#jrwi gillion


CAUGHT!!! Aslana was staring at the paladin fish man (aka Gillion). classic shoujo flustered moment.

[follow up comic to this piece]

I can’t find the exact incorrect jrwi quotes post that this comic is based on, but because i like you here’s the only fnc ive drawn

i think aslana and gillion would’ve been cute together ☺️

all completely legitimate lineage swaps

abatrio shenanigans, featuring voice of reason jay ferin

the albatrio holds a very soft place in my heart, i love these three so much

okay but what if tritons were more shark-like? i present to you, gillion tidebiter

JRWI enjoyers watching c!slimecicle enjoyers cautiously enter the world of DND podcasts so they may have more of Charlie Slimecicle’s phenomenal characters:

basslight baitkeep fishboss
