#twilight au


In a world where Renee Swan left her daughter Bella with Charlie when she left, Bella got to visit the nursing home every day with her dad, and in the evenings he made steak and potatoes until Harry Clearwater begged him to feed his child a vegetable. In a world where Bella was raised by Charlie, she maybe cooked or cleaned a bit more than the average kid, because her dad was so busy, but she wasn’t worried about paying the bills or reminding her dad when she had to go to the doctor. Bella got to be a kid, and she got to have a relationship with her grandparents before they died when she was in kindergarten. On those summers where she visited Renee, she saw how hectic her mother’s life was, although fun, and was relieved for the stability and boring nature of Forks.

In this world, she grew up playing with Leah, Seth, and Jacob and his sisters. She went fishing and spent weekends at the beach and got to scrape her knees hiking on a monthly basis. She went to school with all the kids from Forks and the Newton kid got over his crush on her in like a week, cause she wasn’t all that interesting since she played pirates with him in second grade. Bella’s best friend was Angela but Jessica was a close second, although the two of them had a more on again off again type of relationship. She and Eric game together, because once he and Mike had a fight and he had nobody to hang out with him for a month. Lauren is a frenemy that Bella loves to hate.

She is a klutz, but Charlie watches her like a hawk and usually catches her before too bad of a fall. Her grades are killer and when she’s thirteen Charlie takes Bella and the girls to Seattle for a painful day of shopping. (Bella didn’t want to either, but she wanted the right of passage and wanted to make her friends smile). Bella and Jacob become the best of friends after a particularly bitey spring and their dads are always off fishing together. (Leah, Rachel, and Rebecca are too cool for a while and Seth is too much of a puppy dog). Maybe they think about dating and maybe they don’t, maybe they’re best friends and don’t care. Well adjusted, happy, perhaps a bit prone to melancholy, depression, and insecurity, Bella is in a much healthier place when the Cullens arrive in early high school.

She doesn’t even get a chance to meet them.

Edward reported to Carlisle with some urgency after their first day in Forks that Chief Swan’s daughter may be his singer. There is no suggestion that he just kill her or test his resolve. Bella Swan is too beloved, too known, too surrounded and ensconced in the community. If she died or went missing, there would be no forgetting this girl. She had been here since birth. It didn’t matter that she has a quiet mind, Edward realized shortly after that Charlie’s mind is murky and hard to read as well, shrugs his shoulders because there’s something off with the Swans. But his possible singer? A slip up would destroy the town and likely expose his family.

The Cullens leave in the night. The locals blandly gossip that a better hospital in Alaska offered double for Doctor Cullen’s services. Life goes on, and Bella believes that the supernatural is just a myth or legend, like she hears about at the bonfires with Jacob and her dad. She decides she’s going to make Charlie eat more greens.

Why don’t we talk about Bella wanting to run Edward over more often ?

So I’m rereading / annotating the first book (sshhhhh please don’t bully me) and omg Bella is so OVER Eddie’s shenanigans it’s hilarious- she’s full on wanting to run his Volvo over

I think Edward “I won’t laugh I promise” Cullen should be GLAD he can’t read her mind

Apparently recreating Up with Bella ISNT a suitable sleepover activity

Emmett disagrees

Rosalie checks with Alice beforehand- cuz she isn’t TOTALLY insane - but she will never admit to anyone that she didn’t want Bella to fly away

Carlisle no longer lets Emmett near balloons

Edward and Esme will throw each other at Bella in hopes of catching her

I’d also like to imagine that Alice is in the trees - pushing Bella in certain directions, to ensure she doesn’t fly out onto the road or anything

And Jasper is perched in his own tree- with a basket of darts. Every so often there would be a pop, and Bella would be slightly lower than she was before

Okie weird twilight headcannon - the Hale twins are country music fans

Jasper got Rosie into it (ofc), and I think she only pretended to care at first, cuz she just wants to hang with her brother, but over time she really got into it. I will die on the “Cullen family band” hill - you KNOW they have jam sessions - but I think sometimes these two like quiet moments by themselves, each plucking away at a sad country tune.

And they do it in fun graphic tees and sweatpants cuz goddamn let these kids be casual and comfy sometimes please and thank you

Holy heck I can’t help but imagine the school talent shows the Cullens have done over the years, and them having to do the craziest things possible while still appearing human

Alice has juggled 15 apples at once, held Emmett over her head, ate fire, made a dress in under a minute, and one year did a one woman production of Annie - start to finish

Rosalie has planked with Emmett on her back, deadlifted more than triple her weight, and has been roped into performances via both Alice’s ballet AND musical phase

Jasper does whip tricks, and he plays the banjo. hes never been super duper into school events, but he’ll do anything Alice asks him to , and he loves showing off to her

Emmett has done anything and everything you could possibly imagine one could in a talent show. He loves to dance, and sing, and break things, and tell bad jokes - this man has done it ALL! His favourite performance would be “the stage fire of 76’ “ from when his puppet show went horribly wrong

Eddie has only ever played the piano, cuz he’s a lil punk

And you can bet your butt he most certainly has played Backstreet boys- at Emmett’s request

And obvi this goes without saying- esme is THERE for every single performance! And she cheers and whistles and gives a standing ovation every single time !!

