#jumin x zen


Jumin: *gets a ribbon and ties Zen’s hands together*

Zen: *feels an allergic reaction coming*

Zen: Jumin what the fuck, I thought you said these were clean!

Jumin: …Elizabeth may or may not have played with it before I brought it here.

Zen: Jumin what the hell???

Jumin: Don’t worry, I will still love you no matter what.

Zen: thAT’S NOT THE POINT!!!!!

zennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bizennyshoneybunch: notxela: I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a bi



I went through the requests, and there was one about Zen acting like a big bro to MC. It was all innocent at first until this happened


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Seeing A Ship You Don’t Necessarily Support But NOT Hating On People Who DO Support It Because You Know How To Mind Your Business And Let People Enjoy Things

Just ship what you guys want and don’t hate on others for having different ships!

(Oof, and I have no problem with any of the ships I tagged~)

When You See Everyone In The Fandom Creating Such Amazing Art And You Want To Contribute But You Can’t Draw To Save Your Life

I envy you guys honestly
