#john kreese


Cobra Kai Season 5 trailer just came out *SPOILER*

Idk how to feel honestly.

*Like that road trip Johnny and robby are gonna take to find miguel is really happening.

*Chozen is giving that energy back to Terry as he is not fazed at all. I feel like this is just like a walk in the park for him.

*Daniel telling chozen to put the sai down was funny.

—> also Daniel looks pretty in that one shot between him, chozen, and terry.

*Sam might be facing her own demons and has a new haircut.

*Tory still has the trophy and knows Terry basically paid that referee yet still training in cobra kai??

*I really want kenny to get out of cobra kai before he’s far too deep. He’s only a child, your honor

*Terry wants to expand cobra kai all over the valley I guess.

*Another Miguel vs Robby fight in which I do feel like it’s need because they need to get out their system and hopefully talk it out in the end or someone with sense sits them down to talk because they never had a one on one conversation.

Ralph and Billy are itching to kiss each other. So why not make Daniel and johnny have an accidental kiss that brings out so many unresolved feelings they have for each other?

I laugh at fact that daniel is a magnet when it comes to being called names especially if it’s feminine like “danielle” or “primadonna” yet this primadonna has no problem kicking your ass if provoked.

Here’s some headcanon ideas:

*Johnny is a doctor who’s well respected cause he’s one of the best. Outside the life as a doctor and working, he’s not as social as he used to and the conversations he has with robby tend to be awkward but meaningful because he sits down and listens to his son’s concerns, curiosity, or anything in mind. Robby still trains with daniel and they both have mutual respect. When robby is injured from his first tournament from an opponent from a different dojo, both get all overprotective parent on him. Robby is not all confused cause he knows there’s been a weird tension between the two adults but it makes him feel good to know they are supportive and caring. They told him it’s okay if he doesn’t want to compete but he says he’s good and want to finish the match. They let him as Daniel looks at Johnny, “He’s a tough kid just like you” and Johnny feels appreciated and replied with robby continuing to fight the match like his sensei.

*So remember when robby lied about that father-son road trip for his school abscence. Instead of being mad, Johnny actually takes Robby on this road trip as robby only agreed to go if he can choose the places. Then it’s like the goofy movie as they are going from L.A. to Las Vegas and more while surviving on $200 bucks left. Needing money they go to a casino as Johnny teaches robby a few tricks up his sleeve and they win a lot of money which they spoil themselves. Throughout the trip, Johnny was honest with robby about not arriving to his birth to now. Robby expressed his anger towards him as he wishes he was around more. Johnny feels shitty but he gives robby his phone number and a copy to his keys if he wanted to stay or come by once in a while. On their way back, Johnny asks if he wanted to stay as it’s not the perfect apartment but he has an extra room for him to stay. Robby thinks about it. The day when the lights were off at his place was the day he went to Johnny’s place as robby declined the ham.

*Daniel may not look like he was the athlete type but he does become a soccer coach for younger teens as it just made his luck to find out that robby is Johnny’s son. Of course, he’s not gonna kick the poor kid off the team but him and Johnny exchange a few words and looks that make people think they got a thing goin on. At one point, Sam who’s also on the team says to robby on the sidelines, “I think my dad likes your dad” before running into the soccer field as robby is confused a little since he’s never seen his dad date anyone. Johnny explained to him that nothing is going on between him and Daniel. Robby jokes saying “Not yet”

*Johnny and Sharron get cleaned up and decided to co-parent when they had robby. Robby mostly stayed with Johnny and best friends with miguel. When they’re older, the diaz family and robby and johnny have their usual family dinners as Johnny adopted miguel as his second son which carmen didn’t mind. She was happy to know that miguel has a father that he can look up to and a brother who looks out for him. Sharron gets invited here and there. Miguel and Robby often tease johnny of his blatant crush on Daniel on the car rides to the dojo. They each take turns talking to Daniel and johnny to get a clue and help push the lovers closer. It worked when they were on the training wheel and managed to keep steady, looking at each other’s eyes and moving as one after falling into the cold water too many times.

*Johnny continued being a handyman to fix stuff while Daniel is working as a mechanic while being a part-time student to become a lawyer. Both have robby and sam from a one night stand but good terms with sharron and amanda. They live in a huge loft as it’s spacious for the kids since they’re only 2 years old at this time. Both are still young themselves as they often come to each other’s job for lunch and plan where they should go to spend some time with the kids. Whenever Johnny is off from work early and picks up the kids from daycare, he comes at daniel’s job to bring to surprise him with cute gifts. It makes Daniel’s heart flutter and laugh inside to see Johnny using the baby carrier (With the cobra logo on it) as him and the kids are wearing black sunglasses.

