seemed like wiskey, to the women which she gratefully grabbed with her red-colored nails.

The couple was followed by three girls laughing and taking selfies. Obviously doing this just to proove the world of the internet what an amazing life they had. Two boys on their left tried to get their attention with asking if they could make a photo. Between them and the next customer there was a free place and without thinking you ran your fingers through your hair and made your way through the cheering crowd.

When you arrived at the bar you sat down and lifted your arm to ask the bartender for a drink.

The (also) handsome man in front of you needed to bend a little towards you. The music was so loud you needed bring your lips close to his ear for him to understand something. He nodded and took a glass out of the shelve, starting to work kn your order. You turned to your left and your mouthwrinkels curled in amusement when you watched the two boys still trying to get the girls group to notice them.

You didn’t really know how long you had watched the scene, but when you turned to the bar again you accidentally hit something cold and just like in slowmotion you saw the glass fall, the liquid spilling onto surface and hitting the arm of your right neighbour. Before you could react in any way, a rough hand put your now empty drink upright again and reached for a paper towel. He cleaned his elbow with it and as you lifted your face his blue eyes hit you.

It was as if time stood still for a little moment. The color of his irises was of an ice blue you hadn’t seen before. The silver shining hair was lightened by the blue lights of the bar and in combination with the light smirk appearing on his handsome face your brain instantly decided everything he’d do tonight would be an incredible turn on for you.

“Sorry!” you yelled against the loud music in your ears.

He murmured something. You could just lipread a little and came to the conclusion he had said that “It’s okay.”

He lifted his muscular arm and signed for the bartender to come over. The two man had a silent conversation and you guessed he had just ordered a new drink for you.

“Thank you.” You blessed him with a smile of yours.

“You here alone?” You could feel his eyes on your lips, trying to figure out what you had just said. You may or may not have spoken extra quietly, so he needed to bend towards you to understand something. A mix of sawdust and coffee dazed your sins and as you brought your lips to his ear, accidentallystroking against it’s shell, you needed a moment to swallow down the sudden knot in your throat before you could say something.

“Did you come alone?”

I asked him, this time more loudly.

To your dissapointment he leaned back again but luckily his scent still lingered in the air. His deep blue eyes sparkled mischievously and his smirk widened. It looked like he needed to think about his answer for a moment but then he leaned forward. This time it was his turn to brush his lips against the shell of your ear. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine. He had hardly spoken a word yet and you would already do anything for him. What will that lead to? You didn’t care, honestly.

His voice was raspy in just the right amount and the double meaning words, that arrived in the dazed instanz that was your brain, sent something hot directly between your legs.

“I usually don’t.”

You swallowed hard and felt your cheeks heat up.

Oh Y/N. You felt like it was high school again. It was emberassing how he had turned you into a voiceless girly just with three words. Emberassing.

But he certainly looked pleased with the look on your face he catched when he leaned back again, pushing the drink he had ordered you, which the bartender had just placed in front of you, closer to you, signing you to take a sip.

His icy blues didn’t let your eyes go when you brought your lips to the glass, taking a sip. Just after a little the liquid burned down your throat. It drove tears in your eyes and he laughed. You caughed a little, putting the glass back on the counter.

Bourbon had never been your thing.

He leaned in again. “Not used to this?”

You shook your head and rushed to take in his addicting scent again. “Bourbon’s too much for me.”

He grinned lightly, lifting his hands.


You stared at him for a moment when he turned to the counter again. This man was too much for you.

You tucked on his polo shirt lightly. You wanted to ask, but when you opened your mouth nothing came out. Your voice was stolen by his eyes practically looking into your soul. You swallowed again, trying to loosen the knot in your throat.

He turned to you again, enjoying your facial expression with a slight smile. He leaned toward you. But this time not to say something in your ear. He stopped, just inches in feont of your lips. He licked his and seemed to study your face. “Yes, you can.”

Your eyebrows expressed your confusion. He chuckled.

