#joanne rowling


Viel mehr als unsere Fähigkeiten sind es unsere Entscheidungen, die zeigen, wer wir wirklich sind

Joanna K. Rowling, brit. Schriftstellerin (1965-)

Yeah Remus Lupin is sexy, but you know what’s sexier? Reading a book that doesn’t use lycanthropy as an excuse to demonize gay people and the AIDS epidemic



Unfollow me if you think that RIPJKRowling thing on twitter is okay and/or funny. No matter what you think about her beliefs, no matter how strong you disagree with her she is a living woman and it is simply disgusting to wish her death

I feel like you’ve misinterpreted it. What I saw was saying “RIP her career” and the hashtag was just a joke.

1. English is not my first language, but as far as I know RIP + person’s name = death of this person.

And don’t you think that if you need to explain a joke so it wouldn’t be offensive, then it’s a bad joke?

2. I’m not the only one who “misinterpreted” this “joke”

(more to come, but I’d like to put them in another section)

3. Under this “funny” hashtag people are actually saying that she’d better be dead

And saying that they’d celebrate her death if it was real

(once again, I don’t think that these people are talking about her career, aren’t they?)

So I don’t actually care if this is a joke or not. People are wishing death of a living woman. It is disgusting.

Unfollow me if you think that RIPJKRowling thing on twitter is okay and/or funny. No matter what you think about her beliefs, no matter how strong you disagree with her she is a living woman and it is simply disgusting to wish her death

How do the producers of Fantastic Beasts (including Joanne herself) not realize that writing scripts in which magical beasts are important enough to validate human decisions is totally at odds with the world she already created in which magical humans literally have more right to personhood and legal representation than even any other humanoid within their society? Meanwhile actual non-humanoid creatures are literally enslaved, imprisoned, and put to death at the whim of humans…
