#just weeb things


Shamelessly plug another blog of mine? That right, I, buttcheeks, have created another blog, less cancerous I think. It’s a more personal blog where I talk about music, memes that are maybe not cringe, and maybe about some anime instead of just saying it’s shit or dickriding it. Also, I started drawing and maybe I’ll post some stuff there. Feel free to visit it sometime and leave any suggestions on what you want to see me react to, whether it be music, anime or some other stuff.
Here’s the thing: @myopinionsboi
P.S. I’ll try to keep this blog alive tho.

Hey so me and the other co-admin basically dropped anime for a good portion of the year. We stopped watch anime around the end of the spring season so if any of you guys could recommend us shows we missed, we’d appreciate it. 

So as you know, Re:Zero ended a few weeks ago. We didn’t enjoy it as much as others did so perhaps we could do a review on it if you guys seem interested. We’re planning on making a comeback full force and it’s super nice seeing the lovely comments/messages. Some of us don’t have as much time as we used to, but we love tumblr and all you guys. Thanks for sticking with us and all messages are appreciated/read! Much love our cancerous children!

Are we making a comeback with a stale meme? Maybe…..

Are we making a comeback with a stale meme? Maybe…..

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