#winter blues



How to Cope with Winter Blues.

The cold season is approaching for a lot of us, and it can be a challenging time, many even dealing with seasonal depression. Some suggestions on how to make it easier to manage the cold long winter months… Everyone copes differently, so these are just my personal suggestions.

Keep your body moving. Bundle up for a walk, go indoor swimming, work at the gym or simply follow at home workouts. Exercising helps boost our mood by producing feel good endorphins!

Check your vitamin D levels. Sunlight is a source of vitamin D, a nutrient linked to sharper thinking and better emotional health. So talk with your doctor if they think taking daily vitamins will be best for you.

Speak with a medical professional about how you’re feeling mentally, and seek help if needed. Many people tend to be diagnosed with seasonal depression during the colder months. So don’t hesitate to seek help!

Stimulate your senses. Scents can add to your feeling of well-being; try diffusing peppermint or citrus essential oils or some other energizing scent. Or bring out bright colours into your home decor. Maybe purchase every week a bouquet of flowers! Or buy a few plants for added greenery.

Nurture yourself. Do more of what makes you feel good, whether that’s taking a warm bubble bath, watching your favourite shows cuddled in cozy blankets, writing in your journal, talking to a loved one, baking your favourite dessert, eating your favourite foods, etc; Anything that makes you feel warm, safe and happy inside. Also make sure to take good care of your body, eating foods filled with vitamins and nutrients that’ll boost your immune system. Vitamins like Vitamin C, Echinacea, Vitamin B, etc; are great for immunity.

Create healthy routines for your day to day life. You don’t necessarily have to follow a strict schedule, but making sure to incorporate healthy and motivating habits into your daily life.

Whenever the weather allows, plan to go outside and hang out with someone or even go out for a walk during the day time. Get as much sunlight as possible. Keep your curtains open! Wake up early enough to catch enough day time.

Invest in a sun lamp, or light therapy! Bright light therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for winter blues and seasonal depression.

Keep warm! Make sure your heaters at home are working before the cold hits. Invest in a good quality winter jacket, and boots. Make sure you’re stocked up in warm drinks such as teas, and hot chocolate!! Get out your cozy blankets!

Take up a new hobby. It could be anything, such as painting, knitting, joining a gym, keeping a journal, or writing a blog. The important thing is that you have something to look forward to and concentrate on. Teach yourself new things, learn about new topics. Keeping your mind busy!

Keep in contact with friends and family. Socializing can be good for your mental health and helps ward off the winter blues. Make an effort to keep in touch with people you care about, and accept any invitations you get to social events, even if you only go for a little while.

Snow Day (Boston. January, 1960)

Snow Day (Boston. January, 1960)

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December 31, 1979 A boy walked his dog on the ice of Lake of the Isles Sunday as the sun sank behind clouds. The Twin Cities had less than four hours of sun­shine from Dec. 22 through Dec. 30, the National Weather Service reported. The most sunshine for any day during that period was record­ed yesterday, when the sun came out for three hours and 12 minutes. Darlene Pfister, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.

Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6

Copyright of Megan Fabbri.

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The shameless exhibitionist or shrinking-violet-in-therapy’s reaction to yet another 30-degree

The shameless exhibitionist or shrinking-violet-in-therapy’s reaction to yet another 30-degree freezing overcast spring morning in New York City.

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