

“When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things…” ~Muriel Barbery

Windows of Provence

Work continues to rebuild the cathedral after the devastating fire three years ago today.

To mask or unmask. That is quite the conundrum.

Weekend blues. Cyanotypes on used tea bags.

Happy International Women’s Day

FAITH - My 2019 Power Word

This is my power word for 2019 - FAITH.

To remind myself that difficult days will pass. Even the bad days have been outnumbering the good, that doesn’t mean that things will never be okay again.

Lately I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past months and how my life turned out to be nothing like what I expected. But I discovered that almost every setback I’ve faced, every downfall I’ve encountered got me closer to the blessings I wouldn’t have found had things played out differently.

As long as wee keep believing that God will not let us down in the end, he will over-deliver on every promise. He will over-fulfill every wish.
