#jupiter in capricorn



how to attract your luck? (jupiter in the signs)

you know that feeling where things just work out for you? it’s like you reach the traffic light and it immediately goes green as if it was just waiting for you or you meet randomly a an acquaintance that makes you a job offer you’ve been needing desperately or your bus has some problem and you get off and can’t get to your meeting in time but instead find on your way there something you’ve been looking for your entire life. i guess this is what we call luck.

sure, hard work and effort is important, but without some luck to put us in that frequency of abundance we ain’t getting anywhere. the question is: can we control the luck? is it totally random? is their some way to call it forth and stop being in a ditch? i think working with our jupiter sign and aligning with its energy really help us feel “blessed” and enter that area of abundancy.

jupiter in aries - don’t overthink things. change happens for you when you stop planning too much and trying to predict every situation ever. believe that sometimes it’s just that easy. don’t be afraid to act on short notice. start things - write that message you’ve been wondering about, drop that major that’s been suffocating you and dive into that different thing that is drawing you in. fortune favors the bold is really true for these natives. warning: yo…i mean…. don’t do crazy reckless shit tho, like keep that common sense intact too. your luck is found in direct action.

jupiter in taurus - allow your body to guide you and work on your flowing connection with it. acknowledge in what situations you feel physically good and bad. probably have a strong gut feeling about what is aligned with your values. trust it. you know what’s going to happen. include other people in the things you’re doing. this is important for everyone but you in particular should pay attention that you eat healthy, esp home cooked meals, and to avoid mind altering substances as they numb the type of intuition you have. and when it’s numbed, you can’t know which opportunities are lucky for you. spend a week or so eating good health food and being mindful about your body and watch things begining to happen for you. warning: staying loyal to your bad habits isn’t a core part of your identity, it doesn’t make you who you are. you can listen to your body and be healthy and still feed your spirit too. your luck is found in nourishment.

jupiter in gemini - talk about it with someone and ask for alternative points of view. try them out, a new perspective might be really refreshing and point you in a direction which brings you luck. let your thoughts be scattered for awhile but make sure to slow down the pace and contemplate what you’ve learned so far at the end of the day. stop asking questions without reaching any conclusion. doing personality quizes may prove to be quite helpful for you and show you smth you’re missing to align with your path. be more adaptive. warning: be careful to not bury your innate curiosity and playful desire for exploration be buried under consuming information obsessively. your luck is found in flexibility.

jupiter in cancer - I’m literally begging you to listen to your intuition. it’s really really good. don’t ignore those gut feelings even if you’re afraid they might prove to be true. tell yourself that yes, sometimes it’s this deep, and allow yourself to find metaphors and connections between things. this brings you clarity and an abundance of opportunities and helps you align with your values better. spend time with your family if you’re on good terms with them and allow vulnerability between you. warning: make sure on which side of the thin line between intuition and paranoia you’re walking. you tend to isolate yourself spiritually from experiences that take you out of your comfort zone. sometimes that’s good, sometimes…not really. your luck is found in intuition.

jupiter in leo - surround yourself with ppl you care about and ppl that excite you. flirt with someone a bit. do something creative that you don’t expect to profit from, just to exercise your passion. show off in some way, make people see your confidence. warning: don’t get caught in the loop of trying to appear a certain way without actually being that way. that won’t draw in good luck for you, but opportunities that drain your energy. your luck is found in being 100% authentic.

jupiter in virgo - don’t close yourself off or burden yourself with everything cuz you think you know best. give people genuine compliments. give yourself genuine compliments and congratulate yourself for the good work. take it easy - understand that mistakes are only an opportunity to learn better, and keep that attitude if you wanna see yourself flourish. warning: srsly tho there might be a tendency to be too harsh, relax that inner critical parent, tell them it’s time to retire. your luck is found in kindness to yourself and others.

jupiter in libra - include a close person or someone you vibe with in your endeavors but don’t fall into leader-follower dynamic. try to be partners, not leader and follower. make a decision that benefits everyone involved in some situation, being considerate is your strength. ask people for recommendations. if you’re looking for a jov, new place to live in or smth likw that - ask the people close to you, don’t be quick to throw yourself out into the unknown. do what feels right - luck is on your side when justice empowers your actions. warning:don’t let being considerate to make you put yourself last or to enable abusive or harmful situations. you matter, fairness matters too. your luck is found in justice and consideration.

