
  • You

It’s not love

But it should be

Because only a world

Where you are in love with me

Is a world I want to see

As loving you is easy

And I like the simplicity

Of you with me

- nail-in-the-wall (30.5.21 - I will be posting on here again! Enjoy!)

“I wish only the best for you in every single thing you do.”

- nail-in-the-wall [16.10.19] (Written about my favourite human and lovely friend ebbs. He has released a song called Breathe, under the artist name Seb, on all the usual streaming places! Please have a listen!)

“You clouded my mind and I became plagued by the rain that had taken my sanity’s place.”

- nail-in-the-wall [13.10.19] (Whenever I meet a new person, my mind gets clouded by emotion and I forget who I am. Anyone else have the habit of doing this?)


We were red like rose’s

Fire burning from both of us

Your heart held me

But then I cut you away

With a guillotine

I am guilty of destroying

Everyone around me

But hurting you

Didnt hurt you as much

As it hurt me

I burned thee

Like he didnt matter

But you matter

You always have

And I cant live a lie

Pretending that I

Didnt turn our flame blue

And destroyed

Me and you

And I never knew

That I loved you

Before I lost you

To the colour blue

I never knew

How much it’d hurt me

To hurt you

I never knew

How much I hate my life

Without you by my side

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [4.10.19] (Havent posted in a few days cos I hit my head and have wanted to rest.)

Two weeks

After a fortnight

You come back into my life

My eyes are mesmerized by the sight

You are my favourite pastime

Looking at you makes me feel more than alright

Being near you makes me feel better than okay

And I think that it’s due time

You cemented yourself at my side

It’s only you that I

Want to see every day

In every shade of colour

In every space

That is vacant beside me

You should reside with me

Cos you’re meant to be in my life

Forever, not after a fortnight

That’s not enough time

Dont deny me of a face I want to see

Cos I’m meant to see you

Every second of every day

Not when I’m driven beyond the point of insane

Cos you haven’t stepped foot into my space

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [29.9.19] (I only see the guy I have a crush on after a fortnight cos hes not at work. :( Anyway, this is me putting an idea into the universe and hoping he receives the message cos I’m too nervous to talk to him myself.)

The earth poem

Breathing is hard

When people suffocate you

Living is difficult

When people try to medicate you

Staying awake is so tiring

When society has sedated you

It’s the time of our lives

But we cant stand to be alive

Cos we know what is happening outside

And we can see through the fog

They have clouded in our eyes

We can see through the masks

They forced us to live behind

We can see the torture

Of being alive

In a time where everything has to die

For it to have a chance to be a worthy of life

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [27.9.19] (Today is the last day to protest for climate change and this seemed appropriate.)

Maybe its you

Maybe it’s your eyes

They’re like the ocean

I am swimming in the tides

The waves move far and wide

You capture me

But I picture us in movie scenes

Maybe its the way you walk

The way you get to a destination

Before the world

Has an idea of where you’re going

The way you look straight ahead

Like you’re walking

Toward the love of your life

And all you see is her in your sights

Maybe it’s your smile

The dimples on both sides

The way you shine

Like the sun in the morning sky

The way it stays with me until the evening time

Maybe it’s the way it felt

When your hand touched me

And I thought of nothing else

The way the world went away

When I saw the sight of your face

When I felt your hand hold me

Maybe it’s not all these things

Maybe its everything

About you that I like

Maybe its you

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [24.9.19] (I really like this guy, we’ll call him AP from now on. I’ve known him near enough 2 years and liked him from the first minute. God knows if he likes me back. But whatever. If he doesnt. Who cares! I like me enough for the both of us!)

“Theres nothing better than hearing the voice of someone you love.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [22.9.19] (So genuinely happy that ebbs is a musician cos he lives a 100 miles away from me so I wouldnt ever hear his voice otherwise. I’d feel like my best friend was a book character and have to make up a non-descript voice for him which would be weird. Makes me so happy that I can hear my favourite person/best friends voice on demand.)

“When you meet someone, time splits into two. A before and an after you.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [20.9.19] (I cant contemplate the life I had before I met my best friend Ebbs. I will always love and support him. Today. Tomorrow. Always. At this very moment, that is through his career. So guys, please listen to Carolina Blue by Seb! Its beautiful. Just like him!)

“I am glad you are in my life.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [19.9.19] (So Tumblebees and Tumblebabes, Seb - the muse of this quote - has a song called Carolina Blue out. It’s his second single! Ya should check it out! I’d appreciate it! It’s on the usual streaming places!)

“There are no words, not even in the mind of a writer, to describe you. You are that indescribable. But here I am, writing about you again.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [18.9.19] (This is about Seb - my best friend. He has a single out. Its called Carolina Blue and is on all the usual streaming places. Please check it out! You wont be disappointed! Hes amazing! Musically and generally!)

“I love talking to you. You make everything seem beautiful and you make me feel happy to know you.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [17.9.19] (This is about my best friend Seb. So, my mate Seb released his second single yesterday. Its called Carolina Blue, under the artist name Seb and is uploaded to all the usual streaming platforms. Check it out! Just some great vibes from a genuinely lovely guy!)

The Ghost of Past Love is haunting me…

I held something perfect

It was all I knew to be worth it

Then it fell from my hands

And I broke it

I loved someone

Till I lost them

To the bad parts of myself

How could I hurt you?

I never meant to

I only wanted to love you

Look what you made me do

I dropped you

Like I forgot you

But I was the one who fell

Truly, madly, deeply

In love with you

Why didnt I tell you

Before I ruined you

I will never understand

These things that I do

When I fall for someone

Like you

But lose myself

In spaces where I’m not with you

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [12/9/19] (Just wrote a lil something for no reason.)

“You care. Always. Not when it suits you. But as much as I see the sun and moon. Every day you act in a way that means I love you.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [11/9/19] (Its genuinely so nice to finally know someone who truly cares about me and my wellbeing. So happy to have my best friend in my life. I’m glad I now know what I was missing.)

“The moment I truly felt healed was when I met you. You were balm to me in my time of need.”

- nail-in-the-wall (Muse = Ebbs. Ebbs = my best friend.)

My dashboard is so pretty right now with all of these Ali photos. Rest in peace, warrior.

— Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Brothers Karamazov

— Allen Ginsberg, The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

— E.M. Forster, A Room with a View

— Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Angel’s Game

— Philippa Gregory, The Other Boleyn Girl

— Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You

— Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

— Susan Sontag, As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh

— Gayle Forman, Where She Went

— Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

— Franz Kafka, Letters To Felice

— J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey

— Maya Angelou

— Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

— Jennifer Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad

— Jennifer Niven, All The Bright Places
