#jupiter in scorpio


♧︎Jupiter Signs♧︎

Aries(1 º, 13 º, 25 º)

❤️‍~zealous ppl

~good at taking the lead role

❤️‍~knows how to get out of comfort zone, and take risks

~”take the risk, or lose the chance”

❤️‍~daring, some may even view you as reckless

~may start something then not finish it, bc they moved onto something else

❤️‍~knows that just sitting and waiting will not get you opportunities, that you have to go out there and get them

~usually has an optimistic pov on things

❤️‍~may make decisions without thinking it through/can be impulsive

~celebrities:rihanna, whitney houston, johnny depp, robin williams

Taurus(2 º, 14 º, 26 º)

~usually kind hearted

~prefers to play things safe

~be careful and don’t over indulge

~can be giving, and charitable

~can be judgemental

~has a realistic pov

~more than likely will have success & luck w/material things and finances/wealth

~may take awhile to kick bad habits, but once you do your luck will increase

~may be a homebody, or like to cook/good at it

~attracts luxurious things easily, i smell fancy vacays & fancy cars lol

~may even brag about the things they have, since they cherish them so much

~celebrities:shakira, sarah jessica parker, pablo picasso, bruce lee

Gemini(3 º, 15 º, 27 º)

~may love to learn and/or teach

~may feed off of knowledge and fun facts

~your pov on life may change. one day you may be optimistic, then the next day you may be like “fuck it”pessimistic lol.

~probably well known among peers

~likes to talk/socialize

~mind is adaptable & diverse/versatile

~may find luck from reading, learning, teaching, and/or writing.

~may also find luck when trying new mentalities and/or perspectives

~watching a comedy show may make you feel better

~have debates every now and then, get your thoughts and opinions out there and you may learn something new in the process :)

~celerities:willow smith, cindy crawford, muhammad ali, stephen hawking

Cancer(4 º, 16 º, 28 º)

~trust dem gut feelings babygAL/bOI/peRSUn, they may get you out of deep shit or lead you to luck

~open your heart, and show your vulnerable side

~spend time w/loved ones & ppl that make you safe and warm

~nurturing others may make you feel good

~make your house comfy & to your liking

~if issues from the past still nag you, talk abt it with someone your comfortable with, gotta heal those wounds

~may find luck through exploring your culture, trusting your gut, and being intune w/your emotions

~usually soft hearted individuals in general

~empath indication, and has a loving vibe in general

~celebrities:taylor swift, halle berry, steve jobs, kurt cobain

Leo(5 º, 17 º, 29 º)

~focusing on self love, and confidence may bring you luck

~read some self love/bad bitchh affirmations

~try many hobbies, don’t just stick to a few

~get in tune with and express your creativity! write a song, paint/draw, write, etc

~just have fun! hangout with friends, do makeup/dress up, flirt w/whoever, etc lol. life is short

~pov is most likely optimistic

~self assured people

~don’t be afraid to take the lead. you’re a natural born leader✨

~surround yourself with ppl that have genuine, positive vibes, ppl that hype you up!

~attracts luck by being your true self, and not putting up a front

~celebrities:aaliyah, elizabeth taylor, jason mamoa, gordon ramsey

Virgo(6 º, 18 º)

~give yourself some credit

~helping others will bring you fortune

~pov is more than likely realistic

~being easy on yourself, and appreciate your positives more than your negatives will bring you luck

~you may be good at giving advice, your advice may even change someones perspective on a lot of things

~has high expectations for others and themselves

~hard working, and likes to problem solve

~”mistakes are little bumps in the road, and won’t stop you from getting to your destination”

~celebrities:kim kardashian, selena gomez, demi lovato, will smith

Libra(7 º, 19 º)

~enjoys the finer things in life. fancy art museums, restaurants, luxurious brands, etc

~may like to travel to places that are popular

~cares about social/human rights

~unbiased, and likes to keep thing peaceful

~pov is most likely realistic

~don’t let anyone walk over you, standing up for yourself will bring you luck

~probably doesn’t believe in leader and followers, just each person doing their part(which honestly everyone should have this mindset lol), but if not may be a follower :/

~may somehow attract good things through relationships(platonic or romantic)

~pragmatic & reasonable

~can also be charismatic & friendly. good with ppl/ppl smart

~celerities:madonna, beyoncé, michael jackson, freddie mercury

Scorpio(8 º, 20 º)

~intuitive, empathetic & magnetic

~thinks deeply, and thoroughly. loves to have convos til 3am(atleast me personally lol)

~likes mysteries, and trying to figure them out

~can most likely sense when they’re being lied to. body language smart & feels vibes

~realistic pov

~sees the light at the end of a dark tunnel

~finds luck when they look deep

~attracts fortune when they’re intense

~gives their all when interest in something, and honestly can obsess over things they find fun(like reading posts on the same thing for hours, etc)

~face your issues head on first, then begin something new

~charming yet private

~celebrities:nicki minaj, britney spears, tupac shakur, elon musk

Sagittarius(9 º, 21 º)

~free spirited

~most likely loves to travel

~may prefer long trips over short ones

~honestly has luck overall lmaoo

~intrigued by many things

~probably interested in the world, other countries and cultures


~may find/attract luck when traveling, learning, and/or teaching. through curiosity

~pov is most likely optimistic, and always thinks there’s a positive to everything

~thirsty for wisdom

~looks at the bigger picture

~debating may make you feel better

~celebrities:cameron diaz, kendall jenner, ben affleck, snop dogg

Capricorn(10 º, 22 º)

~works their asses off/vv hard working

~believes you have to earn your way through life

~pov is usually pessimistic, but can grow into realistic

~determined, and persistent

~cut yourself some slack, and appreciate yourself every now and then

~dedicated to goals, and goals are usually long term

~attracts luck by taking it easy and slow. don’t rush, and stress yourself out. take a day off if you feel overwhelmed

~plans ahead, probably has their whole future planned out, and may even be good with money? lol

~reliable and powerful work ethic

~celebrities:scarlett johansson, zendaya, tom holland, the rock

Aquarius(11 º, 23 º)

~socializing will make you feel better, online and/or irl

~appreciate and acknowledge your eccentric side

~tech savvy, and should try to take an electronic program atleast once

~express your thoughts and ideas, even if they seem wacky

~usually cares for social rights, go protest sometime(safely ofc)

~do things with your friends more often, instead of by yourself. they care abt you :)

~pov may be pessimistic or realistic

~being spontaneous, and not following a routine may bring you fortune and luck

~originality comes easy to these individuals, just don’t overthink

~donate or help out your community will give you good karma

~celerities:marilyn monroe, princess diana, barack obama, george clooney

Pisces(12 º, 24 º)

~may attract luck from daydreaming, and getting lost in thought

~follow your intuition

~most likely an empath, if not then definitely should try to become one. you may also attract fortune this way

~express yourself. read a poem, dance, sing, skate, cry, write, do something creative every now and then

~sensitive, and may absorb others energy

~good at listening, and being a therapist lol

~may be want to do something that “heals” ppl. give advice, help someone that like fell & cracked their neck, etc lol

~utopian, and helpful

~may have dreams that predict

~pov may be optimistic

~thinking for too much will not bring any luck. chill, and let time do its thing

~celebrities:lady gaga, megan fox, billie holiday, bradley cooper
