#jujutsu kaisen choso


It’s 4:44am, I haven’t slept and just got around to reading chapter 146 of Jujutsu Kaisen so here we go again on another mini rant. *Spoilers*

It amazes me that we’re 146 chapters in and we are still learning new things about the Jujutsu world. We now also have more information about the upcoming killing game which is nice, I think?

Well that one way to find out your best friend is now the leader of a clan.

Itadori’s ability to share brain cells with a person he meets that same day never fails to amaze me. I mean c’mon, at this point I’m starting to think it’s his curse technique.

We also get to meet the third year, after only really knowing his name I have no idea what to expect and am maybe a little worried about how he’ll react to Itadori.

Nope, not emotionally ready. I would not be surprised if this is the last time they see each other (I’m too afraid to hope not, after Kugisaki), also can we talk about how cute it is that Choso is trying to act strong, but the moment Itadori turns he starts to cry. (Also the little hand motion is adorable.)

It’s hard to believe that Choso was trying to kill him, like what, a day ago, less than that?

I’m also still really curious about what Gojo sees inside the prison realm, or is he essentially unconscious? In the sense he can’t see, hear or feel anything. I wonder what his reaction is gonna be when they get him out, considering everything that’s happened.

Just imagine, you see your dead friends body, get locked in an unbreakable prison, get freed by your students. They then tell you about a killing game and the fact one of them is most likely dead. Another has lost their arm. Sukuna went on a rampage.

Not ti mention how he’d react to the fact Itadori has essentially been adopted by a death painting and who Itadori’s parents are (wait never mind about that last bit, I just realised that Itadori still doesn’t know I think.)

“I leave you alone for one day and Japan is in utter chaos”- Gojo, probably.

*Spoiler warning for chapter 145 of Jujutsu Kaisen*

Excuse me while I go back to screaming. Gege Akutami really likes to torture us, huh?

I mean I can’t really say I was shocked at this

Or that these two would do this

I’m may also sorta be laughing cause Gojo essentially shot himself in the foot. (Not to mention Itadori’s and Fushiguro’s reaction to it)

And we also get a new person. Who so far seems will play a really big part coming up

I mean all in all it’s been a calmer chapter, all things considered. But it’s just making me nervous, also knowing that Choso won’t be around Itadori for who knows how many chapters is gonna make me anxious even though I know, logically those two staying makes sense. (But hey, at least Tengen didn’t make them do some sort of test that would kill them all like a originally feared.)

Spoilers for the last few chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen.

So I’m upset I didn’t realise this sooner. But Choso and Itadori are biologically related instead of only fake memories.

So we know Kamo Noritoshi is the death painting/cursed wombs’ is the guy that impregnated their mother right? And it was recently revealed that he possessed the body of Itadori’s mother so the body was able to give birth.

That means they share a bastard as a parent and are biological siblings, it also explains why Choso was able to feel when Itadori was dying. And I think I just made myself sad thinking that he killed two of his brothers earlier in the series.

Spoiler warning for Jujutsu Kaisen 144

Does this mean that Kugisaki is canonically dead? Please I don’t want to believe.

Ok but Maki with short hair. Don’t get me wrong I hate the reason behind why she looks like this now, but… the gay side is warring with the overwhelming sadness at the moment.

YUUJI FINALLY CALLED HIM HIS BIG BROTHER!!! And now we add a little happiness to the clusterfuck that is my emotional and mental state.

Do I trust ‘em or not, because I would not be surprised if this person single handedly ends up almost killing them all as some side of “test” or anything.

At this point reading JJK is like watching a car crash, you may not want to deal with everything going on but you still can’t help but want to know more.

“Oh fuck, here we go”

I think we can all agree that is the general sentiment share over the latest chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen.
