


Today in Black Jewish excellence…Daveed Diggs!

My Small Human Progeny (S) watched this with me. They now want a puppy.

Today in Black Jewish excellence…Daveed Diggs!


1. SO SORRY. I have been SUPER busy!!

2. I have a girlfriend now




when someone is a christian they are not constantly asked their position on the holocaust the transatlantic slave trade the extermination of native americans or any of the thousands of atrocities committed by christians so why do muslims get asked about terrorism and jewish people about israel and are grouped in with specific bad people while christians are not required to explain themselves??

goyim and non muslims can and should reblog

[christians and all sectors of christianity that means you]

A freilichen Chanuka! Happy Chanuka, jumblr!

Have a meaningful Chanuka. Let’s light up the world.

The annual obligatory Menorah-post: A happy and lechtigen Chanuka to you all! 

The annual obligatory Menorah-post: A happy and lechtigen Chanuka to you all! 

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It’s almost Chanukah…

So let the lesson already sink in ;-)

Maybe we can’t go up to Meron and be with Rebbi Shimon for Lag Ba’Omer… but we can bring the hadlakah of Meron down to us! 

#frumblr    #jumblr    #corona    #quaritine    #lag baomer    #judaism    
This is how davening and kollel looks like in the Corona-era. With everyone still being on semi-lockThis is how davening and kollel looks like in the Corona-era. With everyone still being on semi-lockThis is how davening and kollel looks like in the Corona-era. With everyone still being on semi-lock

This is how davening and kollel looks like in the Corona-era.
With everyone still being on semi-lockdown (even though the restrictions are less strict these days) all the kollelim and yeshivos are still closed. Instead of davening (praying) in a synagogue we daven from our balconies or windows. Instead of sitting and learning in a Beis Midrash we sit now wherever there is space in our own apartments and learn by phone with our chavrusa while the regular Kol Torah that tend to be our background sounds is replaced by playing and/or screaming children - kein ayin hora. 

May these be the only “yissurim” Klal Yisroel will ever have. That this mageifa will end soon and we’ll be able to return “home” - to the batei midrashim and yeshivos in good health.  

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Actual orthodox jews in hospitals: 
*will do pretty much anything to save a life*
let me check with my rabbi who will check with serious medical professionals 
*values life above all*
*values medical advice and opinions*
*believes in scientific advances and medicine*

orthodox jews in hospital tv shows:
uh…..i think god would want me to die rather then take your medicine bc it once touched a pig and that’s the extent of my religion why don’t you get a random rabbi to come bless me 

I hope it’s ok to add to this post bc I want to explain further, we have a principle called pikuach nefesh that basically means preserving life overrides almost any other commandment. It’s the same reason ill and pregnant people don’t fast on Yom Kippur. I don’t know much about specific halachic debates vis-a-vis various medical treatments but there is NO concept of enduring unnecessary suffering because it’s “what God wants”, i think that’s an exclusively christian way of thinking.

18th Century German Silver Menorah