jupiter in scorpio - look beneath the surface. don’t be satisfied with a surface look in the area where you want to get lucky. the more you dig into it, the better. do a lot of research on the things that you want to attract in your life. put your passion into what you do - if you’re not interested in it with your heart and soul, luck will rarely be on your side. reminds me of a friend who was studying programming and it was super dry and included a lot of unnecessary math. he kept getting obstacles in his way, like the bus will break down om his way to an important exam, a teacher will randomly start hating on him, etc. and when he moved to a place where the coding languages he learned made him interested in developing shit, this totally changed and opportunities started working out in his favor. don’t be afraid to change whenever it feels necessary. warning: try to not get addicted to stirring things up. new beginnings tend to bring you good fortune so you might start dropping the old ones just to get the rush of the new. make sure you’re not running away from something it’s better to face. also learn the difference between passion and obsession - one replenishes your energy, the other drains it. your luck is found in passion.

jupiter in sagittarius - take a trip to somewhere. seriously changing locations, even if it’s brief, marks a huge energy shift for you. show someone how to do a thing you’re good at. have a debate with someone and allow your opinion to be changed - or more like to have your horizon expanded. try to complain about things less - focus for a few days on what you grateful for and what you appreciate in your life, and see how that makes you feel. try to see things from a more distant perspective, to grasp in the bigger picture. follow your spontaneous ideas. warning: take care when you’re being spontaneous. being impulsive doesn’t mean you can’t be considerate of yourself and others. try to not get lost in the chaos. your luck is found in change.

jupiter in capricorn - rest. I’m not kidding. just stop for a second and take a break. don’t put too much on your plate, priding yourself on how you can manage it all. take it one step at a time. have a plan but include resting and having time for spontaneous things in it. spend time with your family if you’re on good terms with them or with someone who feels like family. keep a practical goal in mind. know when to apply your boundaries and to stop putting your energy into things. practice saying no to things that bother you. warning: it may feel as if everything requires a lot of hard work you. don’t let setbacks get to you, have a little faith that the universe has got your back. your luck is found in balance and taking things one step at a time.

jupiter in aquarius - involve your friends in what you’re doing, be it through sharing about it or doing it together. work on having a detailed vision about what you want. daydreaming about things actually draws in your luck. learn about how what you want is interconnected with other things and pay attention to patterns, this may bring a lot of opportunities your way. take some space when you feel like it. change your usual routine. if you feel the spur to say or do something random, follow it (as long as it’s not harmful ofc). warning: you may be prone to being overly distant from what you’re doing and to not really feel it in your heart when things are working out for you. don’t access your successes only through your mind, but also through the heart. your luck is found into seeing how it all works together.

jupiter in pisces - don’t overthink it. take it slow, rushing yourself leads you nowhere you wanna be. listen to your dreams and intuition. if you’re in tune with your intuition, you will be ready to accept the gifts of the divine timing without despairing or losing patience. meditate consistently - take your time to do it every day, if possible. offer help and ask for help. open yourself to inspiration, seek it out actively. you have to notice what brings the spark. warning: don’t confuse tuning in with the rhythm of the universe and waiting passively for anything to happen. there is a difference and i know you can feel it. when you don’t close yourself to the world, abundance comes. your luck is found in inner peace and acceptance.

♧︎Jupiter Signs♧︎

Aries(1 º, 13 º, 25 º)

❤️‍~zealous ppl

~good at taking the lead role

❤️‍~knows how to get out of comfort zone, and take risks

~”take the risk, or lose the chance”

❤️‍~daring, some may even view you as reckless

~may start something then not finish it, bc they moved onto something else

❤️‍~knows that just sitting and waiting will not get you opportunities, that you have to go out there and get them

~usually has an optimistic pov on things

❤️‍~may make decisions without thinking it through/can be impulsive

~celebrities:rihanna, whitney houston, johnny depp, robin williams

Taurus(2 º, 14 º, 26 º)

