#johnny deep



21 years ago today, dear Jennifer Syme passed away. The couple separated after their baby was born dead and continued their relationship as friends. but unfortunately later on Jennifer died in a car accident I’m sorry for Keanu, he lost both the woman he loved and his friend


21 years ago today, dear Jennifer Syme passed away. The couple separated after their baby was born dead and continued their relationship as friends. but unfortunately later on Jennifer died in a car accident I’m sorry for Keanu, he lost both the woman he loved and his friend


21 years ago today, dear Jennifer Syme passed away. The couple separated after their baby was born dead and continued their relationship as friends. but unfortunately later on Jennifer died in a car accident I’m sorry for Keanu, he lost both the woman he loved and his friend

21 years ago today, dear Jennifer Syme passed away. The couple separated after their baby was born dead and continued their relationship as friends. but unfortunately later on Jennifer died in a car accident I’m sorry for Keanu, he lost both the woman he loved and his friend

Commission for a gorgeous follower on IG ❤

It was really interesting to draw Johnny Deep❤
