#ncis team x reader



NCIS Imagine

AN: Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing this <3


Request: Imagine being an agent and you get a call from an insurance company giving you the name of suspect and it’s Russian, you try to spell it but you keep asking them to say it again. Before you just have them spell it out, meanwhile the team is just staring at you.

You were exhausted. You hadn’t slept in…yeah. You didn’t know. Your body was running on black bitter coffee that wasn’t even hot anymore. You collapsed on the chair behind your desk, exhaling loudly. Tony looked up immediatly and smirked. “Already tired?”

You just shot him a glare which made him duck his head before he would die.

He shouldn’t make such a comment. Sitting in the office all day, pretending to work on his computer when he did not have a single idea how to solve this case. He had probably used the time where Gibbs and you were away to check a potencial suspect to close his eyes and enjoy the quiet hours before the boss came back. At least he looked like he had just woken up. Good for him Gibbs didn’t return with you because he promised to bring a new cup of coffee.

“Leave her alone, Tony. She’s been working, you know.”

McGee snapped back.

You turned on your computer. Your eyes protested at the bright light and you closed your eyes shortly to ease the burn. Leaning back you tried to figure out your next steps. All leads had resultet in a dead end and you wouldn’t wanna risk Gibbs mood to turn bad any longer.

Ziva came back from what has probably been the toilet.

She came to a stop in front of your desk, watching you curiously. “Anything successfull?”

You shook your head. “No. She didn’t do it. But there was something-”

It must’ve looked to Ziva as if a lightbulb just lightened up above your head. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t hold back a satisfied smile. Zivas eyebrows lifted.

“Y/N. What is it?”

Your fingers immediatly found your keyboard and suddenly your burning eyes were glued to the screen.

“The insurance number…” You murmured. The web told you the number of the insurance company and your fingers reached for the phone typing in the number quickly.

As you listened to the nerve-dying waiting-music and impatiently tapped with your fingers on the top of your desk Gibbs returned from his coffee-run, placing a cup of your favourite liquid on your desk and slipped out of his coat before taking a seat behind his desk.

Gibbs had just started interrogating Tony about his progress when finally a female voice appeared on the other end of the line.

“Good Morning, how can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Special Agent Y/L/N from NCIS. I need to assign an insurance number.”

“NCIS? What does that stand for?”

You sighed. “Naval Criminal Investigative Service.”

There was a moment of silence. She was probably searching the Internet to see if this authority actually existed. Sad.

“Okay Agent Y/L/N. If you could tell me the number?”

You told her everything she needed to know whereupon she politely told you to “Please wait a moment.”

Your whole attention concentrated on finding that voice in your ear again. You nervously chewed on your lower lip. A bad habit.

“Okay Miss Y/L/N. The number is assigned to a certain  AndrejKudrjawzew.”

Your heart skipped a beat. Russian. Now it all made sense. You rushed to grab a piece of paper and a pencil.

“Could you repeat the name please?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand. I think there was a noise in the line. Please repeat another time.”

“An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.”

You huffed. “I’m really sorry. One last time please.”

“His name is An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.” From the tone of her voice you could tell that if you’d ask her to repeat one more time, she would simply yell it into the speaker.

You allowed yourself a moment of rest and looked upward. You almost felt from the chair when ypu were confronted with four pairs of amused eyes. You instantly felt your cheeks heat up and you avoided being under their emberassing watch for any longer. Focussing on the empty piece of paper in front of you again it was almost painful to ask again.

“Could you just spell it out for me, please?”

An annoyed sigh from the other end of the line made you cringe. The women spelled it out for you extra slowly and you could tell that she was more than relieved when you wished her a good afternoon and said goodbye.

You teared your note from the blog and jumped up your chair. “Good news?” Gibbs blue eyes pierced into yours. Still that damn smirk on his face along with DiNozzos.

“Got him. His name is-” Before you could emberass yourself any further Gibbs stole the note out of your hands and read it out loud. “Andrej Kudrjawzew.”

You cleared your throat quietly. “Exactly.”

Smirking he grabbed his coat. “Let’s go.”

The team grabbed their stuff and rushed to the elevator.

Tony bumped into your side softly and grinned.

“Troubles getting the name right, doll?”

“Shut up, DiNozzo.”
