#joan micklin silver


Dementia (1955) a.k.a. Daughter of Horror

Very much my shit. Spent the rest of the evening humming and singing the music, for which I humbly apologize to my SO and my dog. Might make the perfect double feature withCarnival of Souls(1962)? [letterboxd] [tubi]


Bernice Bobs Her Hair(1976)

This was produced for public television as part of a series called “The American Short Story.” Given that information, the vibe you have in your head is probably accurate. So charming. Shelley Duvall is one of a kind and she is a pitch-perfect Bernice. [letterboxd] [kanopy]


Night of the Devils (1972) orig.: La notte dei diavoli

I’ve decided that Russian stories adapted by Italian filmmakers is a winning micro-genre. [letterboxd] [kanopy]



Rosy Dreams (1977) orig.: Ružové sny

This movie wasn’t new to me, but I watched it again for the first time since college and it was just as great as I remembered. Slovak film has never gotten its due attention. Maybe I should do a feature series on Slovak cinema??? This year marks 100 years since their first feature film too… [letterboxd]

As always, if you’re interested in any of these and need any specific content warnings ahead of time, feel free to ask!

Crossing Delancey (1988) An underrated gem. RIP Joan Micklin Silver.
