#joker’s son


Reaction To Batsis Dating Joker’s Son

This a very interesting request but it got my brain flowing with ideas. I hope you like it! @jessicagreyjoy. So sorry it took so long and the fact it won’t let me tag you.

When your youngest daughter, two years younger then Damian, who is now 18, said she had a boyfriend, it was a surprise to the family. She was the tomboyish girl your sons’ ever knew. Who ever this dude was he must have been ruff and tumble to keep up with your spitfire daughter. Oh and he was alright. He was the the best lineman to walk the halls of Gotham High School and as a Sophomore he was making major headway. This wasn’t a problem. No the problem was the fact this boy was the son of the Joker. Granted it wasn’t like he was raised by Joker. God no, you with the help of Ivy and Harley has help make sure Joker never found out about this kid. And he never did, but you three knew you couldn’t keep the truth about his father from him. So you told him. You never thought though that you daughter would fall for the son of Joker.

The family was shocked to their cores. Well most of them anyway. The boys looked upon their sister like they didn’t know her. Your husband stood there like a statue. You laughed nervously already knowing about the Joker son thing, and you were trying to figure out how to diffuse the going to go off bomb of a situation. And save your daughter for the hell that was about to be unleashed.


He didn’t know what to say. How could not have know that the son of Joker was his daughter’s boyfriend. It was flooring him that he had no clue about any of it.


You knew about him alright, but you had no clue that your baby girl was dating him. When you spoked to him a couple weeks back, he said he finally asked this amazing, cool, and wonderful girl to be his girlfriend. You never did ask a name but in hindsight you should have.


Was excited and pissed at the same time. He was happy his youngest sibling was happy with someone, but did it have to be the son of Joker. Dick had a temper there was no denying it. He temper flaired up pretty quick. Had Jason not placed his had his shoulder he would have snapped.


Jason was keeping his cool surprising well. He wasn’t pissed at all. This kid wasn’t his father. And you can’t choose who your parents are. Until Jason got to know him he was going to keep his cool and threaten to kill purely because it his job as older brother.


Timmy old boy took it kind hard. He was already tired and had to much caffeine in his system. That when he heard the news, he fainted onto the coach like a dramatic diva. Which granted Tim can be a bit of a diva from time to time.


He didn’t take the the news that well. He went straight to the frist thing he brain thought of. Kill him, kill him now. Damian could tell if he wanted him gone because he was Joker’s son or if it was the fact that someone was dating his baby sister. Damian didn’t nor did he care he wanted the boy gone.

Gotham Gun Boyz