~usually kind hearted

~prefers to play things safe

~be careful and don’t over indulge

~can be giving, and charitable

~can be judgemental

~has a realistic pov

~more than likely will have success & luck w/material things and finances/wealth

~may take awhile to kick bad habits, but once you do your luck will increase

~may be a homebody, or like to cook/good at it

~attracts luxurious things easily, i smell fancy vacays & fancy cars lol

~may even brag about the things they have, since they cherish them so much

~celebrities:shakira, sarah jessica parker, pablo picasso, bruce lee

Gemini(3 º, 15 º, 27 º)

~may love to learn and/or teach

~may feed off of knowledge and fun facts

~your pov on life may change. one day you may be optimistic, then the next day you may be like “fuck it”pessimistic lol.

~probably well known among peers

~likes to talk/socialize

~mind is adaptable & diverse/versatile

~may find luck from reading, learning, teaching, and/or writing.

~may also find luck when trying new mentalities and/or perspectives

~watching a comedy show may make you feel better

~have debates every now and then, get your thoughts and opinions out there and you may learn something new in the process :)

~celerities:willow smith, cindy crawford, muhammad ali, stephen hawking

Cancer(4 º, 16 º, 28 º)

~trust dem gut feelings babygAL/bOI/peRSUn, they may get you out of deep shit or lead you to luck

~open your heart, and show your vulnerable side

~spend time w/loved ones & ppl that make you safe and warm

~nurturing others may make you feel good

~make your house comfy & to your liking

~if issues from the past still nag you, talk abt it with someone your comfortable with, gotta heal those wounds

~may find luck through exploring your culture, trusting your gut, and being intune w/your emotions

~usually soft hearted individuals in general

~empath indication, and has a loving vibe in general

~celebrities:taylor swift, halle berry, steve jobs, kurt cobain

Leo(5 º, 17 º, 29 º)

~focusing on self love, and confidence may bring you luck

~read some self love/bad bitchh affirmations

~try many hobbies, don’t just stick to a few

~get in tune with and express your creativity! write a song, paint/draw, write, etc

~just have fun! hangout with friends, do makeup/dress up, flirt w/whoever, etc lol. life is short

~pov is most likely optimistic

~self assured people

~don’t be afraid to take the lead. you’re a natural born leader✨

~surround yourself with ppl that have genuine, positive vibes, ppl that hype you up!

~attracts luck by being your true self, and not putting up a front

~celebrities:aaliyah, elizabeth taylor, jason mamoa, gordon ramsey

Virgo(6 º, 18 º)

~give yourself some credit

~helping others will bring you fortune

~pov is more than likely realistic

~being easy on yourself, and appreciate your positives more than your negatives will bring you luck

~you may be good at giving advice, your advice may even change someones perspective on a lot of things

~has high expectations for others and themselves

~hard working, and likes to problem solve

~”mistakes are little bumps in the road, and won’t stop you from getting to your destination”

~celebrities:kim kardashian, selena gomez, demi lovato, will smith

Libra(7 º, 19 º)

~enjoys the finer things in life. fancy art museums, restaurants, luxurious brands, etc

~may like to travel to places that are popular

~cares about social/human rights

~unbiased, and likes to keep thing peaceful

~pov is most likely realistic

~don’t let anyone walk over you, standing up for yourself will bring you luck

~probably doesn’t believe in leader and followers, just each person doing their part(which honestly everyone should have this mindset lol), but if not may be a follower :/

~may somehow attract good things through relationships(platonic or romantic)

~pragmatic & reasonable

~can also be charismatic & friendly. good with ppl/ppl smart

~celerities:madonna, beyoncé, michael jackson, freddie mercury

Scorpio(8 º, 20 º)

~intuitive, empathetic & magnetic

~thinks deeply, and thoroughly. loves to have convos til 3am(atleast me personally lol)

~likes mysteries, and trying to figure them out

~can most likely sense when they’re being lied to. body language smart & feels vibes

~realistic pov

~sees the light at the end of a dark tunnel

~finds luck when they look deep

~attracts fortune when they’re intense

~gives their all when interest in something, and honestly can obsess over things they find fun(like reading posts on the same thing for hours, etc)

~face your issues head on first, then begin something new

~charming yet private

~celebrities:nicki minaj, britney spears, tupac shakur, elon musk

Sagittarius(9 º, 21 º)

