#jim our flag means death

 → nonbinary JIM JIMENEZ icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Jim Jimenez from Our Flag Means Death. Jim i → nonbinary JIM JIMENEZ icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Jim Jimenez from Our Flag Means Death. Jim i → nonbinary JIM JIMENEZ icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of Jim Jimenez from Our Flag Means Death. Jim i

→ nonbinary JIM JIMENEZ icons.

[ID: 3 circular icons of Jim Jimenez from Our Flag Means Death. Jim is an adult with tan skin and shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair. Behind them in all 3 icons is the nonbinary pride flag.

The first icon shows Jim facing the camera, their face turned to the side, looking into the distance. They have a wistful expression on their face. They’re wearing layers of beige shirts and vests, as well as a brown stetson hat.

The second icon shows Jim throwing a knife at someone behind the camera. They’re wearing a frilly beige blouse under a dark brown jacket, as well as a brown stetson hat. They’re also wearing a fake beard the same colour as their hair, and a fake nose. They have a calm expression on their face.

The third icon shows Jim sitting and glaring up at someone behind the camera. They’re wearing layers of beige shirts and vests, and have an annoyed expression on their face. /End ID]

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“I do not mean to pry, but you don’t by any chance happen to have cockerel tattoo?”

Do I want more Princess Bride x OFMD crossovers?Yes

Have I thought about this since learning Jim’s dad was killed?Yes.

Would it have been easier for me to just photoshop this and not paint it? Also yes. I am apparently incredibly extra. I would apologise but it does mean more content for you lovely people!

If it doesn’t look quite like Jim, it’s genuinely the moustache. I painted the portrait first and then added the moustache to match Inigo Montoya. It looked off with the fake nose and beard (I also did a version with that, it does not look good.)


“I’m trying to put the revenge part behind me”

This took about 3.5 hours to paint, I’m feeling very good about this.

Alternative title for this:

“Jimenez, Jim, Jimenez, Jim, Jim, Jim…”

“I’M not Jimenez, Jim, Jimenez, Jim, Jim, Jim… THEY’RE Jimenez, Jim, Jimenez, Jim, Jim, Jim…”