(Carlisle of course will always go when he can, but also he’s a busy man, cut him a break )

Cloudy day at la push

I just want everyone to get along and have supernatural small town fun

I’d like to think that the vampires and werewolves have competitions - like who can throw their family members furthest into the water



I can’t help but think about the Cullens being amazing ice skaters

I think Rosie and Emmett would love to just skate round and round, with the occasional twirl and trick. I think it would be an activity that really shows how graceful Emmett is capable of being. It’s just very sweet and gentle to think about

Oooh part two baby ‍♀️✨

Jazz and Alice are perfect and in sync - doin the craziest tricks you’ve ever seen in your gosh dang life. We saw them dancing!! We know what they’re capable of ! The image of these two being so graceful on the ice is really cute to me

Teehee it’s part 3 ✨✨✨✨‍♀️‍♀️

These two are total saps and now I will not take no for an answer

They just wanna have an excuse to hold hands - not that they need one

And also I think that they wouldn’t let Eddie skate alone, and they’d each hold one of his hands cuz they love him

Heyo so I just like the idea of soft twilight

So I drew some ‍♀️‍♀️✨✨

Poor Bella has all these crazy adventures and all she wants is to hold her ice pack boyfriend Jesus Christ give this gal a break

She had to look after dumb Renee her whole life, now she gotta look after her emo vampire omg

All this drama and life and death garbage is dumb - twilight had the opportunity to be the silly soft vampire story I’ve always wanted - but noooo

All I wanted was for her to have teenage drama with her vampire boyfriend, and his incredibly hot family who all share one brain cell

STORY INTRODUCTION:ANCIENT HISTORY book one of the petals for armor series

❝Catherine Cullen had been alive for a very long time, roughly three centuries is the most accurate date she could give you, so she had been through a lot, and she had seen a lot. But, not much could compare to the likes of Bella Swan. Catherine had saved Bella from death at the ripe age of five and Catherine had stuck by her side ever since. Using her vampiric ability, she slips her way into Bella’s life as her older sister, Eleonora Swan, she fills the role quite well with the only one able to see through her illusion being Bella, herself. Luckily, Bella was good at keeping secrets and was more than happy to let her ‘guardian angel’ watch over her.

Things go quite well until Bella decides to move in with her dad and Catherine has no choice but to follow because who knows what kind of trouble Bella Swan would run into by herself. And really, Catherine doesn’t think her time at Forks will be horrid because it’s Forks. But, she’s completely mistaken for it appears that Forks, as dreary and small as it is, somehow has a way of resurfacing one’s ancient history.❞


  • ( ancient history is coming soon but there are still one-shots of catherine’s backstory you can read by clicking the link above! )

( message me if you want to be added to the tag list ) tag list: @fyeahtwilightocs@stefelias@lost-in-the-shelves@farfallasunicas@claryxjackson@ocappreciationtag@toalltheocsivelovedbefore@ocfairygodmother

CHAPTER UPDATE: ancient history ( jasper hale x oc )


❝Catherine Cullen had been alive for a very long time, roughly three centuries is the most accurate date she could give you, so she had been through a lot, and she had seen a lot. But, not much could compare to the likes of Bella Swan. Catherine had saved Bella from death at the ripe age of five and Catherine had stuck by her side ever since. Using her vampiric ability, she slips her way into Bella’s life as her older sister, Eleonora Swan, she fills the role quite well with the only one able to see through her illusion being Bella, herself. Luckily, Bella was good at keeping secrets and was more than happy to let her ‘guardian angel’ watch over her.

Things go quite well until Bella decides to move in with her dad and Catherine has no choice but to follow because who knows what kind of trouble Bella Swan would run into by herself. And really, Catherine doesn’t think her time at Forks will be horrid because it’s Forks. But, she’s completely mistaken for it appears that Forks, as dreary and small as it is, somehow has a way of resurfacing one’s ancient history.❞


AO3( coming soon ) | FF.NET ( coming soon ) | WATTPAD (here) | QUOTEV (here)

(message me if you want to be added ) tag list:@fyeahtwilightocs@claryxjackson@stefelias@farfallasunicas@lost-in-the-shelves@toalltheocsivelovedbefore@ocappreciation

Twilight AU:

Imagine Renesme starting school at Forks High School. Bella drives her in Edward’s Volvo and Alice picked out the cutest (and most expensive) outfit for Nes to wear. Esme packs her lunch and Emmett and Jasper give her the talk about standing up to the mean kids and to punch anyone who gets in her way. Carlisle takes the first day of high school photo and the pack wish her luck. Jacob and Bella walk up to the doors of the school and try to ease Renesmes nerves. “It’s going to be alright, Nes. I’ll pick you up after school and we can go play soccer with Sam and Emily.” Renesme smiled and looked over at her mother who was talking to, by the looks of it, the coach. “Mike? Mike Newton? You work here?!” “Whadup Arizona!!”

Alice: why did you think this was a good idea?

Emmett with chopsticks in his ears and nostrils: honestly Alice stop judging me and help me get these out

In this Twilight AU:

  • Alice does not approve!
  • Rose is tired of having to carry dozens of eggs to the house cuz you know she supports her !
  • Bella laughs at the whole thing and then joins him.
  • Edward left the house cuz he can’t stand the smell.
  • Esme is the most supportive and will buy every piece he makes.
  • Carlisle is proud that Emmett is doing something.
  • Jasper does not exist.

