#journey to the annex



Check out our newest update video! 

Thank you to everyone who contributed this past weekend to make our Dollar4Dollar Rush a HUGE SUCCESS! We received 63 new pledges totaling $2,056.00 in 3 days. And our generous anonymous donor has promised to matched that amount before the campaign is over.

We are nearing the end. We are approaching the FINAL 72 HOURS. Our campaign MUST end on Thursday, August 16, at 10:00 AM PST. And here’s what needs to happen (at the time of writing this update):

  • We need $7,624 to be Greenlit. Seed & Spark requires us to reach at least 80% of our goal or else we receive zero funding.
  • We need $14,624 to be fully funded. Although we are fully prepared to finish shooting our pilot episode in the event that we only make 80% of our goal, this is the ideal amount to cover our production budget and the campaign costs.
  • We need 64 more followers in order to unlock the next level of filmmaker perks, which include equipment rental discounts and professional consultations.

Follow/support/share to help us on this journey at www.journeytotheannex.com! Thank you!!!


We check in with our core team members to answer some questions about their relationship with PURE. 

In this video, we ask Julia Morizawa: What are you most looking forward to?

Follow/support/share at www.journeytotheannex.com


We check in with our core team members to answer some questions about their relationship with PURE. 

In this video, we ask Julia Morizawa: What changes would you like to see in film and TV?

Follow/support/share at www.journeytotheannex.com


We just dropped a NEW TEASER!

In the distant future where genetic modification has divided society, a warrior and her captive become unlikely allies as they journey to the Annex, escape the Dissension, and learn what it means to sacrifice for the future of their people.

PURE is a high-quality, independently produced digital series exploring freedom, sacrifice, and morality from an inclusive perspective.

Now crowdfunding at www.journeytotheannex.com


Watch our lead actress, Julia Morizawa, discuss training and getting into shape for the role of Red; as well as her experiences training at the National Wushu Training Center, as Lucy Liu’s gymnast stunt double in “Charlie’s Angels 2,” and growing up as a competitive gymnast.