“What’s your name?”


He smiled. “I said, yes Y/N. You can kiss me.”

You blushed. How could he possibly…? Nevermind. You would take the chance before he changed his mind.

You closed your eyes and just when you wanted to move forward he already pressed his lips to yours. They were softer than you’d have imagined. It was a sweet kiss. He took his time, not forcing you into something and giving you the opportunity to pull away the whole time.

When you pulled away, not because you wanted to but damn, your lungs needed air, his eyes had darkened. He waited for you to make a move this time and you didn’t plan on waiting.

Immediatly after your lungs filled with air you connected your lips with his again, eager to taste him. You wanted to get a taste of this man. You wanted to know what he tasted like. He only allowed you a second to explore him, because when you felt the rough skin of his hand gently force your face forward you opened your mouth automatically any he took full advantage of it, instantly dominating your kiss. His tongue explored your mouth hungrily and you couldn’t help but moan.

You placed your hand on the back of his neck, feeling his short hair between your fingers. His other hand was now placed on the former empty side of your face, making you surrender entirely to him. He tasted deliciously like Bourbon and coffee and adding the way he took control made the butterflies in your stomach explode. Your heart was pounding so fast you heard it beating to the rhytm of the drums. You ran your heart through his thin silver hair and your heart skipped a beat when you felt him moan into the kiss.

This time he was the first one to pull away. You were both panting. He unexpectedly grabbed your hand thightly and stood up.

“Come with me.”

He pulled you through the dancing crowd.


I just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you for 200 followers <3 I’m really happy you like my writings and I hope I can help you escape reality for a bit, thank you❤❤

Gibbs tag-list:

@hotch-meeeeeuppppp @alesaab @daddy-issues24-7 @zetasaturno99@lj-gibbs-lover@leroyjethrogibbsgirl@drakelover78@fanf1ctionwrit1n



Pairing: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of weapons, nonexplicit mentions of rape, pregnancy, doubts about pregnancy

Word count: 1506

Request by: anonymous

“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”

A/N: Hey you! I’m finally getting to your request, sorry it has taken so long! I want to remind everyone that this story has triggers, so please read the warnings before continuing. 


Keep reading


Pairing: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of weapons, nonexplicit mentions of rape, pregnancy, doubts about pregnancy

Word count: 1506

Request by: anonymous

“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”

A/N: Hey you! I’m finally getting to your request, sorry it has taken so long! I want to remind everyone that this story has triggers, so please read the warnings before continuing. 


Keep reading

Pairing: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of weapons, nonexplicit mentions of rape, pregnancy, doubts about pregnancy

Word count: 1506

Request by: anonymous

“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”

A/N: Hey you! I’m finally getting to your request, sorry it has taken so long! I want to remind everyone that this story has triggers, so please read the warnings before continuing. 


You fumble with the lock for a minute before the door swings open, revealing a rustic, sparsely furnished interior. You step inside, dropping your bag off by the doorway and pushing the door closed behind you. For the first time in what feels like weeks, you breathe out a sigh of relief. 

The chill of the unwarmed room forces you to keep your jacket on as you search around the semi-dark room for the pack of matches you knew Jethro kept around. After a few minutes of stumbling around, you find the matches and proceed to light the few candles scattered around. You knew you’d have to go charge to the generator to get the electricity on, but you couldn’t find the energy to go back outside in the cold fall rain and do so. 

You whisper out a soft breath of thanks upon seeing the small stack of firewood next to the fireplace. Several failed attempts later and you finally manage to get a small fire going, the heat of which steadily starts warming the cabin. After pulling off your shoes, you climb into the sagging bed, wrapping the thick quilt around yourself and letting the exhaustion pulling at you take over. 