~free spirited

~most likely loves to travel

~may prefer long trips over short ones

~honestly has luck overall lmaoo

~intrigued by many things

~probably interested in the world, other countries and cultures


~may find/attract luck when traveling, learning, and/or teaching. through curiosity

~pov is most likely optimistic, and always thinks there’s a positive to everything

~thirsty for wisdom

~looks at the bigger picture

~debating may make you feel better

~celebrities:cameron diaz, kendall jenner, ben affleck, snop dogg

Capricorn(10 º, 22 º)

~works their asses off/vv hard working

~believes you have to earn your way through life

~pov is usually pessimistic, but can grow into realistic

~determined, and persistent

~cut yourself some slack, and appreciate yourself every now and then

~dedicated to goals, and goals are usually long term

~attracts luck by taking it easy and slow. don’t rush, and stress yourself out. take a day off if you feel overwhelmed

~plans ahead, probably has their whole future planned out, and may even be good with money? lol

~reliable and powerful work ethic

~celebrities:scarlett johansson, zendaya, tom holland, the rock

Aquarius(11 º, 23 º)

~socializing will make you feel better, online and/or irl

~appreciate and acknowledge your eccentric side

~tech savvy, and should try to take an electronic program atleast once

~express your thoughts and ideas, even if they seem wacky

~usually cares for social rights, go protest sometime(safely ofc)

~do things with your friends more often, instead of by yourself. they care abt you :)

~pov may be pessimistic or realistic

~being spontaneous, and not following a routine may bring you fortune and luck

~originality comes easy to these individuals, just don’t overthink

~donate or help out your community will give you good karma

~celerities:marilyn monroe, princess diana, barack obama, george clooney

Pisces(12 º, 24 º)

~may attract luck from daydreaming, and getting lost in thought

~follow your intuition

~most likely an empath, if not then definitely should try to become one. you may also attract fortune this way

~express yourself. read a poem, dance, sing, skate, cry, write, do something creative every now and then

~sensitive, and may absorb others energy

~good at listening, and being a therapist lol

~may be want to do something that “heals” ppl. give advice, help someone that like fell & cracked their neck, etc lol

~utopian, and helpful

~may have dreams that predict

~pov may be optimistic

~thinking for too much will not bring any luck. chill, and let time do its thing

~celebrities:lady gaga, megan fox, billie holiday, bradley cooper

There’s so much going on with our little Capricorn Crew. Buckle in. Let’s do it.

First: It’s good to keep an eye on the lunar cycle and be aware of major historical transits. That being said, transits should not run your life. Thecelestials are not responsible for your choices, that’s all you, bitch. All transits do is let us know where we’re at within larger cycles and point us towards opportunities.

Alright, let’s get into it: We had a pretty remarkable Saturn/Pluto conjunction (happens once every ~500 years) back in January, and now Jupiter is getting in on the action. Currently, all three of these far out fiends are posted up in the later Capricorn degrees. At its core, Capricorn is the sign of connection. Healthy Capricorn elements unite, inspire, and empower us to take collective action andcreate ridiculously functional and stable relationships and groups. Unhealthy Capricorn elements come into play as dangerous power dynamics, coercion, secrecy, and oppression. Jupiter + Saturn + Pluto = maturation, cooperation, restructuring personal relationships/ social systems/ institutions, total collective transformation.

Having this much power concentrated in Capricorn pushes people to seek out Cancer elements to counterbalance - personal identity becomes especially important in the face of all this suddenly revealed collective control and conditioning. Keyword: revealed - this shit is not even close to being new, it’s just now becoming unavoidable and indisputable. You thought you were immune to the influence of this fucking insane “imperialist, capitalist, hetero-normative, white-supremacist, patriarchal system” (once more, bell hooks, for the people in the back) we’re all living in? Aw, you sweet baby. No.

Shit that used to be visible only to the people directly experiencing it is getting widespread exposure. Why? Because, again, Capricorn is the sign of connection. Capricorn teaches us that we’re all part of it.We exist in a system - affect any piece, affect every piece. Nothing is isolated, and if you can convince yourself that it is isolated and it doesn’t involve you, you’re not only kidding yourself, you’re actively damaging yourself and endangering every single fucking person you come into contact with. Please, put your emotional masks on, you damn babies.

