

Jimtober 2021 Day 19: Transformation

From all the heroes I have known, Jim might have had the roughest journey of then all.

Still, I adore him and, if I could, I would fight alongside him.

His character development is amazing and GOD I wish he had what he really deserved…peace.

Jimtober 2021 Day 18: Renaissance Faire

Inspired by 2014’s La Belle et la Bête and an old drawing I had.

Imagined they would rock those big and beautiful costumes, as you can see, the absolutely do!

Jimtober 2021 Day 17: Akiridian Tech

In honor of the thing that got me hyped for Rise of the Titans: My boy with his new armor, made by his fwiends!

Jimtober 2021 Day 16: What If…?

What if…Jim was corrupted by Gunmar on that scene in “Eternal Night”?

A mindless warrior, a slave forced to destroy everything he held dear as he screams internally.

Jimtober 2021 Day 15: Wizards

No longer the shadows of their predecesors, but the guiding lights of a new generation!

Jimtober 2021 Day 14: Excalibur

Both wielded the same sword

Both were heroes

Both went for the same goal, but not by the same point of view.

Excalibur chose, not knowing what the future held…

Jimtober 2021 Day 13: Vespa

Cracked my head figuring this one out, until I remembered the origin of his Vespa.

Aside from being his dream, it gave him a way to have more contact with Blinky, thus returning Jim what he had lost: A father figure.

That Vespa meant more than a dream came true. It was the best gift he had had since…well…since his father left.

As a single-parent child, I get the struggle and the heartache that means not having that support, not only for you, but for the parent that’s left in charge of all. When you get that aid from someone that doesn’t have the responsability, but the love to do it anyway, it means more than anything.

I love Blinky and his role as Jim’s father figure.



I felt really sad for Jim in that scene.

(Jimtober 2021)



I miss you sm Draal.

In my version he doesn’t die bc Jim was always protecting his back ;;

(Jimtober 2021)