The night passes uneventfully as the nightmares remain at bay for the first time in weeks. You wonder briefly if it had to do with the lingering scent of Jethro on the sheets or the quiet security of the cabin. Whatever the reason, you wake up feeling truly refreshed, the coolness of the air helping to wake you up. You take a moment to make the bed before heading to the bathroom to change out of your clothes from the previous day. You bend down, putting on your sneakers, and just as you are lacing them up a knock on the door stops you. 

The sound sends your heart racing through your chest, your hand instinctively going for your hip, where you typically get your holstered weapon. Your fingers grasp at nothing and you realize with a start, that you’d left your sidearm locked up in the safe back home. You cautiously move to the door, standing mostly behind it as you crack it open, revealing a casually dressed Jethro. You step back, fully opening the door as you feel your face heat up with embarrassment. You loosen your grip on the door, stepping to the side and moving back into the cabin, taking a seat on the bed.

Jethro slowly follows you in, pushing the door closed behind him. He pulls off his jacket, haphazardly laying it on a wooden chair before regarding you with knowing eyes.

“How did…uh, how’d you find me, Jethro?” You ask softly, your fingers tracing the worn squares of the handmade patchwork quilt covering the bed as you try not to dwell on the fact that you’d just called your boss by his first name.

Your question goes unanswered and after a few long moments, you lift your eyes to his. His piercing blue eyes are on you, his gaze unwavering as he speaks. “You told Abby you were going to clear your head, someplace off the grid where you could find peace.” He pauses, taking a step closer to you. His voice is rough with an unreadable emotion when he continues. “You told me once that you felt a true sense of peace out here, away from everything.” 

His words hang in the air, suspended on the unasked question of why you’d come up here alone. He doesn’t force you to speak and a part of you feels that he probably already knows the answer to that silent question. The silence stretches out between the two of you as you struggle to find the words to tell Jethro the truth.

“We need firewood.” He says simply, shrugging his worn Carharrt back on before tugging open the heavy wooden door and stepping out into the chill of the fall night. You suck in a deep breath, trying to slow the rapid pace of your heart. You knew you’d have to tell him the truth, no matter how much the thought alone left you feeling queasy. 

Leroy Jethro Gibbs was the single most important in your life; he had been since the day you’d walked into that dated orange bullpen. The first time he’d looked at you, it felt as if you were been seen for the first time, as if he knew everything you’d ever be. He quickly became the one you trusted the most on the team, aside from maybe Abby. As completely cliche as it was, you couldn’t stop yourself from falling in love with him. And although the two of you completely shied away from the topic of feelings, you had this strange notion that maybe he felt the same for you. But how do you tell the man you loved something that would altogether change your life, and possibly even his?

Jethro pushes the door open with his shoulder, a load of split logs in his arms. A cold blast of air hits you and makes you shiver, only stopping when he shoved the door closed again. He moved effortlessly to the fireplace.

“I’m pregnant.” You blurt out, your words hitting Jethro like a bullet as he freezes in place. He is still for a long moment before he slowly sets down the logs, turning around to face you. His blue eyes are ice cold, devoid of any emotion as he flatly says, “Is it his?” 

You can’t bring yourself to hold his gaze, your eyes dropping to your feet as you give a small nod of your head, a lump of emotions rising in your chest that you try to fight. An overwhelming tide of shame washes over you, coupling with a growing feeling of anxiety that leaves you breathless. The moment his rough hand brushes yours that tenuous wall you’d built comes tumbling down, a rush of tears springing to the surface. His strong arms are wrapped around you before you can even take a step closer to him. You bury your face in his neck, trying to stop the tears that are now rushing down your face. You find comfort in his arms, feeling for the first time in a long time like things were maybe going to be okay. You pull back just enough to look him square in the eyes for the first time since you’d spoken. 

He brings a large, rough hand up to gently cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing a soft line up your cheekbone. “Just tell me what you need Y/N.” His voice is thick with emotion, telling you far more than his words were. 

