#joseph conrad

 “‘Now when I was a little chap I had a passion for maps. I would look for hours at Sout

“‘Now when I was a little chap I had a passion for maps. I would look for hours at South America, or Africa, or Australia, and lose myself in all the glories of exploration. At that time there were many blank spaces on the earth, and when I saw one that looked particularly inviting on a map (but they all look that) I would put my finger on it and say, 'When I grow up I will go there.'” - Heart of Darkness

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“Systems could be built, and rules could be made–if we could only get rid of consciousness. What makes mankind tragic is not that they are victims of nature, it is that they are conscious of it. To be part of the animal kingdom under the conditions of the earth is very well–but as soon as you know of your slavery, the pain, the anger, the strife–the tragedy begins.”

–Joseph Conrad

“Your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.” –Joseph Conrad (Heart

“Your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.” –Joseph Conrad (Heart of Darkness)

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Book Covers (24/ 120) →  Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad“It seems to me I am trying to tell you a

Book Covers(24/120) →  Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

“It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream–making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor of struggling revolt, that notion of being captured by the incredible which is of the very essence of dreams…No, it is impossible; it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence–that which makes its truth, its meaning–its subtle and penetrating essence. It is impossible. We live, as we dream-alone…

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Wiecie, że brzydzę się kłamstwem, po prostu go nie toleruję. I nie chodzi o to, że czuję się lepszy od innych. Przecz polega na tym, iż kłamstwo mnie przeraża. Kłamstwa cuchną trupem, są skażone śmiertelnością, i tego właśnie nie cierpię w nich najbardziej, to chcę zapomnieć.

„Jądro ciemności” Joseph Conrad

Siła jest tylko przypadkiem, biorącym się ze słabości innych.

„Jądro ciemności” Joseph Conrad

Śmieszna to rzecz, życie — owe tajemnicze kombinacje bezlitosnej logiki dla błahego celu. Co najwyżej można się spodziewać od życia odrobiny wiedzy o sobie samym — która przychodzi za późno i jest źródłem niewyczerpanych żalów.

„Jądro ciemności” Joseph Conrad

Żyjemy tak jak śnimy – samotnie.

„Jądro ciemności” Joseph Conrad

Only the young have such moments. I don’t mean the very young. No. The very young have, properly speaking, no moments. It is the privilege of early youth to live in advance of its days in all the beautiful continuity of hope which knows no pauses and no introspection.

One closes behind one the little gate of mere boyishness—and enters an enchanted garden. Its very shades glow with promise. Every turn of the path has its seduction. And it isn’t because it is an undiscovered country. One knows well enough that all mankind had streamed that way. It is the charm of universal experience from which one expects an uncommon or personal sensation—a bit of one’s own.

One goes on recognizing the landmarks of the predecessors, excited, amused, taking the hard luck and the good luck together—the kicks and the half-pence, as the saying is—the picturesque common lot that holds so many possibilities for the deserving or perhaps for the lucky. Yes. One goes on. And the time, too, goes on—till one perceives ahead a shadow-line warning one that the region of early youth, too, must be left behind.

The Shadow-Line, Joseph Conrad


We live, as we dream — alone.

- Joseph Conrad

a heavily-annotated copy of Heart of Darkness, featuring, black-out poetry??

found in a goodwill in Oregon

Submission by Oricom

— Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
