#just felt like sharing that from my brain


Holy heck I can’t help but imagine the school talent shows the Cullens have done over the years, and them having to do the craziest things possible while still appearing human

Alice has juggled 15 apples at once, held Emmett over her head, ate fire, made a dress in under a minute, and one year did a one woman production of Annie - start to finish

Rosalie has planked with Emmett on her back, deadlifted more than triple her weight, and has been roped into performances via both Alice’s ballet AND musical phase

Jasper does whip tricks, and he plays the banjo. hes never been super duper into school events, but he’ll do anything Alice asks him to , and he loves showing off to her

Emmett has done anything and everything you could possibly imagine one could in a talent show. He loves to dance, and sing, and break things, and tell bad jokes - this man has done it ALL! His favourite performance would be “the stage fire of 76’ “ from when his puppet show went horribly wrong

Eddie has only ever played the piano, cuz he’s a lil punk

And you can bet your butt he most certainly has played Backstreet boys- at Emmett’s request

And obvi this goes without saying- esme is THERE for every single performance! And she cheers and whistles and gives a standing ovation every single time !!

(Carlisle of course will always go when he can, but also he’s a busy man, cut him a break )