You can feel the tears rising within you at his words, but you force down the surge of emotions, not ready to cry again only moments after you’d just stopped. “Jethro…I-I don’t know what to do.” You roughly wipe a hand over your eyes, brushing away the remnants of tears. “I’ve never felt so completely helpless in my life. It feels like every decision is being made for me, faster than I can even comprehend.” You lean into his hand, closing your eyes as you continue in a broken whisper. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go, Jethro. I wanted to do this right. I wanted this… with you.” You trail off, having said what had been on your mind for the last day and a half.

“Just because it didn’t happen the way it should’ve doesn’t mean it can’t happen Y/N. I’m here now and I’ll be here through the whole thing. I can promise you that Y/N.” His hand slides from your cheek, down your face to under your chin, gently lifting it until your eyes meet his again. He gives you the softest smile, one you can’t ever recall seeing on him before. “I can be whatever you and the baby need Y/N.” 

That wildly desperate feeling that had been seizing control of you starts to slowly fade away at his words and you find yourself leaning in, the distance between the two of you disappearing as you softly press your lips to his. His hands come up to tenderly wrap around each side of your face as he briefly deepens the kiss before leaning back and placing a kiss on your forehead.

“I just need you, Jethro.” You whisper in a moment of complete honesty, that feeling of safety that you only ever felt around him washing over you. 

“I’ll be here as long as you want me to be.” He responds, his voice thick and heavy with emotion.

“I’ll always want you.” You breathe out. He doesn’t say anything in response, instead, he leans down, giving you another kiss before he wraps his arms around you. And as uncertain as your future was, you could trust in the fact that the one constant in the days, months, even years, to come would be Jethro.

Tagging: @madamsnape921@fanf1ctionwrit1n@thisiscalm-andits-doctor
@leroyjethrogibbsgirl@captainxholmes@alesaab​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp 

1k Celebration/Countdown Masterlist

Thank you all for 1k and I hope you all enjoy reading <3<3<3

Aaron Hotchner

Drunk on You-Hotch gets a little too drunk on a night out with the team. Of course, this means lots of cuddles, kisses, and one very clingy Aaron Hotchner.

My Person-You have recently grown very close to your unit chief, and have developed some feelings. Is an undercover kiss what it takes for you to admit how you feel?

Desperate-You go on yet another failed date and just accept the fact that you aren’t good enough for anyone. Hotch, your closest friend, sees this and tries to tell you otherwise, but for you, its too hard to believe.

Agent Vs. Aaron-Agent Hotchner may be the strong unit chief who never smiles, but at home there is a whole different Aaron ready to kiss the night away ;)

I’m Here, I’ve Got You-You’ve always had a fear of thunderstorms, but have hi it well. What happens when you get stuck at Hotch’s during a thunderstorm and he insists you stay?

Worth It, So Worth It-Aaron notices your self harm and steps in to show you just how worth it you really are to him

What was I saying?-You and Aaron are fighting over the dumbest thing and he is tired of the back and forth banter. He decides to shut you up the best way he knows how to.

Jethro Gibbs

Jealousy Jealousy-You flirt for the fun of it at a bar and catch a certain someone’s eye. What happens when Gibbs jealousy gets the better of him, and he steps in?

Speechless-You tell your husband your pregnant. He is quite literally speechless.

The Final Mrs. Gibbs-Gibbs has been married one too many times, but he wants to do it one more time around. Has he found the final Mrs. Gibbs?

I’ll Hold You When You Need It Most-A case hits a little too close to home and the only person who can seem to help you is the one and only Leroy Jethro Gibbs

David Rossi

Cold Shoulder-A tough case leads Rossi to shutting out everything and everyone. What happens when you get stuck sharing a room with him and he breaks down?

There She Goes-Rossi is utterly infatuated with you and can’t get you out of his head. He is finally exactly as he wants and couldn’t be happier as he watches you walk down the aisle.

Tony Dinozzo

Don’t Leave Me-A lucky shot may just cost you your life. Tony holds onto you for as long as he can, but even he knows he can’t stop the inevitable.
