#twilight memes



If the people of Forks made memes:

Edit: yes there is a typo here, pls stop mentioning it

This took so fucking long to make, but please do enjoy

Actual conversation I had today:

Person: hes physically 17 but mentally hes over 100 so that makes him a pedophile. Are you into age play?


Some random person: *comes to room of the door* hi so I’ve been outside this whole time. What the fUCK

If I ever become a pro figure skater catch me skating to Bella’s Lullaby.

I present to you… Men

Coming out of retirement to share what my school put up today

Coming out of retirement to share what my school put up today

This had no right showing up at my house with no warning

Edward Cullen once said, “You better hold on tight spider monkey,”

And I live by that

Now I know my teacher doesn’t expect me to reply to an article discussing Forks, Washington WITHOUT BRINGING UP TWILIGHT. Ma’am this is an envisioning nature class PLEASE.


how the story of resususus would go, according to the holy alignment


inspired by @leechonspeeddial​‘spost

The nightmares triggered by chaotic evil are inescapable

Okay but hear me out:

Bella was way too into the whole vampire thing and never really thought immortality over.

Like sure, you wanna stay young with your vampire bf and demon baby forever? Cute like me too but what are you going to do when the sun eventually dies out? Say you somehow survive that, what will you do when the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies collide? By then no life can sustain on earth and y’all won’t have food. Who knows, maybe the earth will just explode and you’ll be chilling in space with the vampire squad.

In conclusion, SMeyer really didn’t think shit through like someone with anxiety and it SHOWS.

Sorry for being gone was too busy thinking about how twilight revealed more about sex to me than my school.

Don’t know how to feel about being known on here and TikTok for replacing those family portraits but this is my legacy and I accept it.

My finger must have slipped when I bought this

((If you also want to purchase one here’s a link: https://www.honeypotandhive.com/product/tracksuit-rob-scrunchie))

Edward really be like “I’m a monster. I will never know happiness as long as I’m the way I am. I’m nothing but a cursed being.”

Like bitch me too you ain’t special smh.