*Daniel and Mr. Miyagi continued with their bonsai shop after the tournament in KK3. Mr. Miyagi was firm with daniel going to college as they agreed that daniel can take a gap year but he needs to put money to the side for when he goes back. Daniel just wants to show his appreciation for Mr. Miyagi and the business to be blooming with customers so he makes flyers to spread all over places he knows. He went to the Golf n’ Stuff as he finds Johnny working at the go-carts race track. Johnny’s taking some time off away from college and living with his step dad. Yes, daniel did poke fun at him but they talk while he was on break and finally apologized for everything. Johnny’s boss told him not to go over his 10-min break as Johnny told Daniel that it kinda sucks if you’re working for an asshole. Daniel tells him that he can apply to work for him and Mr. Miyagi as he promise they’re not assholes while giving him a flyer and left. Johnny thinks about it since he hasn’t thank Mr. Miyagi for saving him. Next week, Daniel sees Johnny coming in the shop asking if they still need one more employee.

I watched KK3 again and here’s some thoughts:

* It’s no surprise that Daniel became a car salesman as this movie is evident enough to show that he has potential to persuade people to see a vision that could be in store for them.

*What do dennis and snake do if mike didn’t arrive? Just errand boys?

* I love that orange pufferjacket that Daniel wears throughout the movie. It just suits him in a way.

*I enjoy the friendship with daniel and jessica while it lasted. It’s also a good thing that she told daniel about her relationship and didn’t want to lead him on. There’s reassurance on both ends that they are only friends.

*Now that it’s confirmed that terry did drugs around this time, it makes much sense that he had a shady business that could be more than just dumping toxic waste anywhere he pleased. Also the way he dressed at home with the slick ponytail does give a hint that he did coke. A bonus if he had an accessory where he stores a little coke and snort it when he was taking a bubble bath.

*mac n’ cheese. That’s all imma say

*Daniel’s been trained by 4 people in which 3 were his “archenemies” and 2 helped him after years have gone by and for his own good to get better than what he’s been taught. With one who taught him for self-defense only as karate would be meaningless if daniel did the opposite of what he was trained for.

* Mr. Miyagi’s prayer for daniel as he just misses his son

*Mr. Miyagi is such a patient man and much better than me cause Idk what I would’ve done had daniel yell at me like he did to Miyagi.

*every time daniel and Mr. Miyagi train together I’m instantly reminded of Daniel and robby/miguel training together.

*I love how much terry goes on about daniel having a little “cobra kai” inside him and thinks he made him into something he’s not. Although it doesn’t last because daniel acted but freaked out when he punched a guy making him bleed. It wasn’t Daniel’s nature to hurt someone as he wanted to make things right w/ the guy and apologize.

((I wanna elaborate this on a separate post))

*The soundtrack hits every time especially when terry tells daniel to prepare for the real pain.

*The victory hug with Daniel and miyagi

The discourse about “Miguel is the karate kid!” Or “Robby is the karate kid!!” Should be talked about a little further because to me, it’s possible that both could be karate kids. They happen to go through similarities that Daniel went through when he was their age like

*No father/ father figure throughout their whole life.

*Found a sensei who filled in that role as a father who teaches them valuable things that could apply to real life.

*No knowledge of karate to being one of the best fighters from their distinctive dojos.

*Has their own bullies (Kyler and his friends/ Trey and cruz)

*Made close friends who soon joined the team as them.

*Not living the luxurious life like some rich kids as they live(ed) in shitty apartments.

*Mothers who only want best for them (From Shannon’s case, she wasn’t the best mom either until she learned that she needed help and got better)

As Robby and miguel themselves have things in common.

*Both are now involved in a “karate war” that had nothing to do with them and shouldn’t have been involved in the first place.

*Their relationship with ex-girlfriends didn’t end so well.

*Both were taught by kreese for a certain time

*They learn cobra kai as the offense and Miyagi do as defense. In which, Cobra kai let them release the anger they bottled inside and strike first to a situation. Meanwhile, with Miyagi do is where they find peace within themselves and learn how to de-escalate a situation without needing to get into a uproar fight. Despite, both ways has some fallbacks because it also depends on how the person is going about it, it’s like the balance they needed in their life.

As Miguel is aware that you can strike first but you also have the ability to show mercy and no everyone is an enemy. For example, when johnny wanted miguel to put hawk down at the tournament, miguel was skeptical about it cause hawk was not only his best friend but he’s not his enemy to put down just because johnny said so. He left in a hurry, he didn’t want to live his life of regret like his sensei. Striking first find his real father and going on this dangerous journey.

Whereas robby (he shouldn’t have to) went out of his zone to reach out to his father, seeing how his influence on kenny made him reflect and expressed of being so tired of being angry and angry towards his dad. Since we all know the reason he joined karate and by taught by daniel was to get back at his dad. Now, he’s just a teenager who wants his dad in this time of need. He’s letting go of bottled up anger and possibly felt good expressing his feelings and soon feel at peace that the person who wasn’t in his life knows. Letting himself embrace the father he needed and cried.

-I feel like I’m missing some details but hopefully I’ll remember.

Idc to me both are the karate kid in their own way. Both deserve more than better from how things are turning out now and what the future will hold.

