


Okay so, y'all know the splitting of the sea, right?

How everyone just sat there in total miserable complacency until one guy, ONE GUY, stepped forward into the sea, and that’s what split it? That’s what allowed the Jews to move forward, to succeed?

That’s activism. If you don’t stand up, you can’t trust someone else to do. No matter how little support, no matter how complacent others are, you MUST walk into the water. You know with all your heart and soul that the sea WILL split. Everyone else might say it’s impossible, but you know it and you are doing it. That’s how activism must be. That’s how resistance must be. You have to push it, you must reject complacency. Complacent and fear lead to nothing but defeat and death. Stepping up and moving towards your vision even if the vision isn’t there yet, that’s the only way to get your vision to manifest.


I’m trying to keep this blog focused on positive Jewish things, because at least my dash is so clogged with antisemitism-related posts right now, and I just wanna spread some happiness, you know? On that note… Jewish positivity thread, anyone? A happy Jewish thing I recently saw was a local kosher establishment where the plastic cover on the mezuza on the door was half worn-away from all of the people going in, touching it, and kissing their fingers.

Lubavitch Israeli children playing with a horse and cart at a farm in Kfar Chabad, May 1960.Paul Sch

Lubavitch Israeli children playing with a horse and cart at a farm in Kfar Chabad, May 1960.

Paul Schutzer The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

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 Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, German, 1800–1882. Shavuot (Pentecost) (Das Wochen- oder Pfingst-Fest), 18

Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, German, 1800–1882.Shavuot (Pentecost) (Das Wochen- oder Pfingst-Fest), 1880. Oil on canvas. (71 × 60.7 cm)

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     — Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, The Infinite Light: A Book About God

    — Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, The Infinite Light: A Book About God

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