Capricorn is no basic bitch - this hoe shows up with ten thousand mirrors for you to take a long hard stare at your actions with, a fuck ton of red hot flaming truth, and absolutely zero mercy (save that shit for Pisces). During these Cap transits we’re all being forced to evaluate the realityof our public systems and our personal relationships - is this shit working? Is this shit sustainable? What is my individual role in all this? Can we function as a unit? How connected are these seemingly disconnected things?

Capricorn puts us all through thetests of time and intensity-how does your shit hold up?

The current Capricorn influence isn’t only visible in the shit that’s coming to light, it’s visible in our reactions to it. We’re meant to be looking at this shit, seeing how it all fits together, and acknowledging our role in it - the more we segment ourselves, refuse diversity, and refuse reality, the worse off we’re gonna be as shit gets more and more real. Capricorn puts us through it in order to help us discern between what’s real and what’s not real, between what encourages positive connection and relationships, and what leads to segmentation and disintegration. Capricorn asks you: How real is your shit? How real are your relationships? What’s gonna sustainand what needs to change?

When you understand Capricorn this way, it’s easy to see why people are identifying with extreme narratives - from the intense Spirituality re-boot, to the drastic conspiracy theories, to fundamentalist traditional values, to the self-help and self-improvement market, and beyond. These rigid belief systems (bad Capricorn!), no matter how beneficent seeming, offer people an out from actually having to deal with themselves and do the day-to-day, emotionally nuanced and difficult work (Cancer, is that you?) it takes to work through these challenging questions we’re all being forced to face.

The hardest Capricorn reality to come to terms with is realizing that there is no rigid “right way” to live, there is no blanket of conduct that’ll neatly wrap all your uncomfortable shit - shit is contextual, reality is complex and relationships are challenging - it takes honesty,flexibility, a little bit of humorand a genuine interest in others to create truly functional, real relationships and systems. This is why responsibility,commitmentandloveare Capricorn words: it takes serious work, attention and effort to change ourselves and the world.

As these three significant planets finish their rounds in Capricorn and move into Aquarius, we’re going to continue to come up against challenges to our identities. Why? Because once we hit Aquarius, shit speeds up. If your shit is too weak to withhold the intensity of Capricorn, you do not stand a chance in Aquarius. So Capricorn is out at the Celestial Community Center offering mandatory emotional conditioning classes every Wed and Fri so you can get yourself into Aquarius shape. All these Capricorn changes - all these uncomfortable truths coming to light in our personal and public lives - these are our opportunities to see our shit for what is really is and get our fucking shit together before we really fall the fuck apart. 

Things are not going to return to normal, these systems are going to change, and our lives and understandings are going to change too. Is it scary? Yes. Are there so many unknowns floating around that we feel like we barely know our own names? Yes. But we fucking need a change, and we need it now, on the largest scale possible. This Cult of Capricorn - especially the Pluto/Saturn conjunction - is giving us an opportunity to actually make systemic changes. The amount we choose to take advantage of that is up to us. It’s important to remember that as hopeless as things may feel, we are not doomed and we are not headed for destruction, we always have a choice

Capricorn energy does feel heavy(because it’s fucking Earth), and so it’s easy to play out Capricorn as oppressive and deterministic - it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re down to look in that Cappy mirror and view these systems, your life, and yourself honestly, that Capricorn Heaviness™️ becomes the structuring forcethat supports real, healthy connections to yourself and others; it becomes the rock-solid foundation for new institutions and systems that actually empowerandencourageus, instead of manipulate and oppress us. Gravity holds shit together, we need a little weight. 

We can’t downplay this time in history - it’s critical. We have a once in a many lifetimes opportunity to deal with our collective past, restructure our shit, and redefine ourselves. It starts with acknowledging the systems that are conditioning us, but it ends with recognizing our own roles in these systems in a real, down-to-Earth way, and being willing to change. Take advantage of that fucking mirror and look at your own fucking life, your own relationships, your own self. Capricorn tells us: own your choices, hoe, and see them for what they are: choices. You can always, always make a different one. 

Peace, bitches, reality awaits.