Idk how or when but a fanfic idea I had was when kreese giving johnny the second place trophy, imagine if it was daniel giving it to johnny instead along the line, “You’re alright, Lawrence” as he never thought the man was a second place-loser like kreese did. It’s a passage for them to become closer as johnny is reminded that daniel witnessed what happened in the parking lot.

No one isn’t a perfect writer and it’s okay to learn and improve one’s work but I think the reason this season didn’t excel like it should’ve because the writers themselves didn’t push themselves to strive to the next level of writing.

There’s narratives that changed to benefit a character or characters themselves who have a chance to do better and they just don’t let the character to become a better person who has faults but is self aware of those faults and seek out solutions. Idk if the writers want to have a slow pace/slowburn because no one can change their faults and mistakes in one day and want to give characters a chance to face difficult obstacles where they’re gonna face a lost (since life isn’t fair) or it’s just straight bullshit in writing for different reasoning.

We thought Daniel and Johnny would finally sit down and understand their mistakes before accepting that what they did or happened to them in the past can no longer take over their life and do right for the kids….but we got Johnny who kept imputing “manliness” into daniel and juggling his relationships with Miguel and robby (who also made little to no effort to see him) and Daniel is took Mr. Miyagi’s teachings a little far than what it is and believed his way of karate is the right way cause it is how he beat cobra kai the last time. Giving out principles but forgot the one of the main principles that it is up to the student to take what was taught and make it their own as they make the choice. It wasn’t until the very end for these two to see that and finally unite as a team which was bitter sweet.

I’d take Billy’s word a little bit since he said he likes season five. I pray it’s even better than season four.

I know Miyagi-Do is supposedly the good side and represent the “light” but the way we could’ve come to a full circle

Both Daniel and Johnny wore wear representing their dojos when they were young teens.

To adults as Johnny has eagle fang and daniel would wear white like he always did for Miyagi-Do. However, just for the one time Daniel brings back the red but it would be a shade darker than Johnny’s gi. It was a missed opportunity but I understand that it would throw some people off if Daniel was wearing red while his students wore white. In the end, they joined together last minute and became miyagi-fang

I’m not sorry, sting ray was irrelevant and it’s pathetic to keep this GROWN man around young teens and try partying with them. The person who I remember questioning why is he around young teenagers is that annoying neighbor. Everyone else doesn’t bat an eye and his little story arc this season wasn’t needed as that time could’ve been used to put into something that was needed like johnny realizing that he could love miguel like if he was his own son while he loves robby as well. Or Johnny and Daniel put their stubborn pride to the side and let the kids take charge and express how they feel with everything going on since it was last minute for the two to realize it was up to the kids to make their own choice.


dearest ck writers, may we please have robby or tory winning the all valley in s4 and then slowly turning on kreese and silver in s5 because they’re tired of being the villains? please?

i was right but at what cost…

I am so glad to have found people who love Robby and don’t outright blame him for Miguel’s injury. I am very mad that they used Robby in such a storyline, and seeing the promo for season 3, him being in juvie sucks.

Miguel’s character has been so wish washy since the day we met him, but Robby has been consistent in his change up until the last episode of season 2 (he was literally trying to breakup the fight before Miguel showed up). So, for none of the characters to note that and show him some care is honestly very telling of their characteristics. Especially Tory and Sam.

Is it really a redemption arc if your character was butchered in one episode? Well whatever it is, I wish the best for Robby and will support his growth all season 3 ❤️


As popular as The Karate Kid movies were, they weren’t nearly as big as Star Wars. Nothing is. But with the remake-reboot trend along with the 80s nostalgia that has plagued Hollywood, something like Cobra Kai is like a jackpot waiting to be hit.

It could have been one of those soft reboots where the old cast comes back to usher in the new heroes and fades into the existence and we’re left with a soulless cash grab of a series that has nothing other than references carrying it. We’ve had FAR too many of those – Ghostbusters Afterlife, Terminator whatever, Jurassic World, Charlie’s Angels, Jumanji, Picard…

And of course, our favorite – the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Boy did this thing not understand the assignment at all. But Cobra Kai does and it shows us that you can absolutely bring back a 30-year-old franchise to life without destroying its legacy. In fact, it adds to it.

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sooo instagram definitely has me shadowed banned because none of my posts go too the search/explore page…oh whale :(

does anyone have some good post ideas for my insta?? like parallels? easter eggs? flashbacks? or literally anything?

thanks, i love u <3 | hit up the gram @cobrakaiscxnes

baldwinboy5ive: (distant sound of screeching hawk)This post was brought to you by Eli Moskowitz, thi


(distant sound of screeching hawk)

This post was brought to you by Eli Moskowitz, this classic, classicpostby@mochisquish , and my own refusal to stop drawing the handjob metaphor tattoo

“Damn is that the real reason Kreese took pity on Hawk after seeing he got dumped by the SO he got a tattoo for“ - @demetriandelibinaryboyfriends

